"Master, master, do you know what that is?"

As soon as she came out, Xiaofeng was so excited that she almost shouted.

"I don't know, but it's the baby you want anyway."

Xiaofeng gave her a thumbs up: "Master is smart. When I transformed, I awakened the inherited memory and knew that this is the most precious treasure of our Phoenix family, the Phoenix Essence.

This phoenix marrow has no attributes and is invisible, that is, it can take any form, like a plant, like an animal, or like an ore, so there are very few monks who know the phoenix marrow.

Only we, the Phoenix Clan, can recognize that the Phoenix Essence can exude the breath of the Phoenix.

It's just that this phoenix marrow is not mature yet, so it has to be planted in the master's space. When it matures, I will refine it. At that time, my strength will be greatly enhanced. "

Yun Chuchu was also happy for Xiaofeng. It was her chance to find such a treasure.

He immediately swollen the phoenix marrow into the space and asked her: "Do you want to go around again?

Xiaofeng nodded: "Go, master also knows that I have the ability to hunt for treasures. I can find as many as I can. We will visit all the markets in this world and collect all the treasures."

When it comes to treasure hunting, Xiaofeng's eyes are so bright that they can blind people.

Yun Chuchu said with a smile: "Okay, let's wait until we finish hunting for the treasure before going to practice. Anyway, the Tree of Life won't be over for a while."

"Okay, okay, let's go quickly."

So the master and the servant returned to Fangshi.

But as soon as they entered the city, they were surrounded by a group of people, led by a fairy wearing fiery red fairy clothes.

She pointed at Xiaofeng and said, "Did you take away the Phoenix Essence?"

Xiaofeng was amused: "Why should I take away the phoenix marrow? I bought it myself, okay?"

The fairy said fiercely: "Hand it over, otherwise, I will prevent you from leaving this city."

Xiaofeng also came and raised his hand to start having sex with the fairy, but was held back by Yun Chuchu.

Yun Chuchu suppressed the anger in her heart: "This fairy is so unreasonable. Although fighting is not prohibited in this city, it does not allow open robbery. If you want to rob openly, you can also challenge us. It just so happens that there are people in this city Once you get into the ring, it’s just a fight.”

If they start a fight at this door, hurt other monks, and provoke a group of people to attack them, how can they hunt for treasure?

Yun Chuchu really didn't like the monks in this world at all. They were always fighting and robbing people. Without two brushes, it was really difficult to survive in this world.

Can't you cultivate yourself to become an immortal?

Then take the opportunity to teach these arrogant monks a lesson.

At this time, Yun Chuchu really wanted to find the thing that filled this world with violence. She would definitely destroy that thing.

The fairy then looked at Yun Chuchu and saw that she was a true fairy. She said disdainfully: "If I want to fight, I won't fight with a weakling like you. I want to fight with her."

She pointed at Xiaofeng.

"Just fight, do you think this fairy will be afraid of you?"

Xiaofeng is a god-level divine fire. She is afraid of nothing. She promises to burn this person seeking death to ashes.

Dare to be arrogant in front of their master and servant.

"That sage challenges you."

Another immortal immediately pointed at Yun Chuchu and said.

Yun Chuchu looked at the strength of this immortal. He was already at the level of Daluo Jinxian. She nodded without hesitation: "Okay."

This person is not afraid of others laughing at him. A big Luo Jinxian challenges a real fairy like her.

But the monks in this world are indeed shameless.

She doesn't care, even if the Immortal King comes, she can beat him down, let alone a Daluo Jinxian.

"Then let's go." The fairy who challenged Xiaofeng said contemptuously.

Xiaofeng snorted coldly, gave Yun Chuchu a wink, and pulled her towards the ring.

There was no one in the ring at this time. The fairy who challenged Xiaofeng said: "We two come first. I believe you also know the rules here. As long as you enter the ring, it doesn't matter whether you live or die. So, I will be very sad when I haven't come up yet."

This was said to Yun Chuchu, that is, if Xiaofeng was beaten to death by her, she would be so angry that she didn't even get into the ring.

Yun Chuchu said lightly: "No, I hope that if you die, your friends will not come to make trouble."

The fairy crossed his arms and sneered: "Humph, it's not certain who will die. Little True Fairy, you are still so shameless. There will be times when you will regret it. However, if you obediently hand over the Phoenix Essence, maybe I can spare your life, but once you get into the ring, even if you want to hand over the Phoenix Essence in exchange for your life, it won’t be possible.”

"There's so much nonsense. Do you still want to fight? If not, we'll leave."

Xiaofeng felt really annoyed after hearing this. He was so verbose, so he could just go to the ring and have a fight.

The fairy glared at Xiaofeng fiercely, turned around and entered the ring. Xiaofeng gave Yun Chuchu a reassuring look and followed her in.

Entering the arena, the formation automatically starts, and people outside can only stand outside and watch.

Soon there was a fight inside, and of course the scenes were silent.

The two of them had only been fighting for more than ten years, but the fairy who challenged Xiaofeng was already at a disadvantage. Then she revealed her true form and turned out to be a phoenix.

So that was the case, Yun Chuchu said that they recognized the Phoenix Essence, and looked like they were determined to get it, because it was actually from the Phoenix Clan.

She should have thought of it long ago.

Mainly because they had a violent aura that changed their original aura, so they didn't feel it.

When the fairy transformed into his true form, Xiaofeng also transformed into his true form.

The immortals watching outside did not look surprised at all, which showed that they had long recognized Xiaofeng.

And they looked at Xiaofeng greedily.

Yun Chuchu immediately understood that they not only wanted the phoenix marrow, but also wanted Xiaofeng.

She sneered in her heart. It was simply a fool's errand. She still wanted to conquer Xiaofeng. She didn't consider how much she weighed, just to provoke him in front of the divine fire.

She just waited to see how they died.

As expected, the phoenix was no match for Xiaofeng even in its true form. Xiaofeng attacked the phoenix at an extremely fast speed.

She didn't expect that Phoenix to spit out her own life fire, but she didn't expect that Xiaofeng opened her mouth and swallowed her life fire.

The few people watching outside opened their mouths in shock.

"Stop, stop."

They actually told Xiaofeng to stop.

Yun Chuchu was amused and relieved.

I really thought I could take away the phoenix marrow if I wanted, and I wanted to conquer Xiaofeng. I really didn’t know how powerful Xiaofeng was.

After the phoenix's natal fire was swallowed by Xiaofeng, the phoenix's aura instantly withered, and it spit out another mouthful of blood.

Seeing that it won't work.

What shocked everyone was that Xiaofeng opened her mouth and swallowed the phoenix in one gulp.


"Ah, the eldest lady was swallowed by her, hurry up, hurry up, send a message to the head of the family and ask him to avenge the eldest lady."

Someone among those people screamed.

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