I use Yiyou to attack NPCs in the infinite world

Chapter 194 Village Chief Liu's Regret

Chapter 194 Village Chief Liu's Regret
I thought that these people ignored human life, killing the old village head was already inhumane enough.

Village head Liu saw the old village head dragged out, and a woman in a red wedding dress ran out of the uncovered tunnel.

She rushed out of the tunnel and ran into the village with a frightened face: "Help! Help! The mountain god is fake—"

The sorceress panicked when she heard her shout, turned around and growled, "Xu'er, shut up!"

However, the terrified girl couldn't care less about what the witch said, all she wanted was to escape from this place.

The man in black took the gun out of the mouth of the old village chief, turned around emotionlessly, and aimed at the right leg of Xu'er who was running away.

When the trigger was pulled, Xu'er fell to the ground, and soon several men in black came out from the tunnel and resisted her back to the wooden house.

The leader raised his hand and slapped the man in black who was carrying Xu'er in the face, and said harshly: "Trash! I can't even look at anyone."

The man in black was slapped abruptly by the leader, not daring to shake or speak too much.

Only the sorceress frowned and looked at the blood on Xu'er's leg: "This person was injured only when I handed it over to you, it's not my problem."

The sorceress looked at Xu'er again with impatience: "You say you, even if the mountain god is fake, we will send you to a good place to enjoy happiness. Why run away, I don't know the good and the bad."

"It's a good place and you want to use the name of the fake mountain god?" Xu'er's eyes were fierce and she wanted to shave the witch: "It's a good place, so why don't you, Wang Xiaocui, go by yourself? You're going to stun us all and put them in the tunnel .”

"I'm too lazy to tell you." The young sorceress couldn't bear to deal with it anymore, and turned around to signal the man in black to take him away quickly.

Even though her leg was injured and her consciousness lost due to the pain, Xu'er still didn't stop scolding the sorceress.

The leader couldn't bear it anymore, raised his hand and slapped Xu'er's face.

He looked coldly at the man in black who was carrying Xu'er, and said sharply, "Don't you have long hands? Do you want her to keep shouting to attract everyone else?"

Village Chief Liu, who had been hiding in the dark, covered his mouth and dared not make a sound when he saw this.

After decades, this is the first time Village Chief Liu mentioned his secret to others.

Mu Xiaowan frowned and glared at Village Chief Liu: "So you have known the truth about the fake mountain god for decades, but you have kept it secret."

"Have you done the math, every year we carry seven girls to the mountain temple, how many of them have been dedicated to the so-called fake mountain god in the past few decades!" Mu Xiaowan asked.

Elder Liu Village burst into tears, and said with deep remorse: "I was a dawdler in Kaoshan Village, and seeing such a murderous scene again, I am afraid."

"Back then, your grandma Xiaoshan had just given birth to Xiaoshan, and her bones were not good, so she passed away after a short period of time."

"I grew up pulling Xiaoshan alone. This child's body is a precious life. It was hard to raise him until he was three years old. He can run, jump and know how to call people. After falling into the water and burning his brain, he became like this after waking up."

A grown-up in the tens of thousands is as intelligent as a child.

In the village, I also like to play with a group of children, calling them brothers and sisters every day.

Village head Liu has no other big hopes, he just wants to live, and his children should live well.

Even if it's stupid, it doesn't matter.

This is a concept he has firmly believed in for decades and has always acted in this way.

But until now, Village Chief Liu found that he seemed to have done something wrong all along.

Those girls who were taken away in the name of giving to the mountain god were taken away by such a demon who would shoot at the slightest disagreement. How could they be taken away to a good place!
"It's me, it's all me, I'm sorry for those girls, I told the villagers that the mountain god is fake, and it won't be delayed until now. For decades, I have carried so many girls to the mountain temple one after another ..."

"It's all me, I'm sorry for everyone in the mountain village!"

Village head Liu was crying with his head in his arms.

Over the past few decades, the mountain temple was the last thing he dared to approach in the mountain village.

Every time he saw more and more mahogany coffins, he felt suffocated.

The people in Wan'an were silent when they heard his confession.

They are not people from the mountain village, nor are they the victims who were carried up to the mountain temple.

It is not for them to comment on Village Chief Liu's concealment, and the crimes committed by all the people in Guashan Village because of their ignorance.

Wan'an tapped the table with his index finger, analyzing the information revealed in Village Chief Liu's words: "The sorceress told Xu'er to go to a good place, at least for now, some girls have no worries about their lives, this is the 'good place'... "

Wan An frowned and looked at Wen Sinian.

Wen Sinian raised his hand to push the gold-rimmed glasses, and his voice was cool: "Except for those few black industrial lines, I can't think of a good place to trade people."

"The clues have been sorted out, I think we can go directly to the witch." Wan An stood up.

Wang Hongzhuang scratched his head in a daze, wondering: "Didn't you just say, wait for them to make the first move?"

"I originally wanted to force them to take action, but it's because Village Chief Liu hasn't told us the secret hidden in his heart." Wan'an said: "Now with the clues shared by Village Chief Liu for reference, the main task of the dungeon of Guanshan God is not It's not hard to guess."

In comparison, Wan'an thinks that the game copy of Guanshanshen is not as difficult as Chenxi Girls' Court.

"But we know it's the same thing, what should we do if the sorceress refuses to admit it?" Wang Hongzhuang was worried.

He turned to look at Wen Sinian, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said excitedly, "Why don't you ask Dr. Wen to give her a potion that can tell the truth?"

Wen Sinian: "..."

He is a regular doctor with a certificate, not a black-hearted doctor with a waist of a small workshop.

"Don't worry, the witch will tell the truth in front of me." Wan'an smiled lightly.

She has never had a chance to use the tentative card.

And the card of repentance, she thinks, is also very suitable for use on the witch.

In the past few days when the envoy took over the backing village, Wan'an's primary goal is to lead the villagers to solve the problem of food and housing.

In my spare time, I also learned more about Kaoshan Village from the villagers, looking for clues to the main line of customs clearance.

The sorceress has always been her main target of suspicion as to whether she can pass the main line.

It just so happened that Mu Xiaowan gave her the bullet casings that fell in the coffin, and tonight she went to the village chief's house and heard village chief Liu mentioning the secret buried in her heart.

All the clues are connected in series, and if we find the sorceress and face off now, the main mission will probably be triggered soon.

Village head Liu was still deeply blaming himself, so he stayed in the wooden house and didn't follow.

Wan'an Wen Sinian, Wang Hongzhuang, and Mu Xiaowan, who wanted to join in the fun with Sipilai, also wanted to follow Liu Xiaoshan.

A group of people first went to the newly built earth-stone house.

The earth-stone house is warm, even if there are many people living there, the villagers usually sleep in the wooden house together, so they don't have any complaints.

The sorceress saw that the earth-stone house was warm, so she also lived in it as a sorceress.

When Wan'an arrived at the earth-stone house, Lan Hua was hugging her newborn daughter to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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