Chapter 89 The world in the painting
Even if they ate it thoroughly, there was not even half a magic weapon seen in the entire ruins.

Yun Chuchu didn't get too entangled with this issue, and it wasn't very interesting to get entangled.

Finally, they came to an attic with a height of more than ten floors. This attic was very dilapidated. Judging from the extent of the damage, it should be man-made damage, not like it was damaged in a fight.

The door on the first floor was intact, it wasn't a wooden door, Yun Chuchu gently pushed the door open, just as the door moved, dust fell from the crack of the door, she performed a dust removal technique to disperse the dust before stepping into the attic.

The first floor is very large, over a thousand square meters, filled with bookshelves, and the rows and rows are very regular. Needless to say, this is the Gongfa Pavilion.

It's just that the bookshelves are empty, without half a book or half a jade slip.

Yun Chuchu's spiritual sense swept away, and there was only a pile of books piled up in the corner, but they were useless, as soon as they touched it, they would be dust, even these bookshelves.

Yun Chuchu went directly to the second floor, and the second floor was the same.

She went up to the third floor, and so did the third floor.

When we reached the tenth floor, the room was not very big. There was only a bookshelf, a desk, and a futon on the floor. A few human bones were scattered on the futon, which were covered with dust. In addition, there was a landscape painting hanging on the wall. .

That's all there is in this room, and nothing else.

"Little Chuchu, that painting is weird, go and have a look." Little Phoenix who had been staying on Yun Chuchu's shoulder said suddenly.

"Okay." Yun Chuchu also noticed that everything in this room was covered with dust, but this painting was clean without any dust at all.

Yun Chuchu walked up to the landscape painting and looked at it carefully, there was faintly aura flowing in the painting, the painting was a pastoral painting, a small village, surrounded by mountains and rivers, green mountains, clear rivers, and fish in the rivers were clearly visible , the fields are full of golden rice, like the wind blowing, sloping to the west.

Looking at such a peaceful pastoral scenery, Yun Chuchu felt like being in it.

So she released her consciousness to investigate the situation of the painting.

As soon as her consciousness approached the painting, a pulling force instantly sucked her soul into the painting.

"Little Chuchu."

Yun Chuchu also heard Little Phoenix's exclamation.

Seeing that Yun Chuchu's entire soul was sucked into the painting, Little Phoenix immediately entered. It and Yun Chuchu have a soul contract, and if one dies, the other cannot live.

At this time, after Yun Chuchu's dizziness was spinning for a while, she found that she was already in the world in the painting.

Here is the same as the painting outside, a small village surrounded by mountains and rivers, with green mountains and green waters, rice fields, and even the direction in which the rice slant is the same.

The aura here is richer than the aura in her space. If one practices here, one's cultivation will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

"call out."

Suddenly, the spirit of Little Phoenix appeared in front of her.

"Why did you come in?" Yun Chuchu was surprised.

"I won't come in to take a look. If you die, you don't want to implicate me." Xiao Fenghuang said unhappily.


"call out!"

Before Yun Chuchu finished speaking, a spirit rushed towards Little Phoenix like lightning.

"Hmph! You still want to swallow me, you really want to die!" Little Phoenix didn't rush, it sprayed out a ball of fire to wrap itself, and snorted coldly.

"Phoenix fire?" The spirit stopped immediately, and said in surprise, the voice was a middle-aged man in his 50s or [-]s.

Yun Chuchu sees that it is a group of spirits, and that spirit is already in the form of a human being, but it is blurry, and the face cannot be seen clearly.

This soul is obviously the soul of the Nascent Soul stage, and the soul of the Transformation Stage has turned into a human form, which is no different from the body of a monk, and the state of Transformation is also like this.

Transformation of the gods is the transformation of the soul into a human form. At that time, the monk's body is damaged, and he can practice independently with the soul. It will not be like the state below the god of transformation. If the inner soul does not enter the underworld, it will dissipate between heaven and earth.

"Huh!" Just as Yun Chuchu was surprised, a flame from the little phoenix had already sprayed towards the spirit, so it didn't bother to chatter with the spirit.

When Shenhun saw Fenghuanghuo, he was frightened and ran away.

Little Phoenix wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by Yun Chuchu: "Little Phoenix, don't kill it, I have something to ask it."

Yun Chuchu tried it just now, she wanted to figure out the world in the painting, but she couldn't get out.

There is only this spirit in this space, except for it, there is no human habitation, and there is not even a monster. You have to ask if the spirit can't get out or doesn't want to go out.

"Okay." Little Phoenix also discovered this problem.

"Come here, I have something to ask you." Little Phoenix said to Shenhun who was hiding away.

"You won't burn me?" Shenhun asked in fear.

I thought it wanted to swallow the little phoenix's soul, and see if it can come out after the soul is strong, but I didn't expect there to be a phoenix fire.

The phoenix fire is the natal fire of the divine beast phoenix, it forgot about this, and got carried away when it saw the phoenix spirit, it had stayed here for too long.

"No." Little Phoenix said impatiently, it doesn't like to be wordy.

Shenhun didn't come over, but asked: "If you have any questions, just ask, as long as I know, I can tell you."

"Little Chuchu, you can ask."

"it is good."

Yun Chuchu nodded.

"Do you know how to get out?" Yun Chuchu asked directly.

Shenhun said in a low voice: "I know, but once Shenhun comes in, he can't get out."

Yun Chuchu pondered for a moment: "Tell me how to get out."

Soul: "There is a stone tablet in this space, you can go out after refining it and recognizing the master."

"Why didn't you refine it?"

"A blood contract is required."

It turns out that what comes in is the soul, where does the blood come from, without blood, naturally it cannot be refined.

"Little Phoenix, can you find a way to get out?"

"There's a fart, it's really unlucky." Little Phoenix said angrily.

"Hurry up and think of other ways. We've been here for a long time, and the outside body will rot in a year at most. That's really troublesome." Little Phoenix said again.

"Don't worry, just watch it, I'll figure out a way." Yun Chuchu comforted the restless little Phoenix.

Unable to make a contract to recognize the master, she can fuse this space with her space. The black jade space is a soul contract with her. As long as this space is fused, this space becomes a part of the black jade space and naturally becomes her. Things, can't you go out?

With Xiao Fenghuang's fiery temper, he couldn't hold his breath at all.

Seeing that she looked confident, Little Phoenix gradually calmed down, so he agreed to Yun Chuchu.

"Then hurry up, I promise that one won't bother you."

"Yeah." Yun Chuchu nodded, and immediately checked where the stele was.

This kind of thing should be in the center of this space, and the village is in the center, Yun Chuchu immediately flew over.

After some investigation, there was indeed a five-foot-high stone tablet standing there at the entrance of the village, and there were three characters on it, but Yun Chuchu didn't know those three characters, and they were not the characters in the world of cultivating immortals at all.

(End of this chapter)

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