Chapter 85
"You think I'm willing to recognize you as the master, who told you to block my way at the entrance of my cave, otherwise I will end up like this."

It was so unlucky that it went out and was besieged by people, and when it escaped desperately, it encountered people who entered its cave. It didn't stand anywhere, but stood at the entrance of the cave.

It was so fast, how could it be able to stop, but fortunately, it was a dead end and she collided with her, both of them were covered in blood, and the contract was just like that.

The contract is just a contract. Originally, it was supposed to sign a contract of equality. Who knows what kind of breed this human female cultivator is, but the contract has become a master-servant contract. .

Thinking that the white civet, the descendant of the majestic white tiger, has become the spiritual pet of human monks.

It's a shame to say it.

"It's all my fault after all?"

Bai Lingmao rolled his eyes at Yun Chuchu: "Otherwise?"

Pricked my heart, well, after thinking about it, she really blocked its way.

"What breed are you?" Yun Chuchu looked at this thing all over and didn't know what kind of monster it was.

"Hmph, I am the Bai Lingmao, the descendant of the divine beast Baihu, you have found a treasure." Bai Lingmao raised his head and said proudly.

"Cut, it turned out to be a hybrid. See if you're a tiger or a cat, it's really ugly, and you even picked up a treasure." Yun Chuchu looked disgusted.

Picking up the divine beast Phoenix is ​​not Tsundere, oh, and she also has the blood of the Phoenix in her body, and she is not Tsundere. .

Halo, I scolded myself.


"You look down on my uncle." Bai Lingmao blew his beard and stared angrily.

"Master Repayment, get up, let's go out and see what this place is." Yun Chuchu patted the head of the white civet, what kind of beast is this, a little brat, Master Repayer.

The white civet just stood up, shook a few times, the dirt on her body was gone, her long hair was snow-white, she looked very beautiful, Yun Chuchu couldn't help but stretched out her hand to touch it a few times.

Hmm, it feels good.

Bai Lingmao raised a cat face and looked at Yun Chuchu with displeasure, looking a little furry.

"Okay, I won't fuck you anymore, let's go."

Everyone couldn't be offended, Yun Chuchu's spiritual sense brought the white civet out of the space.

The moment he went out, Bai Lingmao found Yun Chuchu's space belatedly, and it was very surprised.

A man and a cat stood amidst the ruins.

Yun Chuchu opened her mouth wide: "Where is this?"

"I don't know." Bai Lingmao shook his head, it had never been in this abyss.

Yun Chuchu's spiritual consciousness was released, and he looked at the ruins in front of him, surrounded by mountains on all sides, the mountains soared into the clouds, and the top could not be seen at all, presumably this place is under the abyss.

Unexpectedly, there is an ancient ruins under the abyss, but I don't know if anyone knows and has been there.

This place is very vast, with no edge to be seen at a glance. The ground here is overgrown with weeds, and it looks dilapidated. The trees in the place where the spiritual consciousness looks have been withered for a long time, and only some small shrubs still survive. Compared with the surrounding green hills, It seemed a little abrupt.

Yun Chuchu's spiritual sense carefully inspected the surroundings to see how to get out, there must be nothing good in this broken place.

She just wanted to go back to the sect to hand in the mission, practice in seclusion, and take revenge.

The two bitches Yun Chuxin and Qiao Zhenfei hurt her several times, but she didn't do anything, thinking that she was a coward.

He couldn't face her heart squarely, and if he didn't take revenge, he would be depressed for a long time, and he was going to breed demons.

"Let's go."

One man and one beast walked forward. After walking for a long time, they found nothing and there was no way.

At this time, there was a section of bushes in front of the master and servant, and the master and servant had to go around this section of bushes. After going around, they came to a steep and straight cliff, and there was no way.

Yun Chuchu wondered what kind of place is down there, it looks so vast, and there is no way to go.

Then how did she get out?


"Hey, call the master, or I'll leave you here and starve you to death." Yun Chuchu slapped Bai Lingmao casually.

The white civet's mouth shrunk. Who is this? It immediately shut its mouth and didn't dare to speak anymore. How can it live if it is really thrown in this place where the birds don't shit?
It originally wanted to remind the mountain that there was a problem, so forget it and let her go.

Yun Chuchu looked up and down and reached out to touch the cliff, suddenly there was a slight fluctuation of spiritual power on the cliff, she frowned, there was actually a formation here.

She doesn't know anything about formations, and she doesn't know what formations it is. If it's a killing formation, a trap formation or something, wouldn't it be bad to get in?
Yun Chuchu frowned tightly, looking at the formation, it would be no problem if she entered to save her life, but the key is to trap her to death inside?
Yun Chuchu pursed her lips, looked around, there was no way to go, it seemed that she could only enter the formation.

"Are you afraid of death?" Yun Chuchu asked Bai Lingmao.

"Why aren't you afraid?" When not afraid of threatening it just now, it will shut up, joke, it is very afraid of death.

"Forget it, it's useless to ask you," Yun Chuchu simply released his divine sense to investigate, and the divine sense entered bit by bit.

Huh?Entered so easily?

Yun Chuchu's brows relaxed, there was no obstacle in the formation, her consciousness entered smoothly, just after entering, a strong aura rushed towards her face, she was overjoyed, could it be that the other side went out?

She probed carefully with her spiritual sense. Not only is the spiritual power rich here, but also the space is very wide. Of course, her spiritual sense can't detect anything at all, she only feels that there is no end to it.

Since there was no danger and there was no way to retreat, Yun Chuchu pulled the white civet by the ear, one man and one beast stepped into the formation.

It's like coming to another world here. It's full of greenery and all kinds of flowers and plants are competing to bloom. It's simply too beautiful to behold.

There are also elixir in the middle, and the age is not short, and any one of them is hundreds of years old.

Although it was like a fairyland here, no living things were seen.

This is not the way to go out, Yun Chuchu was very disappointed, this is a place in the formation, and it is the same as the outside.

"Did you find your kind?" Yun Chuchu asked Bai Lingmao.

"No." The white civet shook its head, its eyes were fixed on those elixir, but it didn't dare to eat without Yun Chuchu's order.

Yun Chuchu took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to pick those elixirs, and looked into the distance. In the distance was a group of mountains surrounded by forests. One of the main peaks was much higher than the surrounding peaks. There are many buildings of all kinds, and a long step leads from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

From this point of view, it seems that some sect is here.

And the large formation outside should protect this place.

Yun Chuchu took another deep breath, this must be the former ancient sect, the ancient sect, but I don't know what happened at that time, there are ruins outside, only the ruins of this sect are left intact.

(End of this chapter)

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