Chapter 6 The First Contract Beast
There was no pain, only a stench hit her.

It stinks!

Yun Chuchu rolled her eyes and fainted from the smell.

When she woke up again, she found that in a cave, the flying tiger beside her was staring at her.

It was like staring at a delicious meatball.

She was tied up like a rice dumpling, isn't it just a meat dumpling?

Yun Chuchu's heart was pounding in fright, for fear that this flying tiger would block her out.

This is just out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den, what kind of luck.

Cannon fodder?


Seeing her wake up, Flying Tiger roared again, but Yun Chuchu's voice sounded very gentle, not at all as fierce as before.

"You, you won't eat me?" Yun Chuchu was a little confused, what does this flying tiger mean?
she asked tremblingly.

Flying Tiger Beast nodded, and approached Yun Chuchu, biting the rope on her body with its teeth.

This rope is called Immortal Binding Cord, and its rank is not high, so the Flying Tiger Beast bit off the Immortal Binding Cord.

As soon as Yun Chuchu was free, she jumped, limped and ran out of the cave enduring the pain, and fled.

The Flying Tiger tilted its head, not understanding that it wouldn't eat this human nun, why was she afraid of it?

It's already very gentle.

The Flying Tiger Beast couldn't figure it out, its wings fluttered and it flew out of the cave. When it flew out, it didn't forget to put more than a dozen storage bags on the ground in its mouth.

When Yun Chuchu saw the flying tiger chasing it out, she was so frightened that she ran away desperately, but she was injured and couldn't hold it any longer.

Yun Chuchu's heart thumped, and she collapsed on the ground: "Don't, don't come."

Yun Chuchu pointed at the somewhat sad Flying Tiger Beast, panting, she could see that this Flying Tiger Beast really didn't have any malice towards her.

I just don't know why I keep chasing her like this.

Flying Tiger nodded aggrievedly, spit out more than a dozen storage bags in its mouth, and pointed with its paws.

"For me?" Yun Chuchu pointed to his nose and asked Flying Tiger Beast.

Flying Tiger nodded.

"Then you stand far away."

Flying Tiger hesitated for a moment and nodded, its wings shook and moved back ten feet away, laying down on the ground looking at Yun Chuchu aggrieved.

Yun Chuchu walked over apprehensively, picked up the storage bags on the ground, took one of them, and poured out the contents.

An ownerless storage bag, any monk can use it casually.

There are not many things on the ground, a low-grade magic weapon flying sword, a few bottles of low-grade medicine pills, a few books, a few jade slips, a few jade boxes, a dozen or so spirit stones, and other miscellaneous daily necessities.

Seeing the Lingshi, Yun Chuchu's eyes lit up, this is Lingshi, the common currency in the world of cultivating immortals, the original owner's mother left so many, the original owner just never used any of them.

I really don't know how stupid that silly girl is.

This spiritual stone is not only the function of silver, but can also be used for cultivation. The spiritual stone contains pure spiritual power, which is countless times faster than absorbing the spiritual power in the air to cultivate. It does not need to be refined, it can be absorbed directly.

If there is a supply of spirit stones every day, then her cultivation base will not be as fast as drinking water.

Although these spirit stones are low-grade spirit stones, they are still a huge sum of money to Yun Chuchu.

Spiritual stones can be divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, and extreme-grade. 100 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones can be exchanged for one medium-grade spiritual stone, and so on.

Low-grade and middle-grade spirit stones are commonly used, high-grade spirit stones are uncommon, and top-grade spirit stones are even rarer, and they are very scarce.

As if afraid that others would snatch it, Yun Chuchu directly received the black jade space, which is much safer than putting it in a storage bag.

After collecting the spirit stone, Yun Chuchu, who was happy in her heart, picked up a jade box.

This jade box is milky white, as big as a brick, and it goes without saying that it contains elixir. Although Yun Chuchu has never seen the real thing, she knows that this kind of jade box is for elixir.

The potion of the elixir will evaporate quickly if it is stored in a storage bag, and it will be well protected from the loss of potency if it is packed in a box made from this kind of spiritual jade.

Yun Chuchu opened the jade box, and there was indeed a low-level spiritual-level elixir inside.

With a thought, the elixir appeared in the black jade box and took root in the eye of the spiritual spring.


It was only now that Yun Chuchu realized that the thumb-sized Lingquan eyes were a bit bigger, and the one-foot-square space was also larger, and the aura in the space was much richer.

How did this grow?
Yun Chuchu scratched her head, she hadn't done anything.

"Huh? Where's the spirit stone?"

The place where the fart is bigger is clear at a glance, and none of the spirit stones that were brought in before are gone.

Could it be that he absorbed the spirit stone?
Seeing is believing, Yun Chuchu quickly poured out the contents of another storage bag and picked up the spirit stone inside.

Not much, only about ten yuan, Yun Chuchu received all of them into the space, and then noticed the change of the spirit stone.

Sure enough, as soon as the spirit stone fell to the ground, it was slowly absorbed by the ground. In a few breaths, more than a dozen spirit stones disappeared at the same time.

However, the land of the space expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and so did the spring.

Yun Chuchu was overjoyed, looking at the space, she couldn't see her teeth but couldn't see her eyes.

In this way, the space can be expanded greatly in the future, as long as there are spirit stones.

When danger comes, she can hide in it, and won't be chased like before.

Thinking of the Yun family who were chasing her, Yun Chuchu quickly put away the things, leaving a small red pill and throwing it into her mouth.

After Xiao Huan Dan took a breath, Yun Chuchu quickly recovered from her injuries.

Swallow another spirit-replenishing pill that replenishes spiritual power.

There is no rush for the things in the storage, we will tidy them up when it is safe, the most important thing now is to get out of here, she took out a flying sword from the storage bag, held it, and left.

The Flying Tiger at the back felt that it had been abandoned, and it chased after Yun Chuchu with a howl.

When Yun Chuchu heard Feihu Beast's voice, she froze for a moment, forgetting about this big guy.

She stopped and turned around, looked at the Flying Tiger beast as big as a calf, and frowned, this guy's brain was kicked by a donkey?It is stronger than her, and the monster that can swallow it in minutes is attached to her?

Then it's better to forget the contract, not only not afraid that it will eat you, but also can travel, and help her kill the Yun family who came after her.

It serves multiple purposes, anyway, the Flying Tiger Beast is very friendly to her, although she can't figure out why the Flying Tiger Beast is not malicious to her.

The original owner of the Law of Contract had it in her memory, and she beckoned to the Flying Tiger Beast.

Flying Tiger Beast walked towards her obediently, and stopped a foot away from her.

It's afraid to scare her.

"Come here a little bit."

Seeing that Yun Chuchu was not afraid of it, Feihu Beast came to her decisively.

"Want to follow me?" Yun Chuchu asked.

Flying Tiger Beast grinned and nodded.

Seeing it grinning, Yun Chuchu looked at it suspiciously, is this guy smiling?
Without saying a word, Yun Chuchu immediately forced out a drop of blood from her fingertips, and urged her spiritual power to cast a set of cumbersome spells on the drop of blood.

After the Judgment was completed, the drop of blood immediately emitted bursts of red light, forming a hexagonal star.

Suddenly the hexagram split into two and flew into the eyebrows of a man and a beast respectively.

The master-servant contract is completed, Yunchuchu master, Feihu beast servant.

(End of this chapter)

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