Chapter 72

"Junior Sister, you don't need to be too polite, just call us senior brother. Master is welcome, please come in, Junior Sister."

Seeing Yun Chuchu up close, Su Che and both of them liked her very much, and the younger junior sister was beautiful and polite.

This cultivation base is not bad either, a 15-year-old Qi training level ten, this talent is amazing.

No wonder Master likes Junior Sister and hates them both to death.

"it is good."

Yun Chuchu followed the two into the cave.

"Disciple Yun Chuchu has met the real monarch." Yun Chuchu saluted respectfully as soon as he entered.

In the main hall of the cave mansion, Zhenjun Wuji sat at the head with a smile. He nodded and said, "I called you here today. While your two senior brothers are here, I will officially accept you as a disciple today."


Yun Chuchu thought she had heard wrong, and looked up at Zhenjun Wuji suspiciously.

"Junior sister, hurry up and pay homage to your teacher, what are you still doing?"

Su Che bumped into Yun Chuchu, Junior Sister must be stupid.

It's no wonder that Junior Sister was surprised, even they were also quite surprised, Master has always said the same thing, Junior Sister accepted her as a personal disciple after only tenth level of qi training.

But the silly appearance of the little junior sister is quite cute.

"Yes, disciple Yun Chuchu pays homage to Master." Yun Chuchu reacted, took a deep breath, immediately knelt down and kowtowed three times to Zhenjun Wuji.

There was a bang bang bang on the other end, the three of Wuji Zhenjun, master and apprentice only felt a pain in their foreheads, and really wanted to restrain him, but this was an apprenticeship, so the three had no choice but to hold back.

After Yun Chuchu knocked his head, Su Che raised his hand, and a cup of tea appeared in his hand.

"Give it to my junior sister."

"Ah, thank you senior brother." Yun Chuchu glanced at Su Che gratefully, this senior brother is so considerate, even the tea is ready.

She also smelled the aroma of tea. Although she didn't understand tea ceremony, she could smell the aroma of tea and knew it was good tea.

Yun Chuchu remembered that it was written in the book that senior brother Su Che likes tea, so this is senior senior brother Su Che.

With just one glance, Yun Chuchu liked this elder brother, not because he sent someone to protect her in the secret realm, but because he smelled like an older brother.

The second senior brother has a calmer temperament, but he is also a very kind person, of course the premise is to treat someone.

There is no such thing as a purely good person in the world of cultivating immortals, such people do not exist in the world of cultivating immortals.

Su Che smiled gently, and signaled Yun Chuchu to respect the tea.

Yun Chuchu immediately raised the teacup high with both hands, and said reverently, "Master, please drink tea."

With a wave of Zhenjun Wuji's hand, the teacup in Yunchuchu's hand appeared in his hand in an instant, he took a few sips and put it on the table before saying: "Please get up, apprentice, it's a bit abrupt to accept you as an apprentice for the teacher today. It was a bit sudden, just because the master had to go out to do something, and he didn't know when he would come back after this trip, so the matter of accepting apprentices was brought forward."

Yun Chuchu stood up and stood there quietly listening to Zhenjun Wuji's words.

I was thinking about something so urgent, there is no such paragraph in the book.

Yun Chuchu feels that the plot in the book can be used without reference, as the reality deviates from the book.

Master Wuji paused for a moment and said: "These days when my teacher is not in the peak, your two senior brothers taught you that you can go to them if you don't understand anything about cultivation.

Of course, both of your senior brothers can ask for advice on alchemy, their alchemy level is not bad, and they almost have the true biography of being a teacher.

In addition, to accept you as an apprentice as a teacher, please remember that our Spiritual Medicine Peak has no other rules, as long as you don’t deceive teachers and exterminate the clan, or do things that violate the clan rules, other small rules and small rules, Spiritual Medicine Peak has no such requirements .

Well, this is what a teacher should explain, go and recognize your two senior brothers. "

Yun Chuchu respectfully said: "Yes, thank you Master, this disciple will never forget the teachings of Master and senior brothers."

True Monarch Wuji nodded, and took a deep look at this little disciple. The world is impermanent. Who knew that such a big thing happened in Lingyun Continent. As a Nascent Soul cultivator on Lingyun Continent, he should go and contribute. Open up the way to the spirit world for these juniors.

Otherwise, his three outstanding disciples would end up in Lingyun Continent, and he hoped to do his best to find a way out for them.

After Zhenjun Wuji drove the three of them out of the cave, Su Che brought Yun Chuchu to the pavilion in the elixir garden.

After the three senior brothers and sisters sat down, Su Che took out a storage ring and put it in front of Yun Chuchu: "Come on, junior sister, this is a gift from senior brother."

Wu Hao also took out the gift he had prepared a long time ago and gave it to Yun Chuchu: "Little sister, I am your second senior brother Wu Hao, take this, I should have given it to you after the recruiting meeting, but it was half a year late. "

"Thank you senior brother and second senior brother." Yun Chuchu was not pretentious, got up and bowed to the two of them, and accepted all the gifts from the two senior brothers.

At the same time, her consciousness entered the space, and wanted to see if the yuji fruit was ripe, so she had to return a gift.

The apprenticeship was too sudden, and she didn't have time to prepare gifts at all.

After looking around, the yuji fruit is not yet ripe.

Looking at the space again, except for the exercises for cultivating spiritual consciousness, she couldn't do anything else.

This exercise has already been given to five Senior Brother Su, so why not give it to two Senior Brothers.

Yun Chuchu immediately took out two blank jade slips and copied the "Shenhun Jue" from the first to fourth floors, and handed it to the two of them, "Elder Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, take a look at this, is it useful to you?"

Su Che and Wu Hao were very curious about what Yun Chuchu gave them, so they immediately picked up the jade slip and looked at it.

After a while, Su Che asked in surprise: "Junior Sister, can you give away this exercise?"

Yun Chuchu nodded.

Su Che and Wu Hao glanced at each other, the practice of spiritual cultivation is simply too important to them, and the gift from the little junior sister has been sent to their hearts.

It's just that the little junior sister actually gave them such a precious exercise, which made their love for Yun Chuchu reach another level.

"Junior Sister, can we give Master a copy of this?" Su Che asked.

"of course can."

"That's great, Master must like it, thank you little junior sister." Su Che smiled brightly, and immediately made a copy, and asked Wu Hao to send it to Zhenjun Wuji.

Yun Chuchu just smiled, and she is very willing to share good things with those close to her. Such a practice cannot be hidden, if one day she dies, such a practice will be lost.

"Junior Sister really wants to know why Master changed his mind and now accepts you as a disciple?"

After Su Che put away the jade slips, he decided to tell Yun Chuchu what Master was going to do.

Yun Chuchu nodded. She was really curious. Didn't she say that she would be accepted as a personal disciple after she established her foundation? She changed her mind after going out for a while.

The smile on Su Che's face disappeared, and he said seriously: "Junior Sister, Qiao Zhenfei, who entered the secret realm last time, brought back a message saying that there is a problem with the ascension channel of our Lingyun Continent. All the monks who ascended to the spirit world ten thousand years ago They all fell, and none of them ascended to the spirit world."

(End of this chapter)

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