Chapter 44 Arrival
Originally, it was her spoils, so you don't need to share it, but everyone contributed, so I thought about sharing it with everyone.

"Junior Sister, what do you mean?"

Jiang Nan watched as she threw out five storage bags.

"This is the storage bag on that person's body. Junior sister has the nerve to swallow it all by herself. Let's divide up the contents."

Jiang Nan waved his hand: "Junior Sister, this is completely unnecessary. You killed the man, and the spoils belong to you. Take them back quickly, and we won't take them back. Besides, we also have our own spoils."

If they shared her spoils, what would they become?

"Junior Sister, put it away quickly, someone is coming." At this moment, Senior Brother Su said.

"it is good."

Yun Chuchu was not hypocritical, quickly put the storage bag back into the space, and left quickly with the five people.

"Come on!"

As soon as they left, 30 to [-] people flew over to see that the uniforms on their bodies belonged to that sword sect.

Each of these people has a strong breath and is full of fighting spirit.

They followed Yun Chuchu under the order of the young master, as long as they found her, if they could steal the longevity fruit quietly, they would take it, and if they couldn't, they would wait for the opportunity.

"Brother, let them run away."

"Hmph, chase." The person called senior waved his hand and led others to chase after him in a swarm.

Yun Chuchu and the six had just run out not far away, when they were targeted by another group of people head-on.

There was a blockage in front and someone chasing after, Yun Chuchu had a headache, she immediately said: "Senior Brother and Sister, these people are all here for Junior Sister, I will leave with you."

After Yun Chuchu finished speaking, he turned around and galloped to another place, not giving Senior Brother Su the five people a chance to refuse at all.

"Brother Su."

Senior Brother Su and the others were stunned, they didn't expect that Junior Sister acted so recklessly that she dared to face the pursuit alone.

Jiang Nan was the first to respond and asked Senior Brother Su what to do.

"Since Junior Sister is afraid of hurting us, let's act in secret. The target is indeed a bit big to be exposed in front of people."

Brother Su said everything, and of course the other four had no objections, so they followed what he said, and immediately hid themselves and chased in the direction Yun Chuchu was running.

The five of them all have a special kind of concealment talisman, no one can detect them when they are patted on their bodies, and even their spiritual sense can't detect them.

But they chased for a while, and lost Yun Chuchu.

The five of them were a little dumbfounded. The speed of the five of them was fast enough, but they were not so fast.

It wasn't that Yun Chuchu was fast, but that she had expected that they would chase after her and entered the space long ago. After they had chased her past, she came out and headed towards the center of the secret realm.

It is much more convenient for her to act alone, and if she can't win, she can also sprinkle a handful of medicinal powder.

When they were together, she had no chance to use it, and she didn't dare to use it, for fear of hurting them by mistake.

There is no refining antidote for her poison.

She thought they were all poisoned and there was no need to detoxify them.

Yun Chuchu used the space to hide from XZ, and finally reached the center of the secret realm.

She didn't come here to grab Yun Chuxin's chance, but to look for Li Xiang'er. She must have known in the secret realm that everyone in the secret realm wanted to kill her to seize the treasure, so she came here to look for her because she was worried.

Presumably Li Xiang'er came here with everyone.

At this time, Yun Chuxin and the disciples of the Wuhua Sect had also arrived. After arriving, she quietly left the team without even bringing her flower protector.

Yun Chuxin came between two flat-topped mountains, and passed through the small gap between the two mountains.

This is where her opportunity lies.

In fact, the mountains in the middle of the secret realm are all similar high mountains, with towering trees growing into the clouds. Perhaps the aura here is stronger, there are more monsters in the mountains, and of course there are more elixir.

Most of the disciples who came here would immediately go to kill monsters to gather spiritual medicines. What they thought was that opportunities are not available to everyone. If they don't have that kind of luck, they can just hunt some monsters and gather some spiritual medicines.

Many of the elixirs here are rare elixirs, which are not often found outside.

But it's also dangerous. Most of the rare elixir are guarded by monsters, so another fierce battle is inevitable.

Even if Yun Chuchu came here secretly, she would not be able to attract the attention of others, thinking that she was also going to kill monsters.

Yun Chuxin walked out of the long and narrow passage. There was a little phoenix sealed here. In fact, there were no monsters. On the contrary, even monsters would not come here.

Passing through, there is actually a cave here, and it is surrounded by mountains, so few people will come here.

In front of the mountain wall to her left, there is a hole, which is covered by the concealment array, and it seems to be covered with weeds.

She saw in the illusion that she was chased by monsters, she fell down from the mountain in a panic, and fell directly into the hole. Give the sleeping little phoenix a contract.

After making an appointment with Xiaofenghuang, he went out from here.

Yun Chuxin found the entrance very smoothly. She closed her eyes and stepped on the grass, but her foot was empty and she fell down.

She was overjoyed, sure enough, she closed her eyes and let herself fall.

Outside, most of the people in the secret realm have arrived at this time. Many people know that there is a big opportunity here, but they don't know what the opportunity is or where it is.

Only Yuebaifeng took his followers to check here and there to see if there was any restriction.

They walked along the way, and heard a lot about Yun Chuchu. There were so many people, but no one found her, let alone the treasure from her.

Yuebaifeng actually became interested in Yun Chuchu, he really wanted to see this Yun Chuchu who was cheated to death by his younger sister, and also escaped from the hands of all the monks.

Not easy.

"Bai Yi, our people don't need to look for Yun Chuchu anymore, the most important task now is to find that opportunity."

Bai Shi nodded in unison.

The 11 people searched and searched, and came to Yun Chuxin's entrance through the long and narrow gap by accident.

Yun Chuxin walked by, but the footprints she stepped on were not visible, but the grass she stepped on was still crumbling.

"Young master, someone is going in here." Bai San pointed to the gap and said.

Yue Baifeng looked at the long and narrow gap, and a voice in his heart told him to go in quickly, but how could he get through with his body?

Bai Yuefeng: "Find a way to get there."

"Yes, young master." Bai Yi and ten people waved their long swords in unison to open the way.

It was too easy for ten people to open a road, and soon eleven people stood in a place surrounded by mountains.

This place is not big, with a radius of only ten feet.

Eleven people found it strange that this kind of place attracts the most monsters, but there are no monsters.

11 people just turn here, look here and there.


Suddenly, a person disappeared after making some exclamations.

"Young master." The remaining nine people hurriedly protected Yue Baifeng in the middle.

"Who disappeared just now?" Yue Baifeng asked, there was indeed something strange here, but he didn't think about the chance, mainly because this place was too ordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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