Chapter 76 Take the mission

Let's see if it has any good ideas. Although Little Phoenix is ​​unreliable, it is better than her own imagination.

Little Phoenix scanned the seal with his spiritual sense and said, "Little Chuchu, your seal is indeed a little cracked, and your blood can't be covered after the seal is broken. It should be the reason for practicing "Phoenix Jue". Give up practicing "Phoenix Jue"?"

Little Phoenix felt the aura of "Phoenix Judgment" from Yun Chuchu, and knew that she had successfully cultivated.

Yun Chuchu nodded: "Yes, the main reason is that I don't know who put the seal in my dantian, and who to guard against. Once the seal is broken, I don't know what the consequences will be?"

Little Phoenix fell into deep thought when he heard this, he didn't know about this either.

It can still say a thing or two about where there is something delicious and fun.

It's just that Xiao Chuchu is so entangled, she is her elder after all, so she can't know nothing about it.

The little phoenix rolled her eyes, and it flew to stand in front of Yun Chuchu, and poked her brow with its wings: "Oh, what are you worried about? In my opinion, it's nothing. There's no need to give up "Phoenix Tactics". You are still in this small world, the person you want to guard against should not be here, but in the fairy world, only the fairy world and the god world have the Phoenix clan, so don't be afraid, maybe you will know who is sealing you before you even get to the fairy world Woolen cloth."

Yun Chuchu nodded: "That's the reason."

Little Phoenix has a simple mind and a simple idea, but it is exactly as it says.

In fact, she didn't want to change, not to mention that "Phoenix Jue" can be cultivated to the fairy world, and the speed of cultivation is faster than "Huomu Jue".

Practicing "Huomu Jue" for an hour, the spiritual power in the dantian will not increase much, but practicing "Phoenix Jue" for an hour will have half more spiritual power in the dantian than "Huomu Jue".

This invisibly saves her more time to learn other things.

After much consideration, Yun Chuchu decided to practice "Phoenix Jue", she nodded and said, "Then I will listen to you."

The boat was naturally straight when it reached the bridge, and now I still don't know what's going on, so I scared myself to death, Yun Chuchu felt that sometimes she was very worthless.

The problem of the exercises was solved, Yun Chuchu started to practice in the space with peace of mind, and practiced "Phoenix Dance in Nine Heavens" and "Flying Phoenix Steps" in her free time.

On Jianfeng, Yun Chuxin looked at Lin Yushan, who was respectful to him in front of him. This Lin Yushan was Wu Yan's disciple who was a handyman, helping him with Wu Yan's chores.

I have been with Wu Yan for a long time, and I like Wu Yan very much.

A few days ago, Wu Yan and the others came out of the Wu Hua Sect, and they didn't tell her anything.

Yun Chuxin had only been in Jianfeng for a few days, and she didn't know him well, so she called Lin Yushan over, and when he was unaware, she cast a soul control technique on him.

Lin Yushan was controlled without warning, and it was too late when he found out.

He wanted to resist Yun Chuxin's control, but it almost hurt him to death. From then on, Yun Chuxin told him to do nothing to resist.

Yun Chuxin looked at Lin Yushan with a smile, and sure enough, the people he controlled were 100% obedient to her, and would not disobey or betray her.

It really doesn't feel too good.

In the future, when encountering disobedient people, just control them like this, and be afraid of being disobedient?

I was afraid that there would be no resources for cultivation in the future.

This Lin Yushan has been by Wu Yan's side for so long, and got a lot of good things, no, it's all in her storage bag.

It would be great if he could control Yun Chuchu, but unfortunately he couldn't control her, so he had to kill her.

Yun Chuxin's eyes were full of viciousness, and she couldn't wait to kill that bitch Yun Chuchu.

After asking Lin Yushan, Yun Chuxin learned that Wuyan and the others, that is, all the Yuanying monks in the Wuhua Sect except the suzerain had gone to Tongtian Road.

She knew about the Tongtian Road and the Ascension Passage, and Qiao Zhenfei told her about it.

Thinking of Qiao Zhenfei, a sneer flashed across Yun Chuxin's eyes, and after seeing her change of temper, she posted it again.

Hehe... Let's see how she treats him.

"You go back. From now on, report to me any matter big or small on Jianfeng Peak. Also, send someone to pay attention to Yun Chuchu from Lingyao Peak. As soon as she leaves the sect, she will report to me immediately. There must be no mistakes."

"Yes, little uncle."

Lin Yushan is a foundation-builder, so he should call Yun Chuxin his junior uncle.

Yun Chuxin waved at Lin Yushan, and Lin Yushan stepped back immediately.

In the twinkling of an eye, a month flies by. Yun Chuchu has refined all the pills for the sect mission in the second half of the year in the space, and her body skills have also been perfected. The first form of Phoenix Yu Fei in "Phoenix Nine Heavens" has been practiced. She decided to Go out of the sect to practice.

The best way for a monk to grow up is to grow up in a fight. A person builds a car behind closed doors. He only builds it for himself. He doesn’t know the strength of others. Once he fights, he will let you know why the flowers are so popular.

Yun Chuchu came out of the space, went to the Hall of Deacons to hand in the task, and took other tasks issued by several sects by the way.

There are nine peaks in the inner sect, and there are no less than ten thousand disciples on each peak. The resources that so many disciples need may not all be found by themselves. There are some treasured things, or things that are only available in dangerous places, and I don’t have them. To obtain that strength, you can come to the Hall of Deacons to issue tasks, and you can exchange them with spirit stones or equivalent items.

Of course, there are also tasks issued by the sect.

Therefore, there are many people who come to release missions and receive missions every day in the Hall of Deacons.

Yun Chuchu stood in front of the big screen and watched the scrolling tasks.

This large screen is a magic weapon, similar to modern display screens.

"The gallbladder and skin of the Naruto python..."

"Fifty low-level five-leaf clover..."

"Ten pairs of rhinoceros horns..."


Yun Chuchu was thinking of a suitable task for her.

After writing it down, she came to the window for receiving the task, handed in the identity token, and reported the task she was going to take to the deacon disciple.

"Master, are you sure you want to pick up so many?"

Yun Chuchu reported ten, which surprised the disciple, usually two or three tasks are enough, but this little master took so many in one go.


She was not in a hurry to come back, she just spent the night outside.

"Okay." The deacon disciple quickly handled it for her.

After taking the identity token, Yun Chuchu went directly to Zongmenfang City, bought some needed things, and then left the Zongmen, heading for the cloud forest near the Zongmen.

The Cloud Forest is vast and rich in resources. There are not only monsters but also elixir. In short, there are a lot of natural materials and treasures in it. As long as you have the strength, the Cloud Forest can meet your needs.

The disciples of Wuhuazong basically practiced there and did tasks.

When the Wuhua Sect established its sect, the site was chosen here, probably because of the natural treasure of the Cloud Forest.

Yun Chuchu wanted to call Li Xiang'er, so she sent her a letter, Zhihe, but she didn't reply, so she acted on her own.

It takes a day to get to the cloud forest, and after leaving the sect, Yun Chuchu found a place to change her face, and then got on the flying magic weapon and flew towards the cloud forest.

(End of this chapter)

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