Chapter 96 Gold Mining

Mouse shit Ding Zhenyang was still in a daze when he was called to the office by the teacher. He was in class well, what did he tell him to do.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the police, and the muttering in his heart became louder. What's the situation? Is there any case to ask him?

He didn't think about himself, because he was studying with his head covered every day recently, and he was catching up with the progress. It took him half a year to finish learning the knowledge points of the first semester of high school and the second year of high school, which required him to devote himself wholeheartedly.

He not only wants to go to the third year of high school, but also to take the first place in the exam, so he must not slack off.

So when he heard that he was in danger of stealing a large amount of money, he wondered if he was hallucinating.

"Me? Stealing?" Ding Zhenyang looked at the person in front of him unkindly: "You don't wrong me, I study at school every day, where do I go to steal, and whoever pours dirty water on me, there must be some shady intentions, right? That's the trick."

He was basically sure who did it, and it was probably that Abel Meny. It turned out that when he bought him with money, that yellow-haired man still had this idea, and he was really uneasy and kind.

"Be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist. Hurry up and tell the truth, or your life will be over." Xing Xiao said sternly.

Mi Xinye said calmly, "Don't be afraid. If it's a misunderstanding, just explain clearly. On March [-]nd, where did you go, Student Ding, and what did you do?"

Ding Zhenyang didn't look at Xing Xiao either, and only said to Mi Xinye: "It's nothing, I just donated the lucky money I saved to do good deeds, this is proof."

He directly took out a piece of paper from his pocket, which was the proof of donation.

He received tens of thousands of dollars from Abel that day. He had no subordinates, so he donated it anonymously, and donated a little in his own name by the way.

As for Abel's donation?

What does it have to do with him.

He doesn't know anything about the dirty money, whoever saw it, who can prove it?
Anyway, he didn't get any benefits, and no one could do anything to him.

"And my classmates can also prove it."

Mi Xinye looked at the seal and made sure that there was no problem. After understanding the situation with Ding Zhenyang's classmate, he smiled and said, "It seems that there was a misunderstanding. I'm sorry for causing trouble to Ding Zhenyang."

"It's okay, just check it out." Ding Zhenyang hesitated: "In fact, someone came to me that day. Is it related to him today?"

"you are right?"

"Abel Meny, he wanted my sister's research results before. After my sister rejected him, he still stalked him, trying to bribe me with money and help him steal things. How could I agree?"

Ding Zhenyang squinted his eyes angrily: "Can a rich man do whatever he wants? He takes me for something, but I think he may not let it go, and may resort to some kind of conspiracy."

"And I heard that he wants to build a factory in our village and wants to occupy my sister's contracted land. It's hard not to suspect that the incident of framing me is related to Abel Meny. He wants to use my affairs to threaten my sister."

He was really worried about how people's hearts could be so bad.

He used to think that there were many good people in this world, but first, Sun Bin slandered his father for 10 yuan, and now it was Abel who plotted harm for his sister's research results. He suddenly became depressed and saw the world more clearly. .

Xing Xiao said excitedly: "You are talking nonsense, Mr. Meni is not that kind of person."

"He's not that kind of person? How do you know? You've only known him for a long time. I have reason to suspect that you are in the same group." Ding Zhenyang changed his face when he turned around, and looked at Xing Xiao carefully.


"Okay, there was a misunderstanding. I will definitely investigate the robbery of Mr. Meany seriously. Let's go."

Mi Xinye made a final decision and left with his people.

Xing Xiao had no choice but to leave.

After the person left, Ding Zhenyang received the teacher's comfort, and then went to the canteen to call Ding Shuyuan to tell her about it.

Ding Shuyuan got angry: "Give him face."

She hated people reaching out to her family the most, this Abel Meny damn, wait, sooner or later he will pay for it.

"Did they do anything to you? Are you okay?"

"It's okay, otherwise I can't call you. I think the higher ups attach great importance to him. Will they just rob the farm?" Ding Zhenyang was worried.

In the past, he might have thought it impossible, but his father didn't do anything illegal, and he was imprisoned for several days. If it wasn't for Brother Zhou and the others, his father might still be sentenced.

"He has to find a way to grab it if he wants to." Ding Shuyuan affirmed.

Wang Mulin directly obtained the freehold property rights of the farm, orchard, and Eagle Island, which became her personal land and no longer owned by the village collective.

In the future, unless it is inherited by her own descendants, no one else can touch it.

The village chief was shocked when he received the document: "How did you do this?"

Several families in the village planned to come to Ding Shuyuan to trouble her and force her to submit. For the future of the village, the village chief planned to turn a blind eye to it, but now this thing appeared.

Not fake, right?
"Of course I have my way, village chief, stop thinking about it." Ding Shuyuan admired the regretful expression on the village chief's face.

The village chief was depressed, but he thought that Ding Shuyuan could do this because of Yuan Xizhou's help. He didn't expect him to be able to do this. This kind of person should not be offended.

It's just a pity that such a good development opportunity has been missed, and they don't know when their village will be able to get up after missing this time.

The money he collected has to be returned, hey.

"Okay, your farm and orchard are also preserved, and they will be well managed in the future. People in the village will pick vegetables and fruits at your place in the future, which will also be an income." The village chief's mood changed quickly.

"It's spring now, and the trees in the orchard are beginning to bloom, and it's time to prepare for pollination. How many people do you plan to hire to pick flowers?"

The village head is testing Ding Shuyuan to see if she has any estrangement from the village because of this incident.

Since the factory cannot be opened, the extra income of the villagers depends on Ding Shuyuan.

"Let's see in two days." Ding Shuyuan deliberately didn't say whether to hire someone or not. When the village chief became anxious, she said: "Village chief, in fact, there is nothing good about foreign-funded factories. As far as I know, fishing rod factories are very polluting to the environment. , harmful to the human body."

"Exchanging your health for money is not worth it at all. After earning money, you have to spend it to see a doctor. The gain outweighs the loss."

"Without the fishing rod factory, we wouldn't be able to make money. We can only plan food in the fields for the rest of our lives." The village chief was worried.

He may have selfish intentions, but he is also sincerely doing good for the village.

"The fishing rod factory can't be completed, we can build a factory by ourselves." Ding Shuyuan was shining brightly.

"It's not so easy to build a factory. Funding alone is a problem. If we have that money, we don't have to worry about making money." The village chief shook his head, building a factory, he dared not even think about it.

If they have as much money as Ding Shuyuan, it is possible, but the key is not.

Moreover, after building a factory, what do they do and how do they sell it? There are many problems that cannot be solved. It is not reliable to build a factory by yourself.

"It's not very accurate to say that the factory is built. To be precise, we can dig gold mines." Ding Shuyuan bit the last three words.

(End of this chapter)

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