I use Yiyou to attack NPCs in the infinite world

Chapter 208 My name is super cool!

Chapter 208 My name is super cool!

Ask questions!

If one day you woke up to find yourself a bird, how long would it take you to learn to fly?

Wan'an: In an instant!

Don't ask why, it's because the big tree grows on the edge of the cliff, there is a torrential river under the cliff, and there is a crocodile with its head up and its mouth wide open waiting for her to reach her stomach.

Wan'an was glad that the nightingale she turned into was small in size and slow in landing speed. When she could smell the fishy smell from the crocodile's mouth, she quickly flapped her wings and flew towards the sky with a sharp turn.

"Oh~ Little Nightingale, you were almost eaten by that stupid crocodile just now." The crow followed Wan An and flew back to the branch.

It was the first time that a bird could fall from a tree.

Wan An turned her head to look, and saw a black crow twice her size.

Its swarthy round eyes looked at itself with a humanized sneer.

This is the first time being ridiculed by animals, Wan An finds it very novel and not annoyed.

At this moment, she can understand the words of animals, which arouses her interest even more.

This time Wan An stood on the branch, her claws clenched tightly, she turned her head, and said briskly: "I was trying my reaction speed."

"I didn't expect that you, a little nightingale, would dare to tease the crocodile." The crow tilted his head and looked at Wan'an, becoming interested: "Little nightingale, do you dare to pluck the tiger's fur?"

Wan'an: "..."

She is here to complete the task, not to compare with small animals.

But losing to a human is not to losing to a bird. As a human being, it's okay for her to be ashamed, but now Nightingale must not be underestimated by small animals.

Wan An boasted that he never drafted a draft, and just opened his mouth: "What's the matter with plucking a tiger's hair, I dare to stand on the tiger's head."

"Little Nightingale, you are very courageous. Since this is the case, let's compete to see who can stand on the head of the tiger first. If you win, I will give you a share of my food, but if you lose, you have to sing to me." A song." Crow suggested.

Wan'an looked melancholy at the distance: "Brother Crow, it's not that I don't want to compete with you, I have more important things to do."

"What can you do with a little nightingale?" The crow was puzzled.

"Have you heard of Fairy Tale Town?" Wan An asked with his head tilted.

The main task this time is to find Fairy Tale Town. Birds often fly around, so they must know a lot of information.

Sure enough, the crow thought for a while and nodded: "Of course I know Fairy Tale Town."

"Can you show me the way?" Wan An was delighted.

I didn't expect it to be so convenient after becoming a bird. I asked about the main task as soon as I asked.

"Little Nightingale, I can take you to Fairy Tale Town, but you have to compete with me first, who will stand on the head of the tiger first." The crow asked unchanged.

It turned around and flew down the tree: "As I said before, if you win, I will give you a share of my food and pay back."

Wan An saw that the only bird he had met so far who knew about Fairy Tale Town flew away, and quickly followed him.

I saw the crow parked in a big hole in the middle of the tree, which should be its home.

It went in and took out a fat, white worm, and put it next to Wan'an's claws.

The worms were still alive, twisting on the thick branches.

"I'll give you this one first." The crow raised its paw, and kicked the fat white bug towards Wan An's paw.

Wan An jumped upside down and flew out, flapping his wings to hang in the air.

"I...I don't eat bugs, thank you, Brother Crow." Wan'an said rejection all over his body.

I don't know if I should thank Brother Crow, but within 10 minutes of becoming Nightingale, she learned to fly freely, and now she has learned to hover in the air.

"You don't even eat such delicious food, no wonder you grow up to be a little bit." Wu Ya didn't understand why Wan'an rejected such a healthy white fat worm.

These are all freshly pulled out of the tree hole this morning.

Wan'an didn't want it, the crow lowered its head and pecked at the white fat worm.

Wan An, who was flying in the air beside him, felt his scalp tingling.

The fat white worm was pecked off by the crow, and milky white juice burst out.

"Explosion, explosion?" Wan An's feathers stood on end, and he began to worry about the type of food he would eat in the future since he was a bird.

In this forest, Wan An only saw crows and crocodiles in the river.

In the end, she also did not agree to the crow's proposal to pluck the tiger's fur, but exchanged the condition that the crow would take her to Fairy Tale Town and she would sing to it again.

After the crow finished eating the worms, Wan An followed the crow and flew out of the forest.

"Do you have a name, Little Nightingale?" Crow asked on the way to Fairy Tale Town.

"Wan'an." Wan'an answered truthfully.

"As expected of Little Nightingale, she has a nice voice and a nice name," Crow praised.

[Today's praise task has been refreshed, and Wu Ling has received 3 words of praise for his beautiful voice. The content of each praise cannot be repeated, and the praise words 'nice to hear' have been collected, and the progress of the task is 1/3]

"Little Nightingale, although your name sounds nice, it's still not as domineering as mine." Wu Ling whispered.

"Brother Crow, what's your name?" Wan Anfei approached Wu Ling and asked.

"Ahem." Wu Ling cleared his throat, "Master Undead!"

Wan An, who already knew the crow's real name from the system: "..."

Xiaoniao, let's play tricks with my sister?

"I don't just have the name Wan'an, I also have a big name." Wan'an whispered in a low voice.

"What is it?" Wu Ling was really interested.

"Master Mountain God." Wan'an's words were not much less than Wu Ling's: "Isn't it so cool?"

"It's more domineering than me." Wu Ling rolled his eyes, not convinced in his heart: "No, I want to change my name!"

It thinks that human beings will be afraid when they meet it, and think it is unknown, so the smile can't help but become thief: "From now on, I will be called Lord Death!"

A mountain god, a death god, both gods and adults.

Wu Ling felt that he was quite imposing.

Wan'an has seen the comparison in the bird world, and said to this: You just need to be happy.

Halfway through the flight, the crow found a treetop and stopped.

"We haven't arrived yet." Wan'an looked at the surrounding forest.

Wu Ling twisted his neck, sighed and said, "I'm too tired from flying by myself, let's go by plane."

Wan An immediately stared round.

By plane?
Is it the plane she was thinking of?
Should it be said that it is a fairy tale world, and the animals have flights to pick up and drop off.

Although wondering why Wu Ling took him to wait on the top of the tree, Wan An automatically imagined that this is a unique boarding mode in the animal world.

She could turn into a bird and wouldn't be surprised what happened later.

After waiting for a while, Wan An saw a black spot flying towards the sky just as he was looking at the sky.

"That's right now, little Nightingale, hurry up and fly up with me!" Wu Ling spotted this black spot, and took the lead in flying up.

Wan'an saw Wu Ling resting on the back of an eagle that spread its wings and flew.

The eagle's eyes became fierce: "Wu Ling is you brat again! Get the hell out of here!"

"Don't be angry, old man, just give me a hand." Wu Ling persuaded in a lazy voice.

It called to Wan'an who was still standing stupidly on the top of the tree: "Little Nightingale, come up quickly, if you slow down, we will all fly away."

"Wu, the crow is flying?" Wan An stuttered for the first time as he looked at the black spot that had flown away.

After learning to fly and hover freely on the first day, Wan'an was forced to learn to accelerate.

Don't let Niaoming catch up, the flying speed of the eagle is simply not comparable to her.

The wings are all flapped, and it is still a long way behind the eagle.

Just when Wan An was so tired that he was out of breath and was about to find a tree to stop, his wings could not flap and he fell from the sky.

"Little Nightingale!" Wu Ling, who was standing firmly on the eagle's back, exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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