Chapter 52 Qiao Zhenfei's Chance
I just don't know if the Ice Spirit Root disciple from the Wuhua Sect got there first?
There are not many people in Ice Spirit Root, and even fewer people enter the secret realm.

It must be her, except that she doesn't think otherwise, the treasures containing ice spiritual power are not very useful to other people with spiritual roots, at most they can sell some spiritual stones.

The two quickly left the cave and looked around.

It's just that there was no trace of Yun Chuxin for a long time.

Yun Chuxin and the treasure hunting mouse returned to that valley.

"Little thing, you didn't take a bite for nothing." As soon as she sat down, Yun Chuxin hugged the treasure hunting mouse and kissed it a few times.

After being happy for a while, Yun Chuxin brought Bing Lingzi's storage ring to recognize the owner, and then poured out all the contents.

"There are so few things?"

Yun Chuxin looked at the few things on the ground with disgust.

Three jade slips, a few empty medicine bottles, a few men's cassocks, and a scabbard, that's all.

Yun Chuxin looked at the jade slips first, the Bingling sword has a matching Bingling swordsmanship, to see if there is any.

With her, she can learn Bingling swordsmanship.

She really has no talent for talismans. After studying for half a year, she has received countless cold looks. She has never drawn a single talisman, and in exchange for the master's indifference.

Learning how to use swordsmanship will definitely impress the old hag.

And in the future, she can also fight with swordsmanship,
Before the monsters attacked, she was terrified, and Qiao Zhenfei disliked her like that, she felt very uncomfortable.

Don't blame her for being timid, except for bullying Yun Chuchu since she was a child, she has never killed monsters or people at all.

What's more, the innumerable monsters from before made their scalp numb just looking at them.

After this incident, Yun Chuxin understood that she is no longer the second young lady of the Yun family who is held in her hands, and she is not the person with dual spiritual roots of fire and wood in the illusion, she is just someone that Fu Feng doesn't like Personal disciple.

He is still the worst direct disciple of the Wuhua Sect, and he is not welcome.

It has been half a year, except for the few days when Shizun taught her how to draw talismans, Shizun has never seen her since then, let alone teaching her, it seems that he has forgotten her.

Even Qiao Zhenfei who liked her didn't like her anymore.

The more Yun Chuxin thought about it, the more sad she became, and she made up her mind that she must practice this Bingling sword skill well.

Yun Chuxin sniffed, and read the jade slips one by one, and sure enough, there was the Bingling sword technique and the "Bingling Jue", a technique for cultivating the Bingling root.

Yun Chu was overjoyed, this "Bingling Jue" was much better than the "Bingshui Jue" she was practicing now.

The former is only suitable for people with spiritual roots to cultivate, and the exercises are specially tailored for people with ice spiritual roots. They are easy to practice and will not stagnate at all.

The latter is suitable for people with water spiritual roots and ice spiritual roots to practice. Although ice and water have the same origin, they are not the same spiritual root after all.

The former is still the most suitable for her spiritual roots.

Yun Chuxin carefully put away the "Bing Ling Jue", thinking that there were still a few days before the secret realm was closed, and she didn't know where to go, so why not practice the sword here.

She did what she said, and immediately comprehended "Bingling Sword".

Not to mention, Yun Chuxin is really talented in swordsmanship, and after two days, he made a set of "Bingling Sword" into a good shape.

Not to mention, Yun Chuxin, who was dressed in white, was still a little graceful when wielding the sword.

On the other side, when Qiao Zhenfei woke up, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

Where did he fall, this place is actually full of thunder spirit power.

"Hey, it hurts!"

Qiao Zhenfei was so excited that he thought about it, only to realize that he was seriously injured. The wounds on his legs that were scratched by monsters were so deep that the bones could be seen. Every time he moved, he grinned in pain.

The moment he jumped off the cliff, his head was upside down and his feet were upside down, and was caught by the chasing monster.

Qiao Zhenfei swallowed a healing pill in a hurry, and only searched around after he recovered from his injury, but he didn't see Yun Chuxin, and he didn't know why they separated, obviously they fell together.

He searched around but couldn't find it, so he didn't care about it. He had already saved her from the mouth of the monster, and he was already worthy of her.

Whether she lives or dies depends on her fate.

Here is his opportunity, the secret realm is about to close, he must seize it.

He couldn't give up his chance because of Yun Chuxin.

So Qiao Zhenfei searched for the place where Lei Ling's energy was the strongest.

Lei Lingli came out of a cave, and he immediately got into it.

This is a cave that can accommodate several people. In the cave, there is only a stone table placed in the center of the cave, and on the stone table there is a piece of thunder spirit stone the size of a human head, which emits thick thunder spirit power.

Qiao Zhenfei stepped forward quickly.

"call out!"

Suddenly something hit him in the face, Qiao Zhenfei took a wrong step to avoid the attack, and looked at the thing that attacked him with consciousness.

Qiao Zhenfei gasped when he saw that thing.

It was a first-order Dzogchen thunderstorm beast, the size of a leopard, staring at Qiao Zhenfei angrily, and posing to attack him.


The thunderstorm bared its teeth and roared at Qiao Zhenfei. It was warning him not to take another step.

Qiao Zhenfei didn't care about its warning, he raised the flying sword and attacked the Thunderstorm Beast, he must get the Thunder Spirit Stone, just kill this annoying Thunderstorm Beast.

Qiao Zhenfei's swordsmanship is deadly. Although Thunderstorm Beast is a bit stronger than him, it doesn't know how to use any spells. It only knows how to attack Qiao Zhenfei with brute force.

But how could its attack hurt the nimble Qiao Zhenfei.

The Thunderstorm Beast was so tired that it fell to the ground, and it didn't even touch Qiao Zhenfei.

"Brush brush..."

Qiao Zhenfei immediately swung a few sword auras to attack the thunderstorm beast. The thunderstorm beast did not escape the blow, its body was cut by the sword aura, and its purple fur was instantly dyed colorful with bright red blood.

"Boom boom boom..."

Qiao Zhenfei took the opportunity to throw a few flame talismans.


Thunderstorm Beast was blown out of sight, lying on the ground and yelling at Qiao Zhenfei.

"Surrender to me, or I will kill you."

Qiao Zhenfei fiercely said to the Thunderstorm Beast, this Thunderstorm Beast has good attack power, he didn't want to kill it anymore.

The Thunderstorm Beast was already scared by Qiao Zhenfei's strength. If it wanted to survive, it had to make a contract with this human. It nodded and willingly surrendered to Qiao Zhenfei.

Immediately afterwards, he made a contract with Qiao Zhenfei.


After the contract was completed, Qiao Zhenfei threw it a bottle of healing medicine.

Thunderstorm swallowed the bottle together, and then went to the side to heal his wounds.

Only then did Qiao Zhenfei come in front of Lei Lingshi.

He looked at the Thunder Spirit Stone excitedly, his hands trembled excitedly, and he gently raised his hand to touch the Thunder Spirit Stone.

"What a rich thunder spirit stone."

Qiao Zhenfei held the Lei Lingshi in his hand, took a few deep breaths of Lei Lingli, and sighed in satisfaction.

He hurriedly put the Lei Lingshi into a storage bag, and left it outside like this, all of Lei Ling's energy was gone.

Qiao Zhenfei's heart ached to death, the lost Lei Ling power was enough for him to advance to a lower level, what a pity.

"Huh? Is this a storage ring?"

After Lei Lingshi was removed, there was a small ring under it, Qiao Zhenfei immediately took the ring in his hand and looked at it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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