I use Yiyou to attack NPCs in the infinite world

Chapter 185 Peach Blossom Spring System

Chapter 185 Peach Blossom Spring System
Wan An glanced at the [-]% discount on the interface of the special effect of drawing the Dragon God, which is permanent, and his smile deepened, and he said indifferently: "Oh, it is permanent, so wait a few days before drawing."

[Xiao Yi, dear and honorable player, remember to draw in a few days]

Wan An was very sure that she heard it right, but she actually heard the electronic sound that turned into a clip.

Obviously, her system is not active like a string of data at all.

Deciding to continue testing the Yiyou system when he has time in the future, Wan'an turned his attention back to reality.

She was Wang Hongzhuang who returned while talking with the Yiyou system.

Wang Hongzhuang heard that the Wan'an system can also buy special effects for Xin, thinking of his shovel, he couldn't help but ask about his system.

"Brother, I see that other players can buy special effects for the letter, can I buy special effects for my big hoe and scythe?"

The Taohuayuanji system is silent for half a second, and the electronic voice is serious: [OK]

As soon as the answer is finished, the special effects of various agricultural tools will be directly pushed to Wang Hongzhuang. The price is medium and will not exceed Wang Hongzhuang's budget. It will be placed in the most conspicuous position at the top.

Sure enough, Wang Hongzhuang didn't even look for it, so he bought the special effects of Taohuayuanji in order of the top ones.

Tale of Peach Blossom Spring: [A total of 1999 Nebula Coins were spent for the special effects of farm tools]

In the standby state, there are Nebula coins in the account, and the Taohuayuanji system is very satisfied.

Wang Hongzhuang, the gold master, looked at the cool and shiny farm tools, and couldn't help grinning with joy.

There is only Yiyou system. Seeing that Wan'an has arrived at the door of Liucun Chang's house, I can't help but remind again: [Xiaoyi, dear and distinguished player, Xiaoyi has made an appointment for you in advance for the Dragon God special effect lucky draw three days later, and you must remember it when the time comes. Come, Xiao Yi will also remind you]

"Okay, okay." Wan'an automatically replied, but his attention was on Village Chief Liu who was in the yard.

Village head Liu panicked when he saw Wan An, but he felt relieved when he thought that Wan An was against the witch, obviously not the group behind the witch.

He greeted him with a smile, and opened the courtyard door: "My lord envoy, why are you here? Is there anything else you want to announce?"

"There are some." Wan An nodded.

She came to Village Chief Liu because she guessed from the various reactions of Village Chief Liu that he should know something about the things behind the mountain temple.

But the current situation is not the time to ask, so she first picked the planning of the mountain village.

"Mr. Liu, you have also seen that everyone in Kaoshan Village lives in wooden houses, which are directly tied side by side with fine wood. There are gaps between each wood. In summer, we have to worry about insects and snakes getting in, and in winter, we worry about cold wind and snow. Such a house is not suitable for the villagers to live in, except that it can provide shelter from the rain.”

"What does the envoy mean?" Village head Liu thought that Wan'an had conjured food out of thin air, and she would take the villagers to collect new food today. In her oath, she also mentioned that she would keep the villagers warm. Now she says Are you talking about building a new house?

"New house." Wan'an replied.

When Village Chief Liu heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised, but thinking that everyone in Kaoshan Village can only build wooden houses, he couldn't help but look bitter: "Everyone in the village can only build this kind of wooden houses."

No matter how good the house is, they can't build it, and they don't have good tools.

"I will teach you the methods and techniques here. I tell the village chief here, and I also want to get your support." Wan'an replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Village Chief Liu was a little surprised.

Today's various performances in Wan'an fighting have won the trust of the villagers in Kaoshan Village.

The villagers of Kaoshan Village believe in the mountain god, and they will naturally believe in the envoys of the mountain gods and listen to the words of the envoys.

What's more, what the envoys have to do is also for the benefit of the backer village and the villagers.

Village head Liu knew that if Wan'an wanted to do something, the villagers would agree, so there was no need for Wan'an to ask him to discuss with him.

"Everyone in Guashan Village believes in you, Lord Envoy. As long as the things you do are for the sake of the village, the villagers will cooperate." Village Chief Liu smiled: "Master Shenshi can directly order the villagers without talking to me. This old man discusses."

(End of this chapter)

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