Chapter 87 Yun Chuxin Was Knocked Off a Cliff
But these palaces and pavilions are all dilapidated, but I don't know if there are any useful things.

Yun Chuchu found a relatively complete palace to enter, and the attic inside was still relatively complete. She used her spiritual sense to check when she came in, and when there were no monsters, she entered it slowly.

As long as there are wooden things inside, I can't see them anymore. There are stone counter-like things lying here and there in the hall. They are covered with dust. When you walk lightly, the dust will fly.

After several cleaning operations, Yunchuchu revealed the original appearance of this place. It should be the deacon hall of this sect, and there is nothing worth spirit stones in the hall.

Yun Chuchu's spiritual sense swept around and walked in. There is a courtyard here that hasn't been damaged much.

She went in to investigate and found nothing.

The same is true for the attics in the next few yards.

She had no choice but to go up a little bit. At this time, the sky was already dark, and she was a little tired, so the three master and servant entered the space, had enough food and drink, washed and slept.

At the same time, Yun Chuxin sent a voice transmission from the disciple who was watching Yun Chuchu's presence at the Lingyao Peak, and when she learned that Yun Chuchu had gone out and hadn't returned, her uneasy mood calmed down a little.

I went back to the training room and prepared to practice, but I couldn't calm down to practice, so I didn't practice at all, and went to the cloud forest tomorrow to see it.

The next day, Yun Chuxin left the sect early, this time she acted alone.

It's not called Qiao Zhenfei, one is because he is responsible for finding the antidote, and the other is that he doesn't want him to know.

She went straight to the swamp, but before she arrived, she met five senior brothers Su. After a month of retreat, their cultivation base seemed to be a little far from foundation establishment, and they made an appointment to come to the Cloud Forest for some experience.

Seeing these five people, Yun Chuxin gritted her teeth with hatred, and actually helped that bitch Yun Chuchu in the secret realm.

snort!See how she cleans them up.

Yun Chuxin quietly followed behind the five of them. When the five of them sat down to discuss the training plan, she first issued a soul control spell to Senior Brother Su.

Senior Brother Su was listening to Wu Lin's words when he suddenly felt his mind tighten, which made him suffocate all of a sudden.

He was startled, what happened?
He tried his best to resist the restraining force while thinking of a way.

At the same time, run the "Shenhun Jue" to resist that binding force.

He operated the "Shenhun Jue" naturally, and never thought that the "Shenhun Jue" could break the bondage.

That is to say, by his mistake, the restraint on his mind and soul was actually lightened, and finally disappeared.

When he woke up, he found that Wu Lin and the others were in pain.

"Quickly use the "Shenhun Jue"." Senior Brother Su immediately sent a sound transmission to the four people. It is not known that someone used the "Shenhun Jue" on them, so he is a pig.

After passing the message, Senior Brother Su immediately released his spiritual sense to search around, and he saw a person ten feet away. When he saw Yun Chuxin, he still had something he didn't understand.

Yun Chuxin is still complacent, but she doesn't know that she has lost her vest.

Senior Brother Su's eyes froze, and then he pretended to be in great pain. Wu Lin and the others needed someone to protect them, otherwise he would have rushed forward and chopped Yun Chuxin to death with a sword.

Yun Chuxin waited for a long time and no one woke up. She was wondering, but unexpectedly, Senior Brother Su suddenly jumped up, raised his sword and attacked her.

"Brush brush..."

Four or five strikes of sword energy came straight to Yun Chuxin's face.


Yun Chuxin turned pale with shock, why did the soul control technique fail?At the critical moment, she had no choice but to take out her identity token to block Senior Brother Su's attack, and then ran away.


The four of Wu Lin summoned the magic weapon at the same time, and chased after Yun Chuxin.

They were pissed off, this Yun Chuxin actually attacked them, it was so deceiving, when did they have a holiday?
Of course, they didn't know that it was a soul control technique, if Yun Chuxin used it successfully, the consequences would be disastrous.

Yun Chuxin was terrified, and the five men chased and killed her, so she had to use a token to protect her and run away desperately.

Unknowingly ran to the depths of the forest.

"Oops, there's a broken road ahead." Yun Chuchu was dumbfounded, there was a broken road in front, and there was a thick fog below, and she didn't know how deep it was.

Does she dance?But she doesn't have the space like Yun Chuchu, don't you want to jump, these five people will definitely not let her go.

"do not come."

Suddenly, Yun Chuxin raised her identity token and shouted at the five of them.

The five people chased her all the way, and they wanted to kill her after exhausting her consciousness and spiritual power, otherwise they would be imprisoned by her, and they would have to spend time refining it.

Seeing that she was cornered, and when there was no way to escape, the five of them ignored her, and they disdained her as a direct disciple, so the five approached her straight away.

"Stop, are you going to kill the direct disciple?" Yun Chuxin was frightened, these five people were not afraid of her identity as the direct disciple.

"So what if I kill you, a person like you is not worthy of being a direct disciple of the Wuhua Clan." Senior Brother Su pressed his sword towards Yun Chuxin. Junior sister solves a big problem.

They still don't know that Yun Chuchu was knocked down by Yun Chuxin and the two, otherwise they would have nothing to say to her.

Five people plus a second-order three-headed crow, so what if Yun Chuxin is protected by an identity token, he can still kill her.

Yun Chuxin felt the murderous intent on Senior Brother Su's body, and then saw Senior Brother Zhang force him towards her with a talisman in both hands.

Zhang You also released the three-headed crow, and Jiang Nan and Wu Lin also came at the same time with flying swords. Only then did she really feel terrified.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Duanxuan with fascination, she didn't want to die, she could only have a chance to survive if she didn't jump, and she would only die if she didn't jump.

Yun Chuxin looked at the five people angrily: "You are very good, you dare to kill your own disciples."

She backed away as she spoke.

"Kill." Senior Brother Su shouted, seeing that Yun Chuxin was about to jump, how could she escape so easily, she would have to shed her skin if she didn't die.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Brush brush..."


Talismans, sword energy, and three-headed crow attacked Yun Chuxin at the same time.


The powerful attack directly knocked Yun Chuxin off the cliff, and she sank into the thick fog under the cliff with a scream.

"Senior Brother Su, do you think she's dead?" Five people stood on the edge of the cliff, Wu Lin asked, the attack of the five of them was enough for her to drink a pot, even with the protection of the identity token, she couldn't bear it.

"I don't know." Senior Brother Su shook his head, because he knew that she couldn't be killed, so he asked everyone to attack at the same time.

"She is really lucky. She ran here. She can escape in other places." Jiang Nan regretted.

"Our luck is also good. Fortunately, we have practiced "Shenhun Jue" during the one-month retreat, otherwise the consequences will be serious. We must thank Junior Sister Yun when we go back." Wu Lin said with lingering fear.

Senior Brother Su: "It should."

Brother Zhang: "Is it because Junior Sister Yun knew that this stinky woman has such a skill, so she gave us the "Shenhun Jue"?"

Jiang Nan: "It's possible, maybe this dead woman has already done something to Junior Sister Yun. We were with Junior Sister Yun in the secret realm, and we were hated by her."

(End of this chapter)

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