I use Yiyou to attack NPCs in the infinite world

Chapter 179 Ask the Angels to Give Us Winter Food

Chapter 179 Ask the Angels to Give Us Winter Food

The sorceress lowered her eyelids, her yellowish eyes rolled, she glanced at her face full of excitement at the moment, excitedly looked at Wan'an, and the villagers who had clearly recognized her status as a divine envoy frowned.

Proudly raising her head, the sorceress thought that the villagers hadn't got their winter rations this year, so she nodded with a sneer: "You invited the mountain god to appear, and you can't fake your identity as an envoy."

Wan An noticed the ambiguous smile on the sorceress's face, and narrowed her eyes slightly, probably knowing that she wanted to make trouble.

Sure enough, in the next second, the sorceress' face turned serious: "Here, I would like to ask the envoy, when will we distribute winter food to our mountain village?"

After asking this question, the sorceress felt refreshed.

She wasn't even angry at being robbed of her status as a God Servant by Wan'an.

Something went wrong with the boss in the outside world. The girl dedicated to the mountain god in the mountain village did not receive it until a later date. Naturally, the food given to the mountain village every year would not be given in advance.

The sorceress was worrying about finding a reason to postpone the distribution of winter grains. Who knew that a person who claimed to be a mountain god suddenly jumped out and helped her solve this problem.

Speaking of this, the sorceress put on a haughty posture, squinting at Wan'an: "My lord envoy will take over the Kaoshan Village on the first day, and I don't think it will make everyone hungry."

"This god envoy has used these hundred years of cultivation to swear an oath in front of the mountain god. Naturally, he will not violate the oath. He will definitely lead everyone in the mountain village to a happy life."

Wan'an's gaze shifted, and she landed on the sorceress, sneering: "This divine envoy has taken over Guashan Village and is willing to be responsible for Guashan Village, but it doesn't mean that this envoy is a fool."

Pointing to the outermost seven new coffins of the Mountain God Temple, Wan An asked in a cold voice: "It's a witch, I need to give an explanation to the God Envoy. Where did the food supplies that the Lord Mountain God gave you go?"

"What food supply?" The sorceress was a little confused, seeing the smile on Wan An's face, she had an ominous premonition in her heart.

"The mountain god's decree, this year the winter grain mountain god will give some new food to the village, so the mountain god's wife can be carried back to the village first, and the winter grain is subject to the new order of the mountain god."

Wan'an smiled, and suddenly looked at Village Chief Liu: "Village Chief Liu, what I said was the same as the sorceress who hurried out of customs and came to your house?"

Village head Liu raised his head and looked at Wan An's smiling eyes, and his back immediately felt a chill.

This was the conversation that the sorceress came to his house to talk to him at noon yesterday. The time interval was so short, of course he still remembered it.

But he couldn't understand why Wan'an would know about his conversation with the witch?

Wasn't she staying at Mu's house at that time?
Despite the many doubts in his heart, Village Chief Liu nodded after thinking about it, seeking truth from facts: "Yesterday at noon, the sorceress came to my house to find me and told me that the mountain god has a new order to ask everyone to carry the mountain god lady back to the village. There are still new good things, so the winter food will be delayed for a few days, and the distribution will be based on the new order of the mountain god and the day when the mountain god's wife is carried up to the mountain temple again."

After finishing speaking, Village Chief Liu received a knife-like gaze from the sorceress.

He swallowed, thinking that Wan'an even knew the conversation between him and the witch about the mountain god, so he must know that it was he who first exposed her identity to the witch.

After thinking about it, Village Chief Liu added another sentence: "I just finished talking about the winter food with the sorceress, and the sorceress knew that there was an envoy from the mountain village we rely on, so she went to the Mu's house to find the envoy, and what happened later, everyone I also know."

"Yes... I had these conversations with Village Chief Liu yesterday." The sorceress looked at Village Chief Liu unkindly.

The old man's mouth almost shook her out.

Thinking that the village chief still has a lot of power to speak in Guashan Village, and what he said was true, the sorceress admitted it impatiently.

Then, the old eyes glared at Wan'an: "But in these words, there is no such thing as the food you mentioned."

(End of this chapter)

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