Chapter 36 Ming Wu
Another one is the state of mind. If the speed of cultivation is too fast, the state of mind cannot keep up, which is also harmful to cultivation.

Seriously, the state of mind collapsed directly, and the cultivation base stayed here in this life, and stopped moving forward.

Thinking of her state of mind, Yun Chuchu felt that her state of mind was a bit broken. It had been seven months since she traveled to this world in the book, and she felt as if she was always in the plot of the book, worrying that she would be cannon fodder anytime and anywhere.

When facing Yun Chuxin, he seemed unable to deal with it well, and always wanted to avoid her, thinking that as long as he didn't see her, he wouldn't be killed by her.

He thinks that if his cultivation is strong, he won't be afraid of her anymore.

Is this really the case?

It doesn't seem to be, some things are quietly changing.

This self-righteous mentality is unacceptable, it seems that I have to adjust my mentality.

This is no longer the world in the book, it is a real world of cultivating immortals.

Everyone is a real person, and everyone has rich thoughts, not just a few words like in the book.

It's like describing the heroine in the book, saying that she has a warm face and a cold heart, that she is as cunning as a fox, and that she is beautiful and a natural attraction (to attract men's admiration).

But no, not only is Yun Chuxin not as good-looking as her, but she is also a standard little white flower. She is not good enough to be on the stage in life and work, and she is just a brain.

But when she crossed over, she changed the fate of the original owner.

The space that should belong to the heroine, and the spiritual root that should belong to the heroine, have not been preserved now.

Moreover, she also joined the Wuhua Sect and the Lingyao Peak. Although Zhenjun Wuji has not officially accepted her as a disciple, she has actually been approved by him. Hard to see.

In this secret realm, she also got the strange fire that originally belonged to the heroine. The heroine originally had countless followers following her in this secret realm, and she didn't see many people who protected her, and the chances were also reduced. .

If she got a soul control spell, then she also got a soul control technique, right? It's a technique to restrain her soul control.

Think about it, in fact, the plot in the book has changed unconsciously.

Then why is she always afraid of this and that?

Just do what you want, do what you want, do what you want, and do what you want.

Originally, the journey of cultivating immortals is a beautiful and cruel thing. Some people can kill all their relatives and friends for a treasure.

There are also people who kill their wives for the sake of immortality.

And the treasure that the original owner possessed was enough for others to kill her thousands of times.

Think about it, the original owner was not wronged at all as cannon fodder.


At this moment, there was a buzzing sound in Yun Chuchu's sea of ​​consciousness. There was a feeling of seeing the bright moon after pulling away the clouds and mist, and his mind became much clearer, and he didn't feel chaotic anymore.

It seems that the haze that was pressing in my heart has also dissipated.

My heart is clear.

"Am I enlightened?"

Yun Chuchu realized it late, and she looked a little unbelievable. She just felt that she was restrained everywhere and was in a bad mood, so she sat here and thought about it.

I felt that there were some problems with some of my thoughts, and after thinking about it, I became so enlightened.

It took Yun Chuchu a long time to come to her senses, she also has such an opportunity?

The state of mind that was a little bit collapsed has also stabilized, and it is still stable.

There is a feeling that I am Tianyun Chuxin and I am a fart. Why are you afraid of her?

Yun Chuxin doesn't act like a heroine now. Now that Linggen is better than her, how else can she suppress her?

However, we can't take her lightly. Many people just die of disapproval. After all, she is the heroine, and her luck is still there.

After Yun Chuchu warned herself, it was time to go out.

She was refreshed now, revived with full blood, stood up and performed a cleansing technique, then walked out of the cave.

Originally, Yun Chuxin thought that there was another chance she wanted to grab, so forget it, let it go, she is lucky to get it.

There are still two months left for the secret realm to be closed. Take advantage of these two months to wander around the secret realm to see if you can gain something.

It took Yun Chuchu a long time to turn out of the cave, and after she came out, she chose a random direction and galloped away.

"Boom boom boom..."

After walking for an hour, there was the sound of fighting four or five miles ahead of her. Yun Chuchu wanted to take a detour, but unexpectedly ran over to watch the excitement.

It is human nature to watch the excitement, eight out of ten people like to watch the excitement, and the remaining two are the troublemakers (pure nonsense, don't spray).

"We discovered this first, Yun Chuxin, don't be so shameless, you just want to take advantage of it without any effort, hand over your things, otherwise you don't want to leave today."

From afar, Yun Chuchu heard Wu Lin's loud voice.

"Whoever gets it first will get it. Why, do you want to bully the few with the more, do you want to fight each other?" Yun Chuxin's disdainful voice sounded, not to be outdone, not even the slightest bit weak, full of arrogance.

Yun Chuxin was still as shameless as ever, and when she saw something she liked, she would grab it. In the past, those who robbed the original owner, and those who robbed the disciples of the clan, now they actually robbed those from the same sect.

Yun Chuchu scoffed.

"Uncle Yun, are you not afraid that I will go back and tell the Peak Master?"

As soon as Yun Chuchu arrived, he heard Fu Feng's Senior Brother Zhang say angrily.

"Oh, I'm so scared, senior brother, should we give it to them?" Yun Chuxin held up a tree as tall as a person in his hand, with a dozen fruits on it.

The fruit is the size of a fist and is red.

Yun Chuchu was startled, this is the longevity fruit.

No wonder Yun Chuxin wants to snatch it. The longevity fruit is not more common than the jade muscle fruit, and it is also a rare spiritual thing.

A mature longevity fruit can prolong life by 100 years. If a monk is near the end of his life and his cultivation is stuck but cannot break through, if he eats a life-prolonging fruit, he may have a breakthrough on the spot.

The longevity fruit can not only prolong life, but also help repair the aging meridians in the monk's body, and it can also revive the lost qi and blood.

The monks who are nearing the end of their lifespan are aging in all aspects, and the longevity fruit can make the body look a hundred years younger at once, and the body is nourished. Can the monks who are stuck at the critical point not make a breakthrough.

Anyone who sees such a baby is jealous.

Qiao Zhenfei didn't say a word, seeing Yun Chuxin set fire to him, he felt a little bit resentful towards her.

Isn't this stupid? She is a woman, even if she cheats on others, she won't talk about him in front of her.

just now……

Qiao Zhenfei glanced at Yun Chuxin, and then looked at the five people present. Although these five people were not direct disciples, they were all at the twelfth level of Qi training. They were considered elite disciples from various peaks in the inner sect, and their qualifications were older than him.

If he wanted to fight with them, he couldn't beat any of them. The only thing he could do in front of them was to show off his status as a direct disciple.

But is it useful?

The longevity fruit was too tempting, Qiao Zhenfei didn't want to give it up.

He hesitated.

It just so happened that his grandfather needed the longevity fruit very much. If his grandfather could break through the Nascent Soul, their family could become a second-rate family.

(End of this chapter)

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