I use Yiyou to attack NPCs in the infinite world

Chapter 212 This is another price

Chapter 212 This is another price

In a short time, Wan'an didn't want to talk to Xie Juichao anymore, she looked at Wu Ling who was drinking water and said, "I promised you to bring me to Fairy Tale Town and I sang for you, what do you want to hear?"

She kept her word, even if it was just a crow that promised.

She sang, but she couldn't guarantee that she would listen to it every now and then.

Fortunately, she has always had a voice advantage.

"Little Nightingale, can any song be used?" Wu Ling excitedly asked.

As a crow, it has a hoarse voice, and it knows that its voice has always been disgusted by humans.

Even if Wuling never cared what sounds humans liked, it would still feel hurt if it was driven away by humans every time it opened its mouth.

As a bird, it is curious about two kinds of birds.

One is a magpie, much loved by mankind, and the other is a nightingale with a beautiful voice.

Wan'an was the first nightingale it saw, and every time she talked to Wan'an and listened to her beautiful voice, Wu Ling felt peaceful and peaceful.

It also knows that besides having a beautiful voice, Nightingale also sings very charmingly.

Even if he couldn't have the same voice as Nightingale, but he could hear Nightingale sing once, and Wu Ling expressed that he was very satisfied.

"I'm not picky. As long as Little Nightingale is sung by you, I like it." Wu Ling's dark eyes were full of sincerity.

Wan An tilted his head to look at Wu Ling's serious expression, thought for a while, and said, "I've heard a song called Crow, I'll sing it."

"Okay, okay." Wu Ling was even more excited when he heard that he was also a crow.

Xie Juichao heard the crisp and clear cries of the nightingale and the hoarse crow in his ears. The voices merged, obviously they were talking.

Although they couldn't understand what Wan'an and the others were talking about, but observing the demeanor and movements they showed, it was obvious that the two birds were chatting happily.

Then, Xie Juichao saw Wu Ling obediently standing on the edge of the table, leaving the center of the table to Wan'an.

Wan An kicked a disc with his paws, and gestured to Xie Juichao with his eyes.

Xie Juichao tentatively placed the smooth disc in the center of the table, and sure enough, he saw satisfied appreciation from Wan An's eyes.

With big strides, Wan An walked into the plate and stood there, opened his voice and began to sing.

The carriage was driving on the path, and the melodious chirping of nightingales could be heard from it.

"It's just that I'm unlucky and can't have good luck. I only hope that you can sense it from afar..." After singing one song, Wan'an called Xie Juichao: "Water."

Xie Juichao didn't need to be reminded by Wan'an's performance this time, so he poured a glass of water appropriately, and adjusted the temperature of the water to a temperature that was not cold before serving it to Wan'an to drink.

After listening to the song, Wu Ling lowered her head and remained silent. It was very puzzled: "Little Nightingale, why do humans hate me so much? Is it because my voice is not good?"

"Of course not." Wan'an retorted, she explained: "It's just that human beings can't understand what you say, and they will misunderstand some of your performances."

"You see, this human being can sometimes understand some of my needs." Wan'an raised his wings and pointed at Xie Juichao.

"Yeah, he's one of the few humans I've ever met who isn't so stupid." Wu Ling nodded.

It has seen it all these times. Even if Little Nightingale has difficulty communicating with this human language, most of what Little Nightingale wants to express can be understood by this human being.

"Because of the language barrier, humans can't understand what we say, but they can guess the general meaning from some of our body performances." This is the first time Wan'an has a serious conversation with a bird.

She also has no experience, so she speaks out her thoughts.

"Pair it with some movements, even if humans don't understand, they can roughly guess it." Wan'an said, raised his paw and kicked the teacup, and said, "Heat the water."

"Is the water cold?" Xie Juichao asked, raised his hand to touch the teacup, and added some hot water to it.

Wu Ling looked surprised.

It nodded frantically: "I understand, Little Nightingale."

"We can understand human speech, but human beings can't understand our speech. It must be because human beings are too stupid." Wu Ling spoke with certainty.

It concluded: "So we can only take care of humans as much as possible, with some body movements, so that humans who are stupid and can't understand our words can easily understand what we mean."

Wan'an: "..."

She tilted her head, listening to Wu Ling's summary, she always felt something weird.

But seeing that Wu Ling is no longer decadent and his goal has been achieved, he no longer struggles with it.

"Speaking of which, I wish I were a parrot. It would be more convenient to be able to talk." After being a bird for a long time, he finally experienced the freedom to fly, but Wan'an also felt the inconvenience.

"But little Nightingale, you sing really well." Wu Ling comforted.

Humans are a little stupid, if they don't understand the language of their birds, they can't understand it.

Wu Ling guessed that Little Nightingale sang so well and complained so much about not being a parrot. It must be a pity that humans could not understand the songs she sang.

It said: "Even if humans can't understand your singing, little nightingale, I like it, and Uncle Ying will like it too. Everyone in the forest has been looking forward to seeing a little nightingale and listening to little nightingale singing."

"Did the little Nightingale sing just now?" Mu Gang, who was driving a carriage, couldn't help poking his head in.

Nightingale's voice was nice, but the melodious song just now was like a song.

Not to mention, the tone of Mu Gang also felt a little familiar.

"It's the first time I've heard Nightingale sing, can Little Nightingale sing again?" Mu Gang said excitedly.

It took more than five minutes to sing one song, and Wan An drank two cups of warm water before recovering.

Now, listening to Mu Gang's request, he simply lay down on the plate and replied weakly: "Sing to humans? This is another price."

"Little Nightingale, are you asking me what I want to hear?" Mu Gang couldn't figure out the meaning of Wan'an's words at all, so he relied on guesswork.

"Little Nightingale rejected you." Xie Juan looked down at Wan An, who was paralyzed on the plate, and acted as an interpreter.

Wan An tilted his head to look at Wu Ling: "See, if you develop a tacit understanding with a human being, he can guess what you want to express without acting."

She decided that before turning back into a human, she should hang out with Xie Juan.

These days, it is not easy to find someone who can guess and understand the birdsong.

After lying down for a while, Wan An's back felt cold from the cold plate.

She got up quickly and flew towards Xie Juan.

It landed firmly on his right shoulder, then squatted down and nestled still.

When the temperature of the human body was heard, Wan'an was no longer cold in an instant, with satisfaction in his eyes.

"Little Nightingale, let's talk about your main mission?" Xie Juan turned his head and glanced at Wan An who was on his shoulder, but did not dismiss her.

"You talk first." Wan'an just felt cold, and at this moment he didn't particularly want to write with his claws in water.

"Obviously, the common main task of each player in this dungeon is to find Fairy Tale Town. In addition, according to the assigned role of different identities, each player can obtain the exclusive main task."

"In addition to finding Fairy Tale Town, my other main task is to find the sleeping princess." Xie Juan said.

The objective of this mission sounds familiar, Wan An hurriedly took a peek at the role assigned to him on his homepage—the sleeping princess...

She was silent for a moment, and then said: "Your task target is asleep, it seems that I can't take the initiative to find you, you work hard."

"Guide to the main mission, the sleeping princess is also to the west." Xie Juan said.

Wan'an crazily recalled the fragrance of flowers she smelled after waking up from the game, as well as the cold stone bed she was lying on, and asked: "Aside from the west, is there any other guidance?"

 Source of lyrics:
  Crow - Xu Song

(End of this chapter)

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