Yun Chuchu saw the monks flying past her in the space.

After those monks flew away, they did not come back to look for anyone, they just flew away.

Then Yun Chuchu slipped out the Tree of Life, pinched its trunk and said, "You said you wanted to come here, what the hell kind of place is this?"

The Tree of Life cried like a ghost and howled like a wolf: "Oh, master, let go quickly, my waist is about to be broken by the master."

Yun Chuchu wanted to kill it, but when she heard its words, she couldn't help laughing. A tree has a waist, so she has learned a lot.

Putting the tree of life on the ground, Yun Chuchu patted the top of the tree and said, "You are a tree and you still have a waist. Show me your waist."

The tree of life flashed and moved aside in the blink of an eye.

"Master, don't waste your time. As long as I absorb the power here, I will become stronger. I will take you to fly when the time comes."

"You still want to take me flying?"

Yun Chuchu kicked it over. When she saw the tree, she felt angry and couldn't help but kick it.

He also took her to fly, and now she flew to this ghost place. If she didn't have the space beast, she didn't know how she would get back.

tree of Life……

This owner is too violent and kicks it every time. It has a premonition that one day it will be kicked in half by this owner.

"Master, I can really fly. Let's absorb the power first, shall we?"

The Tree of Life quickly whispered softly, it couldn't wait any longer, the power was too tempting for it.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

As soon as Yun Chuchu heard the pleading voice of the Tree of Life, she felt that she was getting angry for no reason.

Even though it was the Tree of Life that was coming, she had agreed to it. How could this be all the fault of the Tree of Life?

She actually put all the blame on the Tree of Life. This is not her style.

Suddenly, Yun Chuchu thought that there was a violent energy here, yes, that violent energy was at work.

She didn't know when the violent energy entered her body.

But it made her realize the power of this violent energy. No wonder those elves mutated into that ferocious spirit.

Yun Chuchu took a deep breath, controlled the rage in her heart, and quickly took the tree of life into the ground, found an immortal vein and placed it here.

Then she entered the space herself and let the space absorb the violent energy from her body.

One day later, after the violent energy in Yun Chuchu's body was completely cleared, she no longer had the urge to get angry, nor did she feel uncomfortable looking at the Tree of Life.

Yun Chuchu was in a good mood, and then looked at the tree of life at the boundary gate.

The Tree of Life turned into a small sapling, lying motionless, but its roots stretched out in all directions, absorbing the divine power in the immortal energy.

Since there was nothing wrong with the Tree of Life, the previous crystal core Phoenix Fire had not yet been swallowed up, so she summoned the Phoenix Fire into the space and gave the crystal core to it.

"Thank you master."

Phoenix Fire thanked her sweetly.

Yun Chuchu touched it: "Go and absorb it quickly."

After absorbing it and increasing its strength, you can bring the phoenix fire to find those mutated fairy beasts.

A month later, the Tree of Life still remained in that state. However, many fairy beasts came here, but they were all caught by the Tree of Life.

Then throw it to Yun Chuchu.

Yun Chuchu received it into the space and let the phoenix fire refine the crystal core of the fairy beast, and then let it absorb and refine it.

And the Phoenix Fire kept absorbing Donghua, and soon its strength increased greatly, and it was infinitely close to the Divine Fire.

This time, Yun Chuchu can be sure that Phoenix Fire will be promoted to Divine Fire here.

In this way, Yun Chuchu stayed here for a thousand years. "Hahaha...Master, I have finally been promoted to Divine Fire."

With a sweet smile, a girl dressed in fiery red appeared in front of Yun Chuchu.

The girl has an alluring face, with fiery red hair tied up by a fiery red hairband, and a face that resembles Yun ChuChu with a smile as bright as a flower.

The whole person is full of energy and has a strong breath.

"Phoenix Fire."

Yun Chuchu was surprised, she didn't expect that the phoenix would be like this after being transformed into a fire.

"Master, you can finally turn into a human form, please be surprised."

Phoenix Fire hugged Yun Chuchu, unable to control herself with excitement.

"Surprise, and a little bit scary, you transformed into my appearance, and no one else can tell who is who."

Yun Chuchu couldn't laugh or cry.

"Master, the way I take the form of the master is because I am the master's natal fire. It's not possible to take the form of another person."

Phoenix Fire explained.

"Oh, I see."

Yun Chuchu really didn't know about this. There were only a few fairy fires in the fairy world that could transform, and no one had seen it, so she didn't know.

However, Yun Chuchu was very confused. It was a bit unbelievable that Phoenix Fire had turned into a human form without experiencing the thunder tribulation.

So she asked: "You have never experienced thunder disaster, how come you turned into a human form?"

Phoenix Fire shook his head: "I don't know, maybe it's because of the divine power here. The divine power has exceeded the scope of this world. But I guess we will definitely experience thunder disaster after arriving in the God Realm."

What Phoenix Fire said makes sense. After all, things like divine power have transcended the scope of the fairy world, and the law of heaven cannot control it.

But why does this one have magical power?
This made Yun Chuchu curious again.

After the Tree of Life has absorbed it, let it take a look.

At this time, the Tree of Life has been lying there motionless. It has been lying there for a thousand years without moving. It can really lie down.

However, Yun Chuchu could feel that the aura on the Tree of Life was very thick, more than twice as powerful as before.

This guy is so greedy that he wants to absorb all the divine power in this world.

Yun Chuchu let it go, she had plenty of time to wait.

And the Tree of Life is her contracted pet, hoping that it will be so powerful that no one can defeat it.

This way no one dares to provoke her.

Now that the phoenix fire has become a divine fire, it no longer needs to absorb divine power, so Yun Chuchu set up a Zhuxian formation here to protect the tree of life and prevent monks from disturbing it.

I'm not afraid of the immortal beasts, I'm just afraid of the monks coming.

After setting it up, Yun Chuchu took Phoenix Fire to practice.

The monks and immortal beasts here are very violent and strong, so you can use them for training.

She has mastered the Qingyang Sword Technique to the fourth form and has not yet fought against a monk.

"Xiaofeng, I'm going to fight with someone later. You can't take action without my order."

Xiaofeng is the name given by Yun Chuchu to Phoenix Fire.

Phoenix Fire nodded: "Okay master, can we go to the city and have a look first?"

Phoenix Fire walked outside in human form for the first time. She was very excited and asked Yun Chuchu to take her to the monk's city so that she could experience the monk's life.

What Yun Chuchu can do is up to her, who is her natural fire?

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