Chapter 97 Yun Chuxin Contracts Bai Xue

That beam of light was so dazzling that the cultivators in Lingyun Continent could see it from a distance, and they were all horrified by the vision here.

Many people rushed towards the misty forest.

It even alarmed those old guys who have been retreating all year round.

The Huashen monks and Nascent Soul monks went to investigate the matter of the Ascension Passage, but every sect has Liuhuashen ancestors sitting in charge.

These old guys were also alarmed.

As a result, several figures quickly teleported to the sky above the foggy forest, looking at the person and beast who were still in the contract in surprise.

"Hey, that cultivator is wearing the clothes of the disciples of the Wuhua Sect." The Huashen Patriarch of the Huanxi Sect raised his eyebrows.

"You only have beautiful women in your eyes. Didn't you notice how high the level of the monster is? It's a fifth-level monster. How could a Qi cultivator contract a fifth-level monster? Don't you think there is a problem?"

Another ancestor of Huashen sneered, the disciples of this Huanxi Sect and that of Hehuan Sect are alike, one loves beautiful women and the other is a good-looking man, so they don't know that the two sects become one, and they like each other, so don't harm them A monk in the world of cultivating immortals.

Another person hesitated and said: "Old man Qiufeng, why don't we go and have a look..."

Qiu Feng: "Wait and see what happens, old man Cangwu from the Wuhua Sect is watching over there."

Although there are four gods here, the highest is the middle stage of gods, and Cangwu is already at the late stage of gods.

As we all know, after entering the stage of transforming gods, a small difference in cultivation base is a big difference, and the combination of four people may not necessarily be his opponent.

What's more, Wuhua Sect is the number one sect in Lingyun, no one dares to pluck the hair from the tiger's head.

When the three of them were told by Qiu Feng, they suppressed their eagerness to move, and did not dare to have any more crooked thoughts.

When his cultivation has reached the stage of becoming a god, he cherishes his life even more, no longer strives for strength, and only wants to ascend.

Therefore, it is very difficult to see cultivators fighting in the world of cultivating immortals.

Cangwu on the side looked solemnly at the man and beast whose contract had ended. He was not happy at all, but very worried.

He recognized that the person who contracted the monster was that ruthless little disciple, her cultivation was only at the Qi training stage, how could a person at the Qi training stage contract a fifth-order monster.

He also knew that the disciple came from the secret realm of Yaoshan Mountain and was inherited by the Bingling Patriarch.

To be able to contract a fifth-order monster, this disciple must have a strong soul, but no matter how powerful the soul is, it cannot be stronger than the soul of a Golden Core cultivator. No matter how powerful the soul is, the body cannot bear it.

Either there is a treasure on his body, and the treasure can suppress the fifth-order monster.

If the latter is okay, at most it will attract people's envy.

He doesn't think that the disciple contract is like using the treasure contract, he can still see this.

If there is a problem with the disciple's soul, it will be a very difficult matter.

He was worried that this disciple would be taken away by that Bing Lingzi.

Bing Lingzi is not a friendly person. It is said that she has a violent personality and has killed countless people. Her bad deeds are comparable to evil cultivators.

Such a disciple contracted a fifth-order monster again, I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse.

It was Yun Chuxin who contracted Baixue. When she was cultivating under the cold pool, she saw the thunder calamity approaching. The spirit hidden in her sea of ​​consciousness told her that this was a fourth-order monster crossing the fifth-order monster. Jie, let her contract this monster.

Yun Chuxin is not a fool, it is a fifth-order monster, how could she get the contract, isn't it harming her.

Being backlashed by a fifth-order monster is no joke.

Who wouldn't want to be able to contract a fifth-order monster, but also have that life to contract.

Yun Chuxin regretted his life very much.

She said with a look of embarrassment: "The senior, the junior's cultivation base is only at the Qi refining stage, and the spirit is not strong. How could it be possible to contract the fifth-level monster? Senior, aren't you hurting me?"

Shenhun said impatiently: "With this god here, what are you afraid of? With such a small guts, why are you still cultivating immortals?"

The soul has his plan, the cultivation of the daughter of destiny is too weak, it is impossible for it to help her all the time, there is a fifth-order monster to protect her, let her improve her cultivation as much as possible, and get to the God Realm as soon as possible so that he can recover sooner physical body.

This lower realm is full of aura and has no soul power, so his spirit cannot be recovered at all.

When Yun Chuxin heard what the spirit said, her heart suddenly became excited. If she really contracted the fifth-order monster, wouldn't that mean she had a cultivator who transformed herself into a god for her to use.

The strength of the fifth-level monster is equivalent to that of the god-turning stage, and it respects her as the master, letting it do whatever it wants.

Is it still a problem to deal with Yun Chuchu in the future?

Hahaha... This is simply the pie in the sky for her.

"Okay, senior, junior listen to you."

Yun Chuxin agreed without hesitation.

Coincidentally, the place where Baixue crossed the catastrophe was not very far from the cold pool. Guided by her spirit, she quickly left the cold pool and ran straight to the place where Baixue crossed the catastrophe, and then waited for the opportunity to move.

After seeing the last thunderbolt fall, the divine soul wished her a helping hand, flew over quickly, and immediately contracted Baixue.

Bai Xue was already on the verge of death, she had no ability to resist at all, and she was suppressed by the spirit, so she was contracted by Yun Chuxin.

"Senior, let's go."

After Yun Chuxin succeeded in the contract, she immediately sent a sound transmission to the soul.

She made a contract with Bai Xue to make such a big commotion, why not leave and wait for someone to snatch her.

"Hold on to this monster."

"it is good."

Yun Chuxin didn't have a spirit beast bag, so she could only mention Baixue, and then the soul used the little soul power left to quickly fly towards the cold pool with one person and one beast.

"Senior, we're going back to the cold pond, aren't we afraid of someone chasing us?"

Shenhun said contemptuously: "Do you think that everyone can get close to that cold pool? This monster is also of ice attribute, and it happens to be able to recover there. With it there, how can ordinary monks dare to come?"

"Oh." Yun Chuxin fell silent, secretly complacent in her heart.

What's so great about Yun Chuchu getting Little Phoenix, she also got a fifth-level monster.

Ha ha……

From now on, her little phoenix will not belong to her.

Those monks ran away like a gust of wind when they saw a man and a beast.

Everyone hurriedly chased after him.

Qiu Feng and the others wanted to chase after him to have a look, but seeing that Cang Wu hadn't moved, they rested their minds, this old thing was obviously protecting the disciple.

Thinking that Wuhuazong had another monster equivalent to the stage of transforming gods, and its strength had increased again, the four of them hurried over to say hello.

"Hahaha... Congratulations, brother Cangwu, for another big help."



The four of Qiufeng congratulated again and again.

"Thank you Dao brothers, it's been a long time since we got together, please come to Wuhuazong to have a talk." Cangwu said with a smile, narrowing his eyes.

Just get rid of these people, those low-level monks are nothing to be afraid of.

"Then respect is worse than obedience." The four also laughed.

Immediately, the five people turned into five streamers and left.

Sure enough, those monks who chased Yun Chuxin did not dare to move forward when they got near the cold pool, and left after guarding for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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