Chapter 21 Itchy Powder

Yun Chuchu is not yet a direct disciple, so kill her before she becomes stronger, in case she returns to Yun's family for revenge in the future.

It would be a disaster to keep her.

It just happened to suit Yun Chuxin's wishes, and she wanted to kill Yun Chuchu to get the black jade space.

I didn't expect to suffer a dull loss today, which is simply a shame.

The only one who made Yun Chuchu suffer, and when did she suffer.

"Huh? It's so itchy."

After Yun Chuxin took a few steps, her body suddenly started to itch, especially her face. She quickly scratched it a few times, but the more she scratched, the more itchy.

How is this going?

"Junior Sister, what's the matter?" Seeing her grabbing her body, the male disciples who caught up surrounded Yun Chuxin and asked worriedly.

"I don't know, Junior Sister has something else to do, so I'm going back to the peak first." Yun Chuxin waved impatiently, all of them pretending to be hypocritical, and hurried to Fufeng after speaking, leaving all the male disciples at a loss.

The male disciples who were left behind looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't know that Yun Chuxin's attitude had changed so much. Before that, she was gentle and gentle. When she talked about being bullied by her sister, she was so pitiful.

"Is junior sister blaming us for not helping you just now?" A male disciple looked at Yun Chuxin's back and asked.

"I don't know, how could we do it in that situation." Another person added.

Yun Chuchu has already said that, even if Yun Chuxin is a direct disciple now, she is still Yun Chuchu's younger sister. It is only natural for an older sister to teach a younger sister, so what qualifications do they have to say anything.

What's more, is it useful to say so much before?

What's more, Yun Chuchu is also a disciple of Lingyao Peak at any rate, they will say something at most, it is impossible to do something in the sect, the sect has regulations, if they do something today and beat Yun Chuchu, they will definitely enter the Law Enforcement Hall and be treated lightly. If they are punished, they will be expelled from the division and will never be hired.

They weren't that brain-dead yet, and Yun Chuchu didn't look like that to be trifled with.

Another person nodded and said: "Forget it, let's go back too, I don't have the heart to take this task today."

Everyone nodded and walked towards their summit in frustration.

"Huh? Why does my body itch so much?" A disciple twisted his body and scratched his body vigorously a few times.

"Oh, me too."

"Me too."

"Ah, me too."

"What's going on? It's itchy."


For a while, some of them bent down, squatted, or sat on the road to scratch, and even rubbed on the stones if they couldn't scratch their backs.

The scene is as funny as it gets.

"Are we poisoned?" One person couldn't help shouting.

"Well, it must be Yunchuchu who did it."

None of the people in the Spiritual Medicine Peak knew how to make alchemy, so there was nothing unusual about refining a few poisonous pills.

"Ah, it's so itchy. Let's go and settle the score with her later." When a disciple saw someone coming, he immediately ran up the mountain, suppressing the itch on his body.

He just twisted his body while running, and the disciples who came down the mountain were puzzled.

This is crazy?
At this time, Yun Chuxin, who had returned to the cave, had scratched the skin on his face not long after.

Now that she didn't understand that she was following Yun Chuchu's words, then she deserved to die.

"Damn bitch!"

After Yun Chuxin cursed, she simply took off all the clothes on her body. It was so itchy, almost to the bone, and she scratched with all her strength, wishing to tear the bones off and scratch, and the flesh flew away after a while. , A good person has become a bloody person.

Fortunately, this kind of injury is not fatal to monks, it will only make people suffer. After the effect of the itching powder is over, take a healing pill, and the body will recover as before.

Yun Chuxin scolded Yun Chuchu thousands of times in her heart, and vowed to make Yun Chuchu look good when she recovered.

Yun Chuchu didn't go back to the elixir peak at this moment, she went down the mountain anyway, she wanted to go to a mountain peak outside the Wuhua Sect, where there was a market established by the sect.

A large sect like Wuhua Sect, with 10,000+ disciples, will set up a market in the sect to facilitate transactions for disciples.

Yun Chuchu soon came to Fangshi, Fangshi is very big, there are many kinds of shops, just like a small town.

Yun Chuchu found a elixir shop, replaced all the elixir in her hand with spirit stones, and bought some elixir seeds in a seed shop.

"Hey, Chuchu, why are you here in Fangshi?" Yun Chuchu just left the shop when she heard someone calling her.

Familiar voice.

Yun Chuchu looked for the reputation, but it was Li Xiang'er and a female disciple from the outer sect who came together.

"Hi, Xiang'er." Yun Chuchu walked over.

"You are in the inner sect." Li Xiang'er poked at the blue imperial uniform on Yun Chuchu's body, and then pointed to the gray imperial uniform on her body.

"Well, are you okay in the outer sect?" Yun Chuchu looked at Li Xiang'er, seeing that her cultivation had not increased, it must be difficult for the outer sect.

"Fortunately, I have this senior sister covering me. By the way, Chuchu is Zhang Liyuan. I'll call her Yuanyuan." Li Xianger introduced the female disciples beside Yun Chuchu.

"Hi, I'm Yun Chuchu." Yun Chuchu introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Yuanyuan. I often hear Xiang'er mentioning you." Zhang Liyuan said lightly.


Yun Chuchu also answered a word lightly, it was obvious that this Zhang Liyuan didn't like her, so she stopped putting her hot face on her cold ass.

"Xiang'er, are you done with your work? I want to go shopping at the stall." Yun Chuchu turned to Li Xiang'er.

Li Xianger frowned at this moment, she let go of Zhang Liyuan's hand, took Yun Chuchu's arm, smiled at her and said: "I'm fine, I came here with Yuanyuan, I haven't seen you for a long time, I will accompany you Let's go shopping, we can talk too."

Turning around, she said to Zhang Liyuan: "Yuanyuan, then I won't accompany you."

After speaking, he pulled Yun Chuchu and left.

She, Li Xiang'er, is a bit more innocent, but she is not stupid. Zhang Liyuan looked down on Chu Chu, so she couldn't like Zhang Liyuan.

Originally, she was a straight-hearted person, all emotions were shown on her face,

"Aren't you afraid that she will get angry?" Yun Chuchu patted Li Xiang'er on the head, she was still so straightforward.

Li Xiang'er stuck out her tongue towards Yun Chuchu, and said playfully, "If you get angry, get angry. I'm not a Lingshi. I hope she likes me. You are my friend. If she treats you so coldly, she doesn't give me face. She doesn't give me face. Why give her face."

"Yes, yes, what we Xiang'er said is very reasonable, but if you change your straightforward temper, you will suffer a lot less."

"I can't change it. I was born with bones and tendons. Because of this temperament, my mother beat me a lot."

Speaking of her mother, Li Xiang'er looked happy.

Yun Chuchu smiled, a child with a mother is a treasure, and she and her mother were not related in the past and present lives.

Her parents divorced early in her previous life. She lived with her father since she was a child. Later, her father remarried.

Here I have never seen my mother since I was a child, and I don't know what she looks like.

(End of this chapter)

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