I use Yiyou to attack NPCs in the infinite world

Chapter 190 Planning of the Mountain Village

Chapter 190 Planning of the Mountain Village
"Impossible, no player can pretend to be an NPC." Caleb didn't believe it.

"If he is a player, why can he know so many npcs? The performance of these npcs is also very familiar with her."

Caleb analyzed his point of view: "Compared to the player, I think she is the person in the game copy, just standing on the opposite side of the witch."

Ai Aijiang originally doubted Wan'an's identity, but now that she heard what Caleb said, she also felt that it made sense.

"There must be someone hiding behind the sorceress, and this envoy may be sent by the group of people hiding behind the sorceress." Ai Aijiang also analyzed.

The two of them walked into the village while talking.

At this time, Wan'an and the others also returned to the village after gathering the ingredients. Ai Aijiang and Caleb rushed over, just in time to see their results.

Wild sweet potato and wild vegetables are the most eaten, and tough stones and wood are collected to make farm tools.

With Wang Hongzhuang's Peach Blossom Spring game system, no matter how poorly the stone tools are made, they are still sharper and stronger than those made by the villagers themselves.

There are hundreds of people in the mountain village, and Wan'an has already divided them into groups when they were collecting ingredients in the mountain forest today.

The food-gathering team, the tree-cutting team, the rock-digging team, and those who are talented in medicine and willing to learn to dig medicinal materials with Wen Sinian.

This is just the villagers sent out, and those who stay in the village, regardless of the elderly or children, will join in the labor within their ability.

Build mud kilns for burning charcoal and pottery, a team for sorting wood and stones, and a team for building earth-stone houses.

Taohuayuanji not only has planting, but also infrastructure.

Wang Hongzhuang was very satisfied when he saw that no one was free and all the villagers in Kaoshan Village were busy.

The work of the villagers will also give him extra experience.

He has had this system for so long, and has participated in several game dungeons. This is the first time he has gained experience so easily.

Because each household of the villagers has different food stores, the food materials collected today will be enough, and all the people in the mountain village will gather together to eat a big pot of rice.

The remaining ingredients are stored in a new warehouse.

As the sun was about to set, the villagers also began to make food.

Wan'an is inspecting the newly made bamboo bow, wandering around in the forest today, she also found many small animals, and plans to add another hunt tomorrow.

Seeing that Zhu Gong was serious, he heard a slight sound coming from the grass next to him.

Wan'an got up and walked towards the grass, and sure enough, he saw Xie Juichao's figure.

Xie Juichao told Wan An what the tree heard at the gate of the witch's house today, and Wan'an was surprised: "The witch's house still has a tunnel."

Could it be that this sorceress was a hole-puncher in her previous life.

First build a stone room behind the statue of the mountain temple, and there is also a tunnel underground in your own home.

It was Ai Aijiang who said that the sorceress's house is authentic.

Wan'an originally wondered how Ai Aijiang would know about authenticity, but thinking that Ai Aijiang's game system is hide-and-seek, she had guesses in her mind.

Hide and seek hide and seek, isn't it all kinds of hiding.

If Ai Aijiang uses the game system, it is not impossible to find out that the witch's house has a tunnel.

After all, the particularity of her game system is there.

For several days in a row, the Kaoshan Village was also being built in an orderly manner under the arrangement of Wan'an.

Not only did they collect a lot of ingredients, they also encircled dozens of rabbit nests, caught pheasants, and netted many river fish to make dried fish.

Even the houses in the village have added a few earth-stone houses with newly fired charcoal inside. The old people and children live in them, and they are instantly warmer.

At night, the old man and the children slept in the newly built earth-stone houses. Thinking about the changes in the mountain village in just a few days, they couldn't help sighing: "Your Excellency is really a good person. I have lived most of my life. Not as comfortable as these days."

"Master Shenshi was sent by the mountain god to save us." A villager answered.

The sorceress also stayed in this room, and her eyes were gloomy when she heard these words.

In the past few days, she has also witnessed with her own eyes that the villagers in the backing village are working together to get better.

These villagers also became more and more convinced of Wan'an, the envoy of God.

The witch knew that she couldn't wait any longer.

If this continues, even if those people outside come to help her after finishing their work, she will already lose her right to speak in this backing mountain village.

Thinking about it, the sorceress quietly left the house and came to the place where Ai Aijiang and the others lived.

Ai Aijiang, Caleb, and Ichiro Yamazaki still live in these three wooden houses. Wang Hongzhuang and Wen Sinian have moved to the village chief's house for the convenience of communication.

So this time the witch came, there was no need to hide.

Seeing the figure of the sorceress, Ai Aijiang couldn't help but smile: "The sorceress will come here at night, it seems that she has already thought about it."

The sorceress has not been idle these days, she has secretly observed Caleb and Ai Aichan.

They came here only after confirming that they were really at odds with the envoys and that they would not pretend to have conflicts to deceive her.

"The cooperation you mentioned before, how did you cooperate?" The sorceress asked with a straight face, even if she was asking for help now, she didn't want to be at a disadvantage in this cooperation.

Listening to the sorcerer's words, Ai Aijiang was also very straightforward: "To be honest, we came to the village to find the secrets of the village."

"The sorceress grew up in the mountain village since she was a child, and she can make decisions about everything in the village. If you think about it, you know the secrets of the mountain village." Ai Aijiang asked in a low voice.

The sorceress rolled her eyes.

The secret of the mountain village?

Apart from the fact that the mountain god is fake, what other secrets does Kaoshan Village have?
The sorceress was puzzled: "Don't you all know the secrets of the mountain village?"

At first, Ai Aijiang also thought that the secret of the backer village was the fake mountain god.

But even if they found out about the fake mountain god, the system broadcast did not show that the main task was completed.

So Ai Aijiang guessed that this secret might be something else.

"Think about it carefully, besides the fake mountain god, are there any other secrets." Ai Aijiang asked persistently.

The sorceress looked impatient, she didn't like Ai Aijiang's tone of interrogation towards her, and said angrily: "For me, the fake mountain god is the biggest secret of the mountain village."

Seeing the witch's attitude, Ai Aijiang also became angry, she sneered: "Witch, you are here to cooperate with us, we are not begging you."

"If you have other opinions, you can leave now." Ai Aijiang pointed to the outside of the wooden house.

"Tsk." Caleb sneered as he wiped his pistol aside.

When the sorceress saw what he was holding, her eyes widened.

She had seen the thing in this stranger's hand before. It was a gun.

At the same time, she has also seen people from those worlds outside use it.

At this moment, the sorceress dared not ask Caleb why he had such a dangerous thing, but thought that he had such a powerful weapon, so if he cooperated with them, it would be easy to deal with Shangwan'an and the others?
Thinking about it, the witch put on a flattering smile: "Hey, don't get me wrong, I really want to cooperate with you."

There was resentment on the witch's face, and she sighed: "But you also know that since the envoy of God came to power, I no longer have the right to speak in this backing mountain village."

After finishing speaking, the sorceress looked at Ai Aijiang and the others again, and couldn't help complaining: "The two foreigners who followed the envoy obviously came with you, and now they are helping the envoy. I am a pair of three!" It's their opponent."

Ai Ai sauce was silent.

 It should be sunny. It’s 38.6 in the afternoon. I thought it would be better after a night’s sleep, but it turned out to be 39.4 degrees, and I couldn’t buy antipyretics. The typo will be corrected tomorrow. I can’t stand it anymore. , everyone must pay attention to protection, if you can't be positive, don't be positive.

(End of this chapter)

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