I use Yiyou to attack NPCs in the infinite world

Chapter 187 Telling the Secret of Backer Village

Chapter 187 Telling the Secret of Backer Village
In the panic, there is also a desperate determination.

Even though he was afraid, he still chose to ask the question of the mountain god lady, which has always been about the harmony between the mountain village and the mountain temple, and about the survival and food of every villager in the mountain village.

At this moment, because of Village Chief Liu's questioning, Wan An understood that Village Chief Liu really knew about the fake mountain god in the mountain village.

She raised the corners of her mouth and said, "Master Mountain God's new decree has mentioned that in the future, there will be no need for the mountain village to carry the mountain god's lady to the mountain temple, and this year's mountain god lady will also be cancelled. We will teach you new food for free and stock up for the winter." food."

Village head Liu stared at Wan An with wide eyes.

Hearing that starting from this year, the lady of the mountain god will not appear again in the future, he felt a little relieved.

Unlike the villagers, he had seen the group of people behind the mountain temple kill people.

Last year, more than a dozen members of the Mu family died tragically, not from starvation or freezing to death.

The reason is that after Mu Qing was chosen by the sorceress to be the lady of the mountain god, Mu Qing refused to be the lady of the mountain god.

Mu Qing's family also offended the witch and the mountain god.

Last year, when the mountain god distributed winter grain, he skipped Mu Qing's house.

Village head Liu still clearly remembers that snowy night, he planned to secretly rescue Mu's house with food, and when he walked near Mu's house, he saw a group of men in black barging in, the same as the one he saw talking to the witch when he was young. Same as the men in black.

They left the Mu family in the snow to suffocate to death, and then dragged them back to the wooden house pretending that because the Mu family had offended the mountain god, they had no winter food, so they couldn't bear it and died that winter.

At first, Village Chief Liu squatted in the snow until his feet were numb, and he dared to go to the wooden house to check on the situation of the Mu family at dawn.

Since he took over the backing village, he has encountered the truth of the mountain god of the backing village twice.

The first time was when I was young, the day when I first became the village head, and it was also the day when the mountain god gave winter grain every year.

He clearly heard the conversation between the sorceress and the group of people, and he knew that the mountain god was fake, and the girl carried to the mountain temple would be taken elsewhere, and he also saw those people beating and killing the girl who woke up from the coffin and tried to escape.

The second time was last year when the group of men in black broke into the village and killed Mu Qing's family.

So now hearing Wan'an's assurance that there will be no more mountain god ladies in the future, Village Chief Liu couldn't help but get wet.

He held back his emotions and nodded: "Okay, then listen to the envoy of God."

Village head Liu knew himself since he was a child, and he has always been a timid person.

Because of his timidity, he was selected by the sorcerer as the new village head.

Also because of his timidity, knowing the truth for many years, he dared not tell the villagers and chose to conceal it.

But at this moment, seeing Wan An, her performance against the sorceress and the food she brought out, Village Chief Liu felt that this time he might be bolder and take a gamble.

He also didn't want the villagers to be kept in the dark when he was buried in the ground.

Thinking about it, Village Chief Liu raised his eyes and walked to the front, ready to follow the back of Wan'an who was assembled by the mountain team.

If Wan'an is different from the group of sorceresses, it is really for the good of the backing village.He thought that he would finally tell her the secret about the mountain village.
In the forest near Kaoshan Village, the villagers have already scoured out all food.

The place further away belongs to the deeper part of the forest, and the villagers dare not go further.

This time, with Wan'an's gathering, there are more people, and Wan'an, who is an envoy of God, is following. The villagers are also at ease, and are no longer afraid of encountering some wild beasts in the deep mountains.

And because of the participation of Wang Hongzhuang and Wen Sinian, the villagers were taught to recognize many food and medicinal materials that used to be weeds.

Ai Aijiang followed the villagers, and saw that Wang Hongzhuang raised his finger to a piece of land, and the villagers could dig out food, and his eyes sank.

She withdrew from the crowd, walked up to Caleb who was waving a stick boredly, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Caleb, have you found anything here?"

Caleb frowned: "The villagers ignored me, but those two people from country Z have integrated into the village, but obviously they won't tell us what they found."

"Why don't we go see the sorceress?" Thinking of the stone chamber found in the mountain temple last night, Ai Aijiang lowered her head, looked up, and said with a sinister smile.

"Since today's fight, the envoy has taken over the backing village, and the sorceress has no right to speak. What's the use of finding her? I think it's more convenient to tie up this envoy." Caleb suggested.

Seeing the miracles drawn by Wan'an today is really cool, even in reality, human beings need special effects to do it.

 Preview of the next instance: Fairy Tale Town

(End of this chapter)

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