I use Yiyou to attack NPCs in the infinite world

Chapter 198 Automatic Defense Mode

Chapter 198 Automatic Defense Mode
Not to mention that Caleb was shocked when he saw Xie Yuchao, even Wan An himself was surprised when he saw Xie Yuchao.

The bullet hit in such a short time, she must be thinking about how to survive, not about summoning cards.

At this moment, a twitching sound belonging to the Yiyou system came.

[It is detected that the player's life is in danger, and the defense mode has been automatically activated]

[The current highest star card 'Emotion' has been detected, and the card has been successfully used]

The end of Yiyou system is full of cheers:

[Xiaoyi, dear and distinguished player, these are the automatic modes of the Yiyou system. When the player encounters danger, the Yiyou system will automatically use all cards according to the actual situation in order to protect the player]

【Isn’t it sweet~】

Wan'an: "..."

It's very sweet, and it's kind of bluffing.

On the opposite side, Caleb's eyes that wanted to kill a man couldn't be hidden.

I didn't see Wen Sinian next to me, so I was skeptical about the fact that my friend appeared out of thin air.

Xie Juichao glanced at Caleb casually and ignored her at all.

Instead, he lowered his head and approached Wan An's ear, and asked in a low voice: "Master, do you want to finish him?"

Even though he had a grudge against Caleb in his memory, no matter what he did, as a clone card character, Xie Yuchao still chose to obey Wan'an first.

"He has a gun, can you do it?" Wan'an did not forget that Xie Yuchao is a non-lethal replacement system.

Xie Juichao was taken aback by the question, he looked down at Wan An seriously with his light starry eyes, and said softly, emphatically: "Of course I can do it."

"You are Xie Juichao's younger sister, right?" Caleb stared at Xie Juichao's face.

The Xie Yuchao he knew was male.

Although the one in front of me is a woman, she does look a lot like Xie Juichao.

Caleb narrowed his eyes, confirming his guess.

He grinned, looked at Wen Sinian and Xie Yuchao: "I didn't expect that there would be such a dungeon. First I ran into Xie Yuchao's friends, and now even Xie Yuchao's younger sister came."

Caleb aimed his gun at Xie Cong's head: "Since we collided together, I will take your lives."

Xie Juichao didn't talk nonsense with Caleb at all, raised his hand to summon the scepter, and threw it at Caleb.

The timing of Caleb's sideways dodge caused the aim to go awry and the bullet to miss.

Just as he reacted and got up, Xie Juichao had already come to him and stepped on the back of Caleb's hand holding the gun.

"Ah! Bitch! Get your feet off!" Caleb roared.

Xie Ping turned to his ear to automatically block his yelling, stepped on the back of Caleb's hand and rubbed it hard.

Caleb grinned in pain.

Xie Juichao looked down at him, and said coldly: "I see, in other dungeons, this is how you treat our country Z players."

He's just stepping on Caleb's hand right now.

But in the live broadcast of the game copies uploaded by Caleb about his clearance, he did more than that to the players in country Z.

Caleb couldn't break free with his right hand, so he simply took out a smoke bomb from the firearm system to disturb his sight, and Ai Aijiang took the opportunity to fly a blade towards Xie Conchao

Xie Juichao took a wrong step to dodge, and kicked Ai Aijiang's stomach at the same time.

Ai Aijiang was kicked and fell to the ground, noticed Caleb's running back, got up and followed.

When the smoke dissipated, there were no signs of Caleb and Ai Aichan.

Xie Juichao took back the scepter standing on the ground and returned to Wan'an.

It has been confirmed that there is an enmity between the two parties, and now Caleb has escaped and Xie Yuchao has not chosen to pursue him.

His top priority has always been to protect Wan'an.

"I didn't expect Caleb to have hatred with you." Wang Hongzhuang exclaimed.

"It's not with me, it's with Xie Yuchao." Wen Sinian corrected seriously.

"You really have a sister?" Wan An asked Xie Juichao with her head tilted.

Xie Juichao was taken aback by the question, and shook his head: "My family is an only child."

"Then why does Caleb still recognize you as two people?" Wan An raised his eyes suspiciously and stared at Xie Juan's face.

She took a closer look, and suddenly realized: "Is it because you changed the outfit system? You have changed in every way, but the face is still the same."

Xie Juichao compared his own situation and combined with Wan An's guess at the moment, it was indeed reasonable, so he nodded, affirming Wan An's guess.

After all, it's just a dress-up system, not a plastic surgery system or the four major evil arts.

In addition, Wan'an himself is sometimes blind to people from Western countries, so it is normal for Caleb to misidentify Xie Juichao's identity.

The earth-stone house was built in the center of the village. When Wan'an and the others rushed over, the fire set by Caleb had already been extinguished by the villagers.

When the villagers saw Wan An coming, they were about to sue someone for secretly trying to burn their granaries, but they saw that Wan An came this time with a witch tied up.

"Master God envoy, who is this?" Some villagers asked in doubt.

"There is an important announcement, everyone try to call out the villagers." Wan'an said.

She also didn't want to disturb the villagers at night.

But as Caleb guessed not long ago, if the protagonist of the secret in the backer village dies, can it still be considered as completing the main task of extending life?

To prevent Caleb from jumping out of nowhere and killing the sorceress with a single shot, Wan'an plans to give priority to the progress of the main task.

The villagers in Kaoshan Village listened to the envoy's words very much, and everyone rushed over.

Even Man Bao, who was just a few days old, was wrapped tightly in orchids and hugged together.

When Village Chief Liu came, his eyes were still red.

When he saw the sorceress being pressed down by Liu Xiaoshan, he immediately understood everything.

Wan'an and the others, is this really the crime of finding the witch?

With an agitated expression, Village Chief Liu trembled and looked at Wan An: "My lord envoy, this is... is this trying to tell the truth?"

"The truth? What truth?" Qiu's first reaction was to look at Wan'an.

When she saw the sorceress being escorted over by someone, she was already guessing whether the sorceress had offended Wan'an, the false god who made the real mountain god.

So the Lord Mountain God doesn't intend to bear it any longer, and wants to publicly punish the sorceress.

Of course, the above is just her guess, and now hearing Village Chief Liu's question, Qiu confirmed her inner guess.

Qiu's heart couldn't help but a little joy, and gloating.

In the past, witches used to look at her through their nostrils, but now if they offend the mountain god, it's just a hard stubble.

The sorceress didn't expect Wan'an to be so ruthless, and called everyone from the entire backing village over.

Even the milk baby who was born with no way to understand is listed.

My heart began to panic, and the sorceress wanted to save herself.

She turned her head to look at Wan'an, gritted her teeth, but her attitude softened a bit: "Don't forget, you are an envoy of the gods, and you are using the power of the mountain god to make the villagers believe in you."

"Let me tell the truth now, and the villagers will not let you go!"

"Witch, you may have misunderstood me from the beginning." Wan An chuckled.

Seeing Wan'an's smile, the sorceress felt hopeful, and even her eyes lit up a little: "Aren't you going to let me tell the truth?"

"Do not."

Wan An approached the sorceress, and said softly: "When I competed with you for the position of God Envoy from the very beginning, the purpose was to let the truth of the fake mountain god of the backer village come to light."

The sorceress stared at Wan An in shock, with a look of sudden realization: "You are the note they said!"

(End of this chapter)

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