Chapter 196 I Sin With You
The sorceress has already experienced the fear of being dominated by the temptation card, but who knows that the confession card Wan'an is talking about is even more frightening.

Uncontrollable, narrating all the evil things she has done.

It was so detailed that even she herself had to think about it. The details that she almost forgot were all under the control of the card, and she said it in tears.

In the end, the sorceress was lying powerless on the ground, her eyes were terrified, obviously she hadn't recovered from the state of confessing her sin just now.

"You are also a member of Guashan Village. Don't you feel guilty about exchanging everyone's life for the comfort you say!" Mu Xiaowan rushed over, grabbed the sorceress by her collar and questioned.

Being shaken vigorously by Mu Xiaowan, the witch woke up from her fear.

The confession card faced the sorceress, and it only made her lightly repent and briefly describe her crimes.

In the heart of the witch, she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong.

"Mu Xiaowan, you don't understand. The outside world is so beautiful. I have the opportunity to go out and enjoy myself. Why do I have to live in the village without enough food and clothing?"


The sorceress raised her head and smiled, looked at Mu Xiaowan, with a sneer on her face: "Are you asking if I feel guilty? Why do I feel guilty for living for myself!"

"It's you, who believed in the fake mountain god I said, and how many people's lives have been buried over the years, hahaha." The sorceress smiled ferociously, and her whole body trembled.

With tears in her eyes, Mu Xiaowan's veins bulging in the hands that grabbed her collar, pushed the sorceress back forcefully.

The sorceress was forced to bump her back against the leg of the bed, and the pain caused her to grin her teeth.

She was lying at the foot of the bed, her eyes were dark, she looked at Mu Xiaowan and sneered: "I am a sinner, are you good people?"

"In this mountain village, if anyone questions the existence of the mountain god, and if anyone disagrees with exchanging these winter grains in the form of the mountain god's wife, I don't think it will be so easy to use the name of the mountain god to do things."

"That's why you lied to us first!" Mu Xiaowan retorted angrily.

The sorceress smiled indifferently.

"I lied to you, so you have no brains and don't know how to think about it? How can a mountain god marry a bride in a coffin?"

"Also, do you know what God is? God does not ask for rewards to save all living beings. God does not need you to sacrifice anything for him. You just believe in him. God receives the power of faith from you and can complete your mission. All wishes."

Mu Xiaowan was sobbing, and when she heard this sentence, she paused.

The sorceress looked at Mu Xiaowan's dazed look with blurred eyes, and laughed madly: "You won't believe it again, hahahaha I just said, you will be deceived, it's not because you are stupid."

"In the past few decades, I have only chosen a mountain god lady to provide the word "囍" and retreated. Later, I will dress up the girls for marriage, and then carry them to the mountain temple, but you all do it yourself."

"I remember, even this lady of the mountain god, you are rushing to be her."

"When a family gives birth to a girl, it is more exciting and enviable than giving birth to a boy."

"Obviously everyone did these evil things together, and now it's exposed, but you all blame me on this old woman. This is too unreasonable."

Now that the sorceress understands that Mu Xiaowan knows the truth about the fake mountain god, it means that the entire backing village will know.

She simply smashed the jar, grabbed Mu Xiaowan's sleeve, and said sadly: "If you want to say guilty, everyone in our backer village is guilty."

"Here, I am guilty of the same crime as you, hehehehahahaha——"

Because of these words, Mu Xiaowan fell into deep thought.

Even if she resented the witch, she couldn't refute a word of what the witch said.

Even the linen clothes she is wearing now were exchanged for the mountain god lady last year.

"Okay, isn't the current Kaoshan Village already starting to change?" Wan An raised his hand, and pressed it on the head of Mu Xiaowan who was kneeling on the ground.

"But those mountain god ladies who have been taken away..." Mu Xiaowan felt sad.

After so many years, there are so many people.

They have been living in the backing village and don't know much about the outside world, so how can they find it?

And the villagers of Kaoshan Village, Mu Xiaowan sobbed: "I...I don't even know how to tell everyone about this."

[Congratulations to the players, the main quest of Guanshan God 'Find the secret of the mountain village' has been completed]

[Players can go to the mountain temple and leave the game copy within 60 minutes]

Wan'an was about to comfort Mu Xiaowan, but he didn't expect the system announcement to sound at this time.

"No way, will this pass too easily?" This was the first time Wang Hongzhuang had experienced such a situation.

Because of his friend Xie Conchao, Wen Sinian had heard of some dungeons with special mechanisms.

His gaze under the gold-rimmed glasses narrowed: "There should be an announcement, just wait."

After waiting for 3 minutes, Wan'an just comforted Mu Xiaowan, when the system broadcast sounded again.

[Detecting the particularity of the Guanshanshen dungeon, the main line of Yansheng is now issued, and players can automatically receive it according to the player's wishes]

[Mainline of Prolonged Life 1: Announcing the Secret of Backer Village]

[Mainline of Prolonged Life 2: Concealing the Secret of Backer Village]

[Players have 30 minutes to make a choice. If the time is up and the player still has not made a decision and has not left the game copy, the system will randomly assign the player the main line of extension]

"Which one should we choose?" Wang Hongzhuang looked at the two new roads and asked Wan'an and Wen Sinian.

This time, with the cooperation of Wan'an and Wen Sinian, he gained a lot of experience by working with the villagers.

So he decided to continue following Wan'an and Wen Sinian.

"What's wrong with you?" Mu Xiaowan looked up at the three of them, her eyes full of doubts.

The conversation of the three of Wan'an did not avoid her, but because of the rules of the system, hearing her ears, Wan'an and the others were just discussing how to deal with the sorceress.

But this was only what Mu Xiaowan heard.

She carefully observed the expressions of the three of them, and found that the facts might be different from what she heard.

I don't know what's wrong, but Mu Xiaowan just had an intuition at this moment.

Intuition told her that the three in front of her were about to leave.

Wan An looked down at Mu Xiaowan's flustered look, and smiled: "I don't plan to leave the game now, I choose the main storyline of Yansheng and announce the secret."

"I think so too." Wen Sinian nodded upon hearing this, "I haven't fully taught the villagers about medicinal materials and some simple medical knowledge."

"Hey, I have a choice with you." Wang Hongzhuang scratched his head with a foolish smile, "We haven't dug much of the wild red sweet potatoes in the village, and the red sweet potato noodles I taught the villagers to make during the day will have to be inspected tomorrow."

"If I leave the game now, what should I do with the red sweet potato noodles I made for the first time, anyway, I have to take a look at the fruits of my labor."

"By the way, what about your friend named Xie Yuchao?" Wang Hongzhuang thought of Xie Yuchao who had disappeared for several days, and couldn't help worrying: "Will he leave the game directly or stay with us?"

Wan'an: "..."

She avoided talking about Xie Yuchao in front of Wen Sinian, but she forgot about Wang Hongzhuang.

At this moment Wang Hongzhuang mentioned that Wen Sinian also thought of his friend.

He shook his head and said, "Don't worry about him, he will definitely keep this copy of the game that gives birth to a new main line."

Just thank that lunatic.

He is with the copy.

(End of this chapter)

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