Chapter 500 Divine Sword Gate

They only heard that they could get the ownership of the sword, but they didn't hear the awakened energy of Wan'an's word game, so they all nodded their heads and said hello.

Wan An took out a mountain god pendant and tied it to the hilt of his sword.

He explained to the awakening energy: "This is the Excalibur, and this is the adornment of the Excalibur. It can sense all the emotions you have about the sword, and collect them and convey them to the Excalibur."

"So whoever you really like it, and whoever is just using it as a container, Excalibur understands. Therefore, it will only choose the one among you who is most sincere to it."

"Really?" The little golden pig didn't believe it.

"For someone like you who doubts it, Excalibur will not choose you at all." Wan An smiled, and his meaningful eyes fell on the little golden pig.

"Who... who said that I don't believe in it." The little golden pig said anxiously, "I like Excalibur more than any of them."

"Then you all enter the Divine Sword Gate." Wan'an shook the mountain god pendant: "Enter the Divine Sword Gate, believe in the Divine Sword, and the Divine Sword will choose you after feeling your sincerity."

[No way, you even lied to awakening energy? 】

Looking at this pile of awakened energy, he really believed in Wan'an's evil, clamoring to enter Jianmen, Yiyou system couldn't help but start to worry about himself.

It opened its mouth unsurely, expressing doubts.

[Usually you shouldn't have lied to me, have you? 】

"Dear Xiaoyi, how could I lie to you." Wan'an smiled.

[Really didn't you lie to me when I wasn't paying attention? 】

"Xiao Yi, we are partners, the best partners, I will not lie to you if I lie to anyone~" Wan An comforted softly.

【You are right, Xiao Yi, dear and honorable player, sorry, I should not doubt you】

"It's okay." Every time the Yiyou system uttered a sentence, Wan'an's tone rose a bit from the previous sentence.

The clay doll was blocked outside, and when she saw the nine-meter-high ball made of awakened energy in front of her, she suddenly became quiet, and she was worried for Wan'an who was still trapped inside.

Tightening the strap of the backpack, the clay doll yelled into the big ball, "Bai Wanwan, are you still alive?"

These awakened energies fought fiercely just now, but they suddenly quieted down. Could it be because Bai Wanwan was beaten to death?

The more the clay doll thought about it, the more she felt it was possible.

Swaying in my heart, I was choosing between taking advantage of the lack of awakened energy to notice him sneaking away, and continuing to wait for Wan'an to collect the body, and saw the awakened energy that formed the big ball spread out in an instant, revealing the people inside.

The clay doll hastily covered her eyes, not daring to look at Wan An's tragic situation before her death.

"You can't think of me better." Wan'an was speechless.

There are many ways to care about people.

But the clay doll chose the most inauspicious one.

Is it okay to ask if you are dead?still alive?
The last one who cared about him this way was Crow and Wuling.

"Bai Wanwan, you—" The clay doll opened its mouth wide, looking shocked at Wan An who was approaching surrounded by a bunch of awakened energies.

Not long ago, it was the awakened energy that would kill anyone it saw, but now it seemed to have changed its soul.

Fans and fans automatically float around Wan'an, bringing cool wind to her in this hot and dry world.

Two small hammers were on Wan'an's shoulders, tapping her shoulders lightly with slow movements.

"You...have you been held hostage by them?" The clay doll worried.

When he asked this question, he didn't even have confidence in himself.

"No, they are friendly." It was Wan'an's cheerful tone that answered the clay doll.

As she spoke, she twisted her neck and said, "The right shoulder is getting a little stronger."

"Okay~" Iron Hammer's original rough voice was clamped down at this moment.

"Hey, I've been walking all day, and I'm a little tired." Wan An walked up to the clay doll and sat down on the ground.

Just when the clay doll thought that Wan An was going to fall, a loveseat rushed out with pillows, letting Wan An fall on it.

"Look, I've said it all, they are very friendly." Wan An lay down on the back of the sofa, and a tattered book floated in front of her, automatically turning the pages for reading.

(End of this chapter)

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