Chapter 192
"That's why you keep introducing Doctor Wen and Brother Wang to the villagers?" Mu Xiaowan understood somewhat.

No wonder Wan'an took Wen Sinian and Wang Hongzhuang to wander among the villagers these days, and whenever he met villagers, he would focus on introducing them.

Mu Xiaowan has been observing carefully for the past few days. The villagers in the past got any benefits when they encountered something, and the first reaction was to thank the mountain god.

Under the leadership of Wan'an these days, Mu Xiaowan has noticed that whether they are busy or free, the first words of thanks from the villagers are the angels.

Mu Xiaowan stared blankly at Wan'an, hesitating in her heart, and stopped talking.

Wan An glanced at her: "If you want to say something, just say it."

"I'm still a little unaccustomed to being so worried all of a sudden with your blustering nature."

Hearing Wan An's words, Mu Xiaowan rolled her eyes on the spot.

After thinking about it, Mu Xiaowan still asked, "Have you ever thought about being the envoy of the god, or even the real mountain god?"

Wan'an paused when he picked up the pen.

She turned her head to meet Mu Xiaowan's gaze, and sneered: "I remember that in this village, you are the only one who firmly believes that I am not a god."

"Why do you want me to be the mountain god now?" Wan An asked back.

Mu Xiaowan lowered her eyes and remained silent.

She is also observing these days. When she saw Good Night, she really thought about the backer village. She realized that if there is a god in the world, it is probably the same.

But Wan'an asked back with a smile like this, which still made Mu Xiaowan a little ashamed.

She glared at Wan An and got up: "What are you talking about, I don't believe there is a god in this world."

"I just think you are more believable than other people pretending to be this god."

After speaking, Mu Xiaowan didn't wait for a good night reply at all, she turned around and left.

Just when Wan'an thought she would not come back after leaving, Mu Xiaowan ran back with something in her hand.

She spread her hands and put a metal shell on Wan'an's table, and said, "I can see that you have come to rely on the mountain village for a purpose, and I don't know what you are looking for."

"This is what I found in the coffin in the mountain temple. You can see for yourself if it helps you. If it doesn't help, throw it away."

Wan An picked up the metal casing and recognized it as a bullet casing at a glance.

She raised her eyes and asked, "In that coffin, besides the bullet casing, did you find anything else? Like blood."

Mu Xiaowan thought for a while and frowned: "So many coffins are placed there, I'm so scared to death, how can I have the heart to observe other things."

After hearing this, Wan'an didn't ask any more questions.

Instead, he looked at the bullet casing in his hand and fell into thought.

This bullet casing was found by Mu Xiaowan in the coffin last year.

At that time, the player hadn't entered the game dungeon yet, so Caleb could be ruled out.

As for the people in the mountain village, it is even more impossible to own firearms.

Wan'an placed the only point of doubt on the group of people who cooperated with the sorceress and stood behind the mountain temple.

Suddenly, one head turned into two big ones.

Caleb has a firearms system and is already a formidable enemy, which is not easy to deal with.

It would be even more difficult to deal with if the people behind the mountain temple in the back village also had guns.

Predicting, Wan An immediately put away his pen and stood up, walking outside.

"Where are you going?" Mu Xiaowan followed behind.

"Go to the village chief's house." Wan'an walked quickly.

Because of the arrival of Wen Sinian and Wang Hongzhuang, the village chief and his son Liu Xiaoshan lived in a wooden house, while Wen Sinian and Wang Hongzhuang slept in Liu Xiaoshan's original house.

It wasn't too late when Wan'an came over, and the four of them were still awake.

Liu Xiaoshan blocked Wang Hongzhuang's door even more, his eyes lit up, and his interest was high: "Brother Wang, why can new sweet potatoes grow in the wild red sweet potato planting soil in the coming year, but not new rabbits can grow in the wild rabbit planting soil in the coming year."

Wan An who just arrived at the door: "..."

Mu Xiaowan who was by her side: "..."

Wang Hongzhuang knew that patience was not good at all, and he could not bear it any longer. He gritted his teeth and asked, "I've seen wild sweet potatoes grow new sweet potatoes, have you ever seen wild rabbits grow new rabbits?"

Liu Xiaoshan was silent after hearing this.

Just when Wang Hongzhuang breathed a sigh of relief, he secretly rejoiced that he finally got rid of this bully.

Then I heard Liu Xiaoshan's firm tone: "So, Brother Wang, do you think that breeding wild rabbits can't grow new rabbits, is it because you have never seen anyone breeding wild rabbits?"

Wang Hongzhuang let out a breath of relief that stuck in his throat.

Seeing Liu Xiaoshan's face suddenly enlightened: "I knew it, you don't think that breeding wild rabbits will grow new rabbits, it's because you haven't grown wild rabbits before."

"I'm going to plant wild rabbits now, and next year I'll let you take a good look at the new rabbits growing in the ground." Liu Xiaoshan turned around confidently after speaking, and planned to practice.

Greeting Village Chief Liu gave him a slap on the head, and he was instantly dizzy.

Village Chief Liu was so angry that his beard was shaking: "You idiot!"

The wild rabbit has provoked someone, and I want to let you, a fool, farm!
If new rabbits really grow in the coming year, his surname will not be Liu.

Seeing Liu Xiaoshan being beaten, Wang Hongzhuang was relieved.

Looking out, seeing Wan An, he exclaimed excitedly, "Why did God make you come here?"

Although he prefers to be called Miss Wan'an, he thinks it's more kind to call her that way.

But who made the villagers believe in the mountain god? In order to better maintain the status of the Wan'an God Envoy, people also called the God Envoy.

"My lord envoy." Village head Liu was also a little excited when he saw Wan An.

Wan'an's vows in the mountain temple were too ethereal.

You can get enough food without relying on carrying the mountain god's wife, and it also changes the current difficult life.

All of this felt like a dream to Village Chief Liu.

Back then, with the last hope, it was also a desperate gamble.

Village head Liu had a premonition in his heart that Wan'an would bring changes to the village of Guashan, but he didn't expect that the changes would be so big and they would all develop in a good direction.

Wan An chuckled, lifted her skirt and went up to the wooden house, and looked at Village Chief Liu: "Grandpa Liu, come in and talk, I have something to tell you."

After these few days of changes in Guashan Village, Village Chief Liu is no longer on guard against Wan'an.

When the person is about to enter the wooden house, in his wooden house, charcoal is placed in a newly fired clay pot.

According to Village Chief Liu's age, he can give priority to moving into a warmer earth-stone house.

But he refused, asked Liu Xiaoshan to burn some charcoal alone, and continued to stay in the wooden house.

Although the wooden house is drafty, there is charcoal for heating, so it is no longer freezing cold.

Everyone entered the wooden house, Village Chief Liu looked at Liu Xiaoshan who was about to follow, and pushed them out of the door impatiently: "You stay outside and guard."

Mu Xiaoshan was puzzled.

It's normal for God's envoy, Dr. Wen, and Brother Wang to go in. They have the strength.

He looked across Village Chief Liu, and looked at Mu Xiaowan who was following Wan An, who was no match for him in height or age: "Why can Mu Xiaowan go in, but I can't?"

"Because I'm not a fool." Mu Xiaowan rolled his eyes at him.

Village head Liu was also displeased with Liu Xiaoshan: "I told you to watch outside, lest other people hide around the house and eavesdrop."

Back then, he was hiding in the dark and heard many secrets.

It takes decades of fear and fear to live to this age, with things in mind, and life is not happy at all.

Liu Xiaoshan wanted to fight again: "But it's cold outside."

Village head Liu glared at him: "I shiver when I'm cold."

After speaking, he mercilessly closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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