Chapter 9 Self-Taught Alchemy
At the gate of the city, everyone lined up to enter the city. Just like the previous city, you only need to pay a spirit stone to enter the city.

After Yun Chuchu handed in a spirit stone, she entered the city. There were many more people in Qingshan City than in the county town, and there were also many high-level monks, while there were very few weak people like her.

Yun Chuchu found an inn to live in, and there was still half a month left, so she had to seize the time to consolidate her cultivation and find a way to earn spirit stones.

The first one is to pay the rent, which requires seven spirit stones a day, and the second is to expand the space. Only when the space is expanded can there be a shelter for life.

It is urgent to earn Lingshi.

Unexpectedly, Yun Chuchu had spent her whole life rolling in the modern age, and now she has to work hard to roll here.

In modern times, if you don’t roll, you will have no good future, no good job, no house, no marriage, no children, and no one to depend on when you get old.

If you don't try your best to scroll here, you will face the end of being dug out for your spiritual roots, becoming a mortal, and finally going to the original owner, death.

It's too difficult for her, and she can't live a comfortable life in another map.

Yun Chuchu sighed deeply, and after swallowing a bigu pill, she took out the three unopened storage bags that she got later, to see if there was anything worth spirit stones in it, and sold it to buy a pill furnace.

There are still ten days before the recruiting conference. She is going to learn alchemy, and the fire and wood dual spiritual roots were born for alchemy.

I believe that this peerless talent is not for nothing, and she will not be disappointed, Yun Chuchu thought confidently.

She is not the original owner, and she will not sit and wait to die.

If her cultivation base is in the late stage of Qi refining, going out to hunt monsters to exchange spirit stones is the fastest way to earn spirit stones, but with her cultivation base, going out to kill monsters might as well be sending food for monsters.

And this place is different from the small town of the Yun family, the highest level of cultivation is in the foundation-building period, not to mention the foundation-building period, there are quite a few Golden Core cultivators here.

If you accidentally offend a monk, you can kill her in minutes.

In the world of monks, there is no law, only strength is respected.

So her cultivation base is still going to learn alchemy here, and selling elixir is also a way to earn spirit stones.

Just like in modern times, everyone has a skill and earns a living with their skills.

Moreover, every monk must have at least one skill of cultivating immortals by himself, and even sword cultivators have at least one skill of cultivating immortals, not for anything else but to earn spirit stones in exchange for cultivation resources.

Changing cultivation resources is not only for improving cultivation, but also protecting oneself. If you have that condition, you can buy magical weapons to arm yourself to the teeth.

It can effectively protect itself in battle.

For example, in the Yun family, if Patriarch Yun's attack could not be resisted by the top-grade spiritual weapon, the flying sword, that attack would definitely kill her.

It was a pity that Yun Chuchu had a pity for the top-grade spiritual weapon Feijian, and cleaned up the contents of the storage bags given by Flying Tiger Beast at the beginning and those obtained later, and kept the ones for his own use. Take it for spirit stones.

She poured out all the things, but the spirit stone was gone. She put the useful instruments, elixirs, elixir, jade slips, formation disks, a storage bag, and she put a fireball in the useless ones. The art is burned.

These people often do things such as killing people and seizing treasures, and their wealth is relatively rich.

Among them, there are two alchemy furnaces, which are just for her to use, and she is worried that there is no spirit stone to buy the alchemy furnace.

Yun Chuchu took the palm-sized alchemy stove in his hand and looked at it. It was round, with three ears, and the whole body was silver-white. It looked like it was made of silver, but it was not. It was refined from a kind of ore in the world of cultivating immortals.

After looking at it for a while, Yun Chuchu immediately contracted the alchemy furnace. Since there is a ready-made alchemy furnace and so many ready-made elixir, it should be possible to gather all the materials for refining the elixir, so let's learn alchemy first.

Yun Chuchu took out all the elixir from the jade box, threw the immature elixir into the space, and planted it when there was enough land in the space for planting.

The mature elixirs are all put together for later use.

Then he found the "Encyclopedia of Spiritual Medicines" from more than twenty jade slips. There were a lot of elixir in these storage bags. This owner must have the jade slips of "Encyclopedia of Spiritual Medicines".

"Encyclopedia of Spiritual Medicines", "Encyclopedia of Spiritual Beasts", "Encyclopedia of Ore Stones"... These jade slips commonly used by monks are sold in every market. It is not rare, but the content inside is very simple, suitable for low-level monks.

If you want comprehensive and more advanced ones, you have to join the sect. Each sect has a long history and a long history. There are countless collections in the sect, and there will be something suitable for every monk.

This is also one of the reasons why the sect is still standing.

Yun Chuchu released her consciousness to enter the jade slip and carefully read the contents inside, which was quick and convenient.

The simplest elixir is the Bigu Pill, and the ingredients can be gathered together, and then there are the healing pills commonly used by monks, the Xiaohuan Pill, the Replenishment Pill to quickly restore spiritual power, the Gathering Pill to assist in cultivation, and the Detoxification Pill...

The ingredients for these elixirs are not yet available, so first refine Bigu Dan.

An hour later, Yun Chuchu was ready.

There are only three kinds of materials for the bigu pill. Yun Chuchu first heated the alchemy furnace according to the order of alchemy. She mobilized the fire power, and instantly a ray of red flame appeared on her finger.

Yun Chuchu mobilized her spiritual power to strike out the blow, and the flame licked the bottom of the furnace like a tongue of fire.

This kind of burning fire was so miraculous that Yun Chuchu's eyebrows danced with joy, and the monk's methods kept refreshing her, a rookie's cognition.

Having theoretical knowledge is totally different from real insight.

No wonder, people without spiritual roots will find ways to cultivate immortality.

Not to mention that cultivating immortals can increase life expectancy, but the means of cultivators are used in daily life. It is not too convenient to kill people and set fires.

Yun Chuchu was flirting in her heart for a while, and her spiritual consciousness was fully focused on the changes in the furnace.

When the furnace temperature was about the same, Yun Chuchu threw the elixir into the alchemy furnace one by one, and then refined the elixir as recorded in the jade slip. This was the first step.


Before the medicinal materials were refined, a puff of black smoke burst out, followed by a smell of paste.

The corners of Yun Chuchu's mouth twitched, it was a failure.

She stopped what she was doing, threw a few cleansing spells to clean the furnace, then sat down and wondered what she did wrong?

This is still the first step to refine it.

It is said that alchemy is a job that burns money, and it is true. According to her refining method, Yun Chuchu doubts whether one elixir can be made from one hundred parts of materials.

After thinking about it for a while, she couldn't come up with a reason. She didn't have anyone to teach her alchemy experience, and she crossed the river blindly, touching while walking.

Yun Chuchu got up and continued. In short, learning alchemy cannot be accomplished overnight, so take your time.

Isn't it just to pile up medicinal materials?

Five elixir plants can be planted in the space, and the growth rate inside is so fast that the elixir seedlings planted a few days ago have matured.

In the future, when the space expands, she will have no shortage of elixir, and she can spend a lot of it.

Yun Chuchu counted the existing Bigu pill materials, there were 25 copies in total, and only one was scrapped, and there were 24 more. She raised her proud hand and started alchemy again.

(End of this chapter)

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