Chapter 203 Crown Mountain God (End)
Mu Qing, both the player and the villagers in the backer village know it.

A family of more than a dozen died in the winter of last year.

Wan'an didn't expect that Mu Xiaowan only mentioned it so much, that Mu Qing saved a foreigner, and he could bump into it when he was out of the forest.

What's more, they came to report the crime, and so did Luo Xugui.

The report was still the same case, about the mountain village.

Because of Luo Xu's return, there was no need for Mu Xiaowan and the others to provide any more evidence. Soon the police sent people to guard the address left by the witch's communication, and someone followed Mu Xiaowan and the others to Kaoshan Village, bringing food The group of people who were about to change the mountain god's wife caught her.

Another morning, Village Chief Liu called all the villagers to the mountain temple.

Everyone looked at the mahogany coffins filled with cliff holes. Village Chief Liu bent down first, knelt down with his legs, and slammed his head heavily on the gravel.

One, two, three.

His forehead was cut by a sharp stone, but Village Chief Liu sobbed as if he didn't know the pain: "I'm guilty. If I didn't choose to hide it back then, our mountain village wouldn't be what it is today."

Nearly half of the girls who became the daughters of the mountain gods had already been recorded with death information.

For those who are further away, there is no clue to find at all, and it is not known whether they are dead or alive.

When the time was a little closer, there were clues to provide whereabouts, but they were all sent to a remote and chaotic small country.

The villagers watched Village Chief Liu lying on the ground and crying, and their eyes were red and weeping.

In the crowd, Mu Xiaowan stepped forward and knelt beside Village Chief Liu.

"Xiao Wan, what are you doing?" Qiu Shi wiped away her tears and couldn't help but speak out.

Compared with other families, their family is considered lucky.

The only Mu Xiaowan who was chosen as the wife of the mountain god was this time when the fake mountain god revealed the truth.

With a sullen face, Mu Xiaowan first knelt and kowtowed towards the mahogany coffin: "I'm atonement."

"Atonement, atonement, what sin is atonement, don't make trouble." Qiu stretched out his hand to pull Mu Xiaowan.

Mu Xiaowan broke free, raised her head and asked, "Why are we not guilty?"

"We are ignorant, we are ignorant, we were born in the backing village, and we are all guilty of eating and using the gods we do."

"Why are you getting involved with other people?" Qiu said anxiously, noticing that the faces of the villagers had changed.

Mu Xiaowan broke away from Qiu Shi, kneeling upright, she turned back to look at the villagers.

The numbness and sadness of the villagers, as well as the angry expressions aroused by her words, all fell into her eyes.

Mu Xiaowan couldn't help sneering, with a sneer on her face: "Which of you dare to say that you haven't received the favor from the mountain god lady?"

"For decades, we have knelt down and worshiped that fake mountain god for decades. Could it be that these innocent girls who were created by us and pushed into the abyss by our own hands, can't kneel down and worship them!"

Thinking of the child whose life or death is still uncertain, the villagers couldn't bear it any longer, and they knelt down together, and the sound of wailing resounded in the mountain temple.

Luo Xugui quietly looked at the backs of the villagers, walked to the distance, and took pictures of the villagers and the mahogany coffins.

"Our reporter reported, have you also noticed these isolated small villages? In the southern dense forest, there is such a village..."

The news report quickly attracted heated discussions among netizens.

"No way, in what age, do people still believe in ghosts and gods?"

"The villagers don't have brains?"

"Some villages live in such a remote place that it is difficult for people to find them in isolation. It is normal for people to be deceived in this way."

"That's right, some people upstairs should not be so hostile. Do the villagers just want to be deceived? Shouldn't it be blamed on the mastermind behind the mountain temple and the sorceress?"

"Really, the sorceress has done so many evil things, and I still don't feel my hatred for being sentenced to death."


【Announcement of the secret of the backer village: 100/100】

[Congratulations to the players, the main task has been completed, and everyone will automatically send out the game copy after 5 minutes]

After Kaoshan Village became known to the outside world, it didn't take long for Wan'an and the others to complete their main task.

This time it was teleported at the point, so as not to scare the villagers by disappearing out of thin air later, the Wan'an people quietly backed away, turned around and left the mountain temple silently.

Come quietly, and leave silently.

The villagers only found out that Wan'an and the others were gone in the afternoon.

Village Chief Liu immediately became anxious: "Where is the envoy?"

"That's right, where is the envoy? Dr. Wen and Brother Wang are gone." The villagers also anxiously searched for the way.

After searching for Tian Hei but no one was found, Mu Xiaowan finally said: "They have already left."

"Why did you leave suddenly?" The villagers were anxious.

"It's not even a goodbye." The villagers were frustrated.

Mu Xiaowan frowned, and suddenly raised her voice: "The gods made them not from the mountain village. They can show up to help us for a while, but they can't help us forever."

"Besides, don't you know what the gods taught them? Don't you wash up and go to bed early. Tomorrow, you should dig wild sweet potatoes, you should dig wild sweet potatoes, you should dry the medicine, and you should build houses."

"All the plans of the Kaoshan Village have been arranged by the God Envoy, and they have also taught me. If you have any questions in the future, please come and ask me."

"Now, all go back!"

Mu Xiaowan was very imposing, even more majestic than Village Chief Liu who was standing aside.

The villagers returned to the house with peace of mind after listening to everything she said in detail.

Only Mu Xiaowan and Leng Ye sat outside the house, recalling what Wan An said a few nights ago.

She said that people are at their best when they are awake and alive.

From then on, she will lead the villagers in the backer village to live soberly and look for those girls.

"You sit outside the house alone at night?" Luo Xugui was walking in the village, passing Mu's house, and saw Mu Xiaowan blowing the cold wind alone.

"Did you go to sister Mu Qing's house just now?" Mu Xiaowan glanced at him.

"En." Luo Xugui nodded, across the fence, lost in thought.

He looked at the current Kaoshan Village, and it was completely different from what he saw last summer, and it was completely different from what he remembered.

"Have I ever told you why I know about Guashan Village?" Luo Xugui asked suddenly.

"Didn't you tell Sister Mu Qing that you were injured while filming in the mountains and was finally rescued by Sister Mu Qing?" Mu Xiaowan was puzzled.

Luo Xugui smiled: "That's all lying to you. From the very beginning, I came to Kaoshan Village with a purpose."

"When I was young, I often heard my grandma mention that there was such a village in the forest, and they believed in mountain gods..."

Luo Xu came back slowly, telling the story of the mountain village and the mountain temple.

Mu Xiaowan opened her mouth and asked involuntarily, "Who is your grandma?"

"Xu'er, she said her name is Liu Xu'er." Luo Xugui replied.

Mu Xiaowan's eyes lit up: "Where is she now?"

Xu'er belonged to the earlier group of mountain god ladies, she never thought that she would meet Xu'er's descendants.

"She's dead."

"My milk foot was injured, and my health is not good. In my memory, she likes to lie in the yard and bask in the sun the most, and tells me the story of Kaoshan Village."

"I still remember when I was young, I asked her: This village is so inhumane, so do you hate it?"

"My grandma nodded at the time, and she said: Of course it's hatred, but it's more of a sense of powerlessness. She can't save anyone in the village, nor can she save herself. But no matter how much she hates, if she can, she still hopes that she One day, I can go back to this village and have a look.”

After chatting with Luo Xugui, only Mu Xiaowan was left in the yard.

Mu Xiaowan looked in the direction of the mountain temple, and opened her mouth: "Thank you for coming, Master Angel, Dr. Wen, and Brother Wang."

Since she knew the truth about the mountain temple, she no longer believed in any gods.

But if there really is a god in the world, she is willing to believe that the god is the three of them.

Crown Mountain God.

(End of this chapter)

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