Yun Chuchu was in the space. Xiaofeng came back and determined that she could not find anyone. Sure enough, she searched the mountains several times and found no one, so she knew that she must be in the space.

So Xiaofeng found a place and waited for Yun Chuchu to come out.

When Yun Chuchu saw Xiaofeng looking for her in the space, she quickly appeared.

"Master, it's really easy for me to find you."

Xiaofeng said, diving into her Dantian.

Yun Chuchu rolled her eyes. She didn't know how to stop if she couldn't find anyone. She knew she had space.


Suddenly, the mountain range at Yun Chuchu's feet suddenly exploded, opening a gaping hole and swallowing her up instantly like a giant beast.

Yun Chuchu...

Before she could defend herself, her eyes darkened and she fainted.

In the God Realm, on a glacier, something suddenly fell from the sky and hit the ice sheet with a bang.

"Kacha kacha kacha..."

The force of the impact directly made a hole in the glacier, and then it fell down through the hole.


Then it hit an ice coffin hard, smashing the ice coffin to pieces and smashing the body lying inside.

"The daughter of this goddess."

Suddenly there was a loud shout, and a red figure floated over. Looking at the smashed ice coffin and the rotten corpse, he cried heartbreakingly.

But looking at the black mass on the corpse, the woman in red wanted to smash it with a punch.


The red woman's eyes turned red as she thought about it. She roared like crazy, raised her hand, and struck the black thing with one palm, not even caring about the broken corpse.


The force of this blast was so great that it directly shook the dark thing out, and threw it into the sky like a parabola.

Then it quickly fell down again, and fell to another place. It crashed down with a loud bang, leaving a big crater there.

Then he became motionless in the pit.

But at this moment, the black mist-like gas in this area only poured into the pit and was absorbed by the black thing in the pit.

Soon, the big black thing turned into a big black cocoon.

The big cocoon kept absorbing the black mist.

Unknowingly, the black cocoon absorbed a year's worth of black mist and sucked in all the black mist.

However, in the center of this area, there was a person floating in the air, and that person was slowly falling and landed on the ground.

This man's body was as black as ink, and black mist actually overflowed from his body and floated towards the black cocoon.

The face of the man who originally looked like a black man gradually became lighter.

In this way, another hundred years passed, and the face of the man lying on the ground became lighter again, revealing his true face.

This person is clearly Di Xuan.

At this time, there was less demonic energy in his body. Not only did his face become normal, but his body was also the same. It used to be wrapped in his spiritual consciousness, but now there was not much left, and his spiritual consciousness was gradually becoming clearer.

However, there is still some time before he wakes up.

However, on the other side, the black cocoon broke open and a person crawled out from inside.

"God, what is this place?"

The person who crawled out from there was none other than Yun Chuchu. She looked at the desert-like place and cried.

She didn't know who she had offended. She was fine in that space, but suddenly came here. How should she return to the fairy world?
"Master, this should be the place of the God Realm. There is the divine power of the God Realm here."

Xiaofeng, who was in her Dantian, also woke up at this moment, and then came out of her Dantian and said.

Yun Chuchu was stunned: "In the God Realm, don't I need to ascend?"

"Who knows what kind of strange existence you are, Master, to come to the God Realm like this."

Xiaofeng also felt that Yun Chuchu was incredibly magical. "Well, Master, there is a person in front. Let's hurry over and take a look."

Xiaofeng's divine hair found Di Xuan lying on the ground.

Yun Chuchu nodded, and the two of them went over immediately.

It just so happens that they know nothing about this place, so it would be best if they meet someone and ask.

But when the master and servant arrived and saw the person lying on the ground, Yun Chuchu was stunned.

Isn't this Emperor Xuan?

She quickly squatted down and examined his body with her consciousness.

"The master is not good. His body was invaded by the gas here and was seriously damaged. Please move to the space quickly."

Yun Chuchu's heart tightened, and she immediately brought Di Xuan and Xiaofeng into the space.

In the space, Yun Chuchu stared blankly at Di Xuan on the bed. She said that she hadn't seen him for tens of thousands of years, so he was here.

She clenched her fists tightly. If she found out who made Di Xuan like this, he would be crushed to death.

"Master, don't worry, his life is not in danger, it just takes some time to wake up."

Seeing her like this, Xiaofeng came over to comfort her.

Yun Chuchu also understood that she had checked Di Xuan's consciousness and it was severely damaged, and she didn't know how long it would take to recover.

So she broke off a lot of soul-nurturing trees and sent them into Di Xuan's sea of ​​consciousness to help him cultivate them.

Then she sat next to him and started practicing.

As winter turns to spring, Yun Chuchu's cultivation has reached Immortal Supreme Perfection.

Thinking that no one would come to this place, he might as well just survive the tribulation here.

I just don’t know if I can survive the disaster.

No matter whether he could survive the tribulation or not, Yun Chuchu still made preparations and went out to survive the tribulation.

However, the miraculous thing is that she can actually cause disaster.

She survived the divine catastrophe, which was a narrow escape, and she finally passed it. .

But after she got through the tribulation, the black fog here completely disappeared, revealing the blue sky.

The vision here attracted the attention of gods and men in the God Realm, and they all came over to check it out.

When Yun Chuchu saw someone coming, she quickly moved into the space to consolidate her cultivation.

When the gods came here and saw the situation here, they were shocked.

This was originally a forbidden place in the God Realm, but now it is no longer a forbidden place. The divine power here is so rich that it is actually a holy land for cultivation.

It's just that no one has come to occupy this place yet. The main reason is that no one knows why the forbidden area has become a holy land for cultivation. There must be some unknown factors and they cannot come here rashly.

But when they were practicing here, they suddenly discovered that they couldn't absorb the divine power here at all.

It is obviously a delicious piece of food, but it cannot be eaten in the stomach. This kind of taste makes the gods love and hate it.

Even the Lord God came to see it. After he read it, he suddenly discovered that the laws of heaven and earth here were different from those of the God Realm, as if this was another God Realm.

In fact, this is exactly what the Lord God discovered, this is another divine realm.

After Yun Chuchu completed the tribulation, this land actually merged with the Kunxu Realm and became another divine realm.

In other words, this place already belongs to Yun Chuchu.

She is the main god of this world.

Anyone she wants to practice here can practice here, and whoever she wants to come here can come. Otherwise, they will be blocked by an invisible barrier.

After Yun Chuchu found out, she immediately blocked it.

This is a place that belongs to her, so she will make it a paradise.

She and Di Xuan will live here from now on.

Many years later, in a sweet-scented osmanthus forest, a couple of gods and goddesses were walking among them...

The full text is over!
(End of this chapter)

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