Chapter 18 Spirit Medicine Peak Disciple

The main reason is that he is lazy. Apprentices with good spiritual roots can be free-range, but disciples with multiple spiritual roots need to spend a lot of thought.

After saying that, he threw a storage ring to Yun Chuchu, Yun Chuchu took it in his hand, and immediately bowed his hands and said, "Thank you, Master."

Master Wuji did not deny Yun Chuchu's title, he waved his hand outside the hall, and immediately came in a 14-year-old handyman female disciple.

"Take her to get the identity card and choose the cave, and you can follow her in the future." Zhenjun Wuji said to the handyman disciple.

"Yes, the disciple obeys!"

Master Wuji nodded and disappeared into the hall in a flash.

Is this over?

Yun Chuchu was a little disappointed, it was different from what she had imagined.

The thick thighs are not hugged.

Yun Chuxin was accepted as a direct disciple as soon as she came, and she still has to build her foundation. Why is that?

Is it because Yun Chuxin is the heroine, is she cannon fodder?
The same spiritual roots have different lives.

"Little Martial Uncle, Martial Nephew Zhao Xue, please follow Martial Nephew to the Hall of Deacons." Seeing that Yun Chuchu was still standing there, Zhao Xue said very respectfully when she touched Yun Chuchu.

Yun Chuchu recovered, nodded and said, "Okay, then I will trouble you."

Zhao Xue waved her hands again and again, and said with trepidation, "Young Master Uncle, you are being polite."

As the future apprentice of Zhenjun Wuji, she would not dare to hold her up in front of Yun Chuchu, even though she has not officially become a teacher yet.

But that's a matter of time, a certainty.

Yun Chuchu followed Zhao Xue to the Deacon Hall of the Inner Sect to get the identity jade badge, and got acquainted with the various halls of the lower sect, and the places where they would deal with in the future.

Inner sect disciples also have sect quests, such a big sect, it is impossible to support idlers, how to get quests, how to hand in quests, Zhao Xue told Yun Chuchu one by one.

Finally, he took her to a cave in the back mountain of Lingyao Peak, "Little Martial Uncle, this is your cave, if you need anything, you can call Martial Nephew."

As he spoke, he took out a few sound transmission talismans imprinted with her spiritual power and gave them to Yun Chuchu, and taught her how to use them.

"Thank you, I will trouble you if you don't understand." Yun Chuchu kept her posture very low.

Zhao Xue smiled, after some contact, Yun Chuchu was very easy to get along with, and she was not as uneasy as before, she nodded and sent Yun Chuchu into the cave before returning.

Yun Chuchu took out the spirit stone from the space and put it in the eye of the formation at the entrance. When the formation was in operation, it meant that the cave already had an owner, and no one would use their spiritual sense to check it out. This would protect the five The privacy of every disciple of Huazong is quite good.

Yun Chuchu looked at the cave, the cave was on the mountain, and the inside was full of stones, there were only three stone houses, one for cultivation, one for alchemy, and one for receiving guests.

The furnishings in the room are simple, there is a futon and a stone bed in the training room, a stone table and four stone benches in the living room, and nothing in the alchemy room.

It was outrageously simple, but Yun Chuchu didn't mind, a cultivator should have a pure heart and few desires.

After reading it, Yun Chuchu opened the storage bag brought by the sect, and took out her identity token from inside. After recognizing the master with a drop of blood, the identity information of the token holder can be seen on the identity token with spiritual sense.

Yun Chuchu is Yun Chuchu, an inner disciple of Wuhuazong Lingyao Peak.

The age and cultivation level are not shown above, and the age and cultivation level will change, so it is meaningless to do it.

Then I looked at the Zongmen rules issued by the Zongmen to each of the Zongmen's disciples. This is very important. There are some rules and taboos that must be known, otherwise I will not know how to break them.

After reading it quickly, Yun Chuchu kept it in mind, and then took out the storage ring that Zhenjun Wuji gave her.

The storage ring is one level higher than the storage bag, and the space inside is much larger, and the storage bag can be stored in it.

Yun Chuchu immediately recognized the Lord and put it on her finger.

Only then did I look inside.

"so much."

Yun Chuchu gasped, this True Monarch Wuji is really generous, he has [-] light stones, as well as various defensive and offensive magic weapons and spiritual weapons.

All kinds of elixirs are top-grade and top-grade.

What made her most happy were the three jade slips, one was exactly the "Fire and Wood Jue" exercise she wanted so desperately, and the other was the "Dan Jing".

The "Dan Jing" records all the elixir in the entire world of cultivating immortals, as well as the medicinal properties and growth environment of the elixir, which regions are available, various elixir recipes, and refining methods.

The other one is "Poison Sutra" that Yun Chuchu never expected. The pills in it make Yun Chuchu dumbfounded. What kind of itching powder, laughing powder, crying powder, drug powder... are all poisonous and immortal A medicinal powder that can peel off the skin of a human being.

These powders are different from those itching powders in the mortal world. They are colorless and odorless, poisoning the monks invisible, and there is no solution.

Of course, there are still several kinds of real poisons, which can kill people invisible, and the poisoned person will not know that he is poisoned until he dies.

"Hehe, this Wuji Zhenjun is really interesting."

This Master Wuji is cold and cold on the surface, but he is actually a black-bellied person.

If you can't beat it, you can poison it.

This is quite to Yun Chuchu's appetite, she likes to make things secretly.

Especially for a little white flower like Shangyun Chuxin, giving her a handful of tickling powder will make her suffer unspeakably.

Doesn't she like to pretend, then let her pretend enough.

In addition, there is also a pill furnace in the storage ring. This pill furnace is at least a magic weapon level and can be used to refine intermediate-level pills.

High-level pills have to be refined with Lingbao, which is too early for her.

Yun Chuchu was happy for a long time, the haze of the idea of ​​not becoming a teacher before had disappeared long ago, and he has not officially become a teacher yet, Zhenjun Wuji is so generous, if he formally becomes a teacher.

Unexpectedly, Zhenjun Wuji, who is so cold that he can't eat the fireworks in the world, is a person with a cold heart and a warm heart. She is looking forward to Zhenjun Wuji after he truly becomes a teacher.

Yun Chuchu swallowed a bigu pill, crossed her knees and started to practice, and she couldn't let down Zhenjun Wuji's intentions.

The next day, Yun Chuchu changed her imperial uniform and left the cave. She had to tell Zhao Xue some things, and then she was going to retreat.

Improving your cultivation is the kingly way.

"Little uncle, what are your plans for today?" Zhao Xue was already waiting in front of the cave when she came out, she asked respectfully.

Yun Chuchu shook her head, and took out the elixir she made from the sky: "You came just in time, and I'm still looking for you. From today onwards, I have to retreat. If there is something to do in the sect, you can knock on it. You can take these and go back to practice." .”

The disciples who do chores in the sect are generally disciples with four or five spiritual roots, and they basically don't have time to practice because they can't finish the chores every day.

Zhao Xue followed her, she didn't want to enslave Zhao Xue, there was no need for others to do what she could do.

Zhao Xue happily took the elixir given by Yun Chuchu, and she saluted: "Thank you, little uncle."

After hesitating for a while, he said, "Uncle, Yaoshan secret realm will open in half a year. Do you want to participate? If uncle wants to participate, nephew can sign up for you first."

She didn't want to say it at first, in case the little uncle was going.

The Yaoshan secret realm is very dangerous, and it is not mandatory for Qi training disciples to enter, but danger and opportunity often coexist.

(End of this chapter)

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