Chapter 10
Hearing this, Wei Ye laughed angrily, raised his foot and kicked the brown bear admiral's calf, and scolded with a smile, "Get lost."

Admiral Brown Bear also knew that he couldn't get it right, so he turned around and said, "That's right."

A group of generals was not as strict as in front of the group of soldiers under him at all, but squatted in the corner of the wall with a little bit of thieves.

"He didn't tell us, why can't we find it ourselves?"

"Tsk, this big black dragon is like this, with a very deep mind."

"Look for it, look for it, it tastes so overbearing, it makes you hungry when you smell it."

Wei Ye returned to his seat, watching Jiang Tang put the red fruit on the yellow clucking egg, his eyes deepened, and he looked inexplicably scary.

Those white jade fingers, matched with the white porcelain plate and the brightly colored food, looked like a picture scroll.

Wei Ye felt a little thirsty and a little hungry.

It's just that what he is staring at is the food or the hands, it's up to the beholder to see the benevolence, and the wise see the wisdom.

Jiang Tang's live broadcast became popular in a small area.

Not only because the food she cooks smells good and makes the orcs mouth water, but also because of her jade hands, which are obviously several sizes smaller than the orcs.

Makes orcs hungry in every sense of the word.

With such a strange perspective, the live broadcast without any editing will become popular, which is really unbelievable.

Fortunately, Jiang Tang's live broadcast was only popular for a while, otherwise someone would really be watching...

She is not afraid either.

After all, Jiang Tang didn't know that she was going around, and she didn't even know that she had turned on the live broadcast.

When Wei Ye came home, what he saw was Jiang Tang and the old butler each holding a small bowl, sipping on yellow and red food, with some white flowers and green plants on it, which looked very pretty.

The old housekeeper straightened his back, and he was reading the cub study guide with Jiang Tang, and from time to time he even spoke out to discuss with Jiang Tang.

It seems that there is really a harmonious atmosphere of the family.

No one paid any attention to Wei Ye when he came back.

He sniffed the fragrance in the air, walked slowly behind the old butler, and patted his back. His voice was unprecedentedly gentle, but it made the old butler break out in cold sweat.

"Did you enjoy eating?"

Old Butler: ...

The old butler turned his head slowly, with a shiny grain of rice hanging from the corner of his mouth, he looked very much like a hamster hoarding food.

Then he quickly chewed the rice in his mouth a few times, swallowed it in one gulp, and replied, "You are back."

After he finished speaking, he patted Jiang Tang beside him: "Tang Tang, brother is back, let's say hello."

Jiang Tang struggled to look back from the immersive "The Adventures of Cubs", nodded expressionlessly, and said calmly, "Brother, welcome home."

Wei Ye: ...

He almost failed.

He feels that this is not his house, nor his home, this is the home of the old housekeeper and Jiang Tang, and he is a foreign beast.

He worked so hard to defend his family and country, and he couldn't even have a warm meal when he returned home.

On the way back, the old housekeeper showed off to himself how delicious this fried red fruit rice is, the grains of the rice are distinct, with an oily aroma, and the taste is enriched with choking plant 01.

Wei Ye's mentality almost collapsed.

But he still had that gentle smile on his face, as if he really just came to say hello to the old housekeeper and Jiang Tang, then turned around and prepared to go upstairs.

It's just that the inexplicable gloom on his body seems even more difficult to get close to.

Jiang Tang glanced at Wei Ye strangely, then looked away.

She exchanged this bowl of fried rice for the closeness of the old housekeeper. Sure enough, the ancient humans were honest and honest, and there is no close relationship that cannot be resolved with a meal.

If one meal can't solve it, then two!
How well the old housekeeper knew Wei Ye, he had known for a long time that the marshal was a twisted ghost with a gentle smile on his face and a twisted heart.

He obviously likes this human being, but he still has to pretend to be scheming.

Obviously he is only in his twenties.

Thinking of this, the old butler scooped up another big mouthful of fried rice and stuffed it into his mouth.

Tsk, maybe this is why the sky is falling.

The old butler showed a perceptive look, patted Jiang Tang, and asked, "Tangtang, what do you do with the leftover fried rice?"

Jiang Tang turned his gaze to the old housekeeper, and said doubtfully, "Uncle housekeeper, don't you want to eat?"

The old butler looked at Jiang Tang's bright amber eyes with an expression full of trust, which really softened the beast's heart.

He restrained his urge to touch Jiang Tang's head, and said, "Then let's send the rest to the marshal, he must be hungry too."

Jiang Tang wanted to confirm whether the old housekeeper was telling the truth.

That's leftovers!
Just when Jiang Tang was hesitating, the old butler closed his eyes and administered a strong dose of medicine: "Actually, I told the marshal on the way back, he was very interested."

When Jiang Tang heard this, he no longer hesitated, nodded and agreed.

Isn't it just a bowl of leftovers? It's not a big deal.

The old housekeeper looked at Jiang Tang motionless, and let out a voice of "Ouch!" Jiang Tang hurried to the old housekeeper's side and helped him up: "What's wrong, Uncle Housekeeper?"

The old butler resisted the condemnation of his conscience, and the crocodile tail behind him drooped listlessly: "Uncle suddenly has a backache, please trouble Tangtang to give it to the marshal."

Jiang Tang subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But seeing that the old housekeeper was sweating in pain, she still agreed.

Wearing plush slippers, a person ran into the kitchen with a patter, scooped all the leftovers into a bowl, and sent it to Wei Ye.

Only the old butler was left lying on the sofa, watching "The Adventures of Cubs" on the screen, his conscience throbbing.

Hey, to deceive cute humans is really torturing beasts.

The kitchen utensils made by the old butler are very useful, at least the leftovers are still hot now.

Just, it doesn't look so much like leftovers.

Jiang Tang is a human being without that kind of sophistication, and most of what she does is instinctive.

Even the old butler's share was only asked after seeing the old butler guarding the door and swallowing his saliva.

So Wei Ye, who didn't show up for a day, was completely forgotten by Jiang Tang as a matter of course.

Jiang Tang squeezed the jaw of his right hand, thinking of his former human companions telling him that when interacting with people, you have to come and go, and you should prepare some gifts when you go to other people's homes.

People like me who are borrowing from other orcs' homes should think about the thoughts of the main orcs.

But Jiang Tang was vaguely repelled.

She feels that she can have good intentions, but she must do it out of her own heart, not what others tell her to do.

It's not like I don't understand what the old housekeeper did today.

She can accept such tactful persuasion, and she is naturally willing to do things according to his ideas.

What's more, the old housekeeper and Wei Ye are not bad beasts when they get along.

It's just that sometimes they look at themselves a little strangely, but it doesn't hurt.

When Jiang Tang was lost in thought outside, Wei Ye in the room had already smelled the fragrance of food.

He had been sitting upright waiting for Jiang Tang to come in and take the food in her hands, but she hadn't come in yet!

Wei Ye bit his back molars, feeling that his teeth were getting more and more itchy.

(End of this chapter)

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