Thinking about it this way, I did this. There were 53 kinds of flowers at the vendor's location, and Xie Juichao asked for the price and asked for all of them.

"Is this gentleman from the Fairy Tale Town Circus?" The flower boss glanced at Xie Fanchao's little Nightingale on his shoulder, and guessed whether he was from Fairy Tale Town.

Private individuals will not buy more than 50 kinds of flowers at one time. Now the Fairy Tale Town Circus is preparing to perform in Sands City, and Xie Yuchao brought a nightingale with him.

After buying all the flowers, the flower boss can only think that Xie Yuchao is going to arrange a circus.

"No." Xie Yuchao replied.

He tilted his head and lowered his eyes to look at Wan An on his shoulder, and said to the boss: "I'm buying flowers as gifts, boss, please help me match them."

"Different flowers have different language. I don't know who do you want to give it to, parents? Lovers? Friends?" The flower boss asked aptly.

Xie Juichao thought about it seriously, his current identity is the sober prince, and Wan'an's identity is the sleeping princess.

And his prince status is to attack the princess.

Not sure what flowers the sleeping princess likes, whether the type of flowers is according to Wan'an's preferences or the system regulations.

It is always right for Xie Juichao to think about buying more: "Please help me to match some flowers with good meanings as long as I send them to the person I like, to my lover, to my friends."

"Okay sir, where should I send it after I wrap it?" The flower boss asked again.

The residence has not yet been decided, Xie Juichao can only ask the flower boss to wrap it first, and come to pick it up later.

There are a total of 53 kinds of flowers. During the settlement, Xie Yuchao found that the flower boss only settled the amount of 52 kinds of flowers. He wondered: "Boss, are you short?"

"No, sir, I'm sorry, there is a kind of flower language in it that is not suitable for the person you sent it to." The flower boss explained.

He also pointed to the purple-red five-petal heart-shaped petals and white stamens of seaside mallows that were blooming in the corner.

"This flower is very beautiful, what is the language of the flower?" Xie Juichao didn't know much about the language of flowers and asked curiously.

"Sarcasm." The flower boss replied: "The people from the Fairy Tale Town Circus ordered it, so I just saw that Mr. brought the nightingale here, and I thought you were from the circus to pick up flowers."

"Why would the circus order such flowers? Could it be for performance?" Wan An was curious.

It's a pity that it's outdoors now, and she can't write. It's really hard to communicate because of the language barrier.

There is still some time to pack flowers, Xie Juichao first asked the flower owner to take a small red baby's breath, and weaved a mini garland while walking.

Because each character in the Yiyou system card is equipped with a different flower language, Wan'an is very sensitive to the flower language now.

No one communicated, she could only guess the reason why the circus bought seaside mallow.

I was thinking about it, and my head was heavy.

Wan'an raised his head, just in time to catch the afterimage of Xie Juichao retracting his hand.

"What did you put in my head?" Wan An asked in confusion.

[You have received a red gypsophila gift from player 'Xie Juichao', the progress of the flower task is +1, and the current progress is 1/99]

[Detected the flower language of the red starry sky: true love (data can be calculated if the flower language does not violate the rules)]

[Congratulations, you and the player 'Xie Juichao' have an intimacy value of +1, and the current intimacy value is 1/? ? ? 】

The system's broadcast pulled Wan'an out of the question of flower language.

Even if he couldn't touch the mini garland of baby's breath on his head, Wan An could still imagine what it looked like.

Reminiscing that Xie Juichao had bought all kinds of flowers, Wan An had a guess in his mind: "You don't mean all those flowers are for me, do you?"

Considering the actual situation, besides her, she couldn't think of anyone for whom Xie Juichao bought so many flowers for the time being.

When the wreath fell on Wan'an's head, Xie Juichao's mind rang a system broadcast.

[Congratulations, the sleeping princess still likes the gypsophila wreath you gave me. You have activated the intimacy value calculation, the intimacy value +1, and the current intimacy value is 1/? ? ? 】

[Congratulations, Mission [-]: Find the Sleeping Princess - Completed]

There are only three main missions for Xie Juichao. After confirming that the goal of the mission is Wan'an, the beginning of the mission has been completed.

He tilted his head to meet Wan An's puzzled eyes, and replied with a smile, "I don't know what kind of flowers you like, so I bought them all."

Wan An's eyes widened, his expression a little excited.

So the flower was really for her?
"52 kinds, Xiaoyi, did you hear, Xie Juichao gave them all to me, then I have completed half of the 99 kinds of flowers mission!" Heartbroken, Wan'an could only communicate with Xiaoyi without barriers.

【I know, I know】

"No, why did Xie Juichao suddenly send me flowers." Wan An was happy for less than two seconds, then remembered that he had guessed earlier that he was the target of Xie Juichao's strategy.

At that time, she had calculated that Xie Juichao's system might have a reminder of the mission to attack her.

Now Xie Juan didn't even blink, and sold the flowers short without hesitation, obviously he got the mission reminder.

It is suspected that her character identity is not a cursed princess at all, but a sleeping princess.

Perhaps since Xie Yuchao gave her the wreath just now, my identity information has been confirmed by the system at Xie Yuchao.

Thinking about it this way, Wan An couldn't get angry.

She didn't want to keep her identity and role from Xie Yuchao all the time to hinder Xie Yuchao from doing the main task.

It is true that the account with Xie Juichao has not yet been settled. First, Xie Juichao cheated his identity, and now Xie Juichao may verify the identity of the character by sending a wreath.

Wan'an is not happy with her grudge against Xiaoben's people so smoothly.

The excitement suddenly rose, and then quickly fell.

I have received system reminders for flowers to increase intimacy. Xie Yuchao's dress-up system is similar to his own, and his attacks are not too fancy. Maybe he also has a system reminder to increase intimacy.

With a sullen expression, Wan An simply sat on Xie Juichao's shoulder, feeling weak.

Noticing that Wan'an, whose eyes were full of joy just now, suddenly lost his expression, Xie Juichao worried: "What's wrong with you?"

Could it be that Wan'an hates those Chinese flowers?

Wan'an turned her head stiffly, glanced at Xie Juan coldly, and muttered in her heart: It's nothing, just thinking about how to punish you.

Wan'an didn't have time to figure out a solution, so he found Mu Gang who was entering the city.

Standing on Mu Gang's head, Wu Ling was full of surprise when he saw Wan An wearing a garland of small red flowers: "Little Nightingale, the flower on your head is so beautiful."

"I brought you something to eat." After experiencing the unreliable communication with children relying on Xie Yuchao, Wan'an really missed the feeling of being able to communicate with Wu Ling normally.

Seeing Wu Ling at this moment, he stepped on Xie Yu's shoulder and reminded him to take out the pile of gifts he had received.

There were too many snacks and toys, so Xie Juichao took two cloth bags and packed them separately.

Now that he met Mu Gang, he simply put the things into the carriage and let Wu Ling study by himself.

Mu Gang was a little distressed, and said to Xie Yuchao: "I asked the hotel on the way here. Because of the arrival of the Fairy Tale Town Circus, the hotels here are full."

"Residents can try it." Xie Yuchao replied, exchanging information with Mu Gang while giving directions to the flower stall.

When he knew that Xie Juichao had finished buying flowers from a booth, Mu Gang looked at him with horror: "No, Lao Xie, why did you buy so many flowers? Dried to make scented tea?"

"To Wan'an." Xie Juichao put the bouquet that the flower boss had prepared into the carriage.

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