fox lure

Chapter 104 Herbal Tea

Chapter 104 Herbal Tea

Her black hair was wrapped around her neck, and as I pinched her neck, I could feel sticky black blood oozing from her hair.

But the strange thing is that since I choked her neck, the suffocation in my neck has disappeared.

Good guy, I pinched my life!

"Bah!~" Suddenly, some inexplicable liquid sprayed on my face.

My eyes blurred, my head became dizzy, the scene in front of me changed, and I saw that I was strangling Xue Chen's neck, trying to strangle him to death.

Xue Chen opened his mouth, his eyeballs almost made me pinch them out.

When I saw everything clearly, I let go of my hands and fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

What happened just now was too sudden, I just stumbled, and when I got up, I saw the female ghost in a white Taoist robe.

"What the hell... Huhu..." Xue Chen also fell to the ground, throwing a mineral water bottle to the side in his hand, "Nimma...ah cough cough cough, you strangled me to death!"

The two of us sat on the ground facing each other, looking at each other in the dark, both of us were still shocked.

When I recovered, I looked at Xue Chen, "What did you spray on my face just now?"

I saw that he seemed to have splashed me with a mineral water bottle.

"Herbal tea," Xue Chen rubbed his neck, and there was a large area of ​​my five finger prints on his neck.

At this moment, Aunt Wang was still burning paper, and the flames reflected on her face. The expression on that big face was indifferent, and she was muttering incoherently, with a very low voice, Xue Chen and I couldn't hear clearly.

"Stop talking about it," Xue Chen took a breath, rushed into the graveyard with me, and shouted: "Please tell me clearly, what is the black tree root that wraps the grave?"

Following Xue Chen's loud shout, Aunt Wang looked up at us and was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Aunt Wang put women's underwear on her head, and looked at Xue Chen and me with piercing eyes, as if looking at two evil pens.

She just grinned.

Why can't I understand Aunt Wang all of a sudden?The impression she gave me today is that she has always been a warm, enthusiastic and simple old lady.

Did Xue Chen really talk?She already knew that there were black roots in the grave?
I opened my mouth, just about to ask her something, when suddenly, Aunt Wang took out a handful of things from her pocket.

Xue Chen and I took a step back vigilantly, afraid of some 'hidden weapon'?
In the end, we both saw clearly under the light of the fire, it was a handful of black hair.

In the next second, under Xue Chen and I's surprise, she grabbed that strand of hair and put it all in her mouth.

"!" What is this for?
I feel a little nauseous reflexively.

Before I recovered from the shock, I saw her kneeling on the ground suddenly, bowing towards the sky, her eyes were full of tears, her lips were moving, and her words were inaudible.

There were tears in her eyes, which was different from the female ghosts I saw worshiping Dai Yuemian a few times ago.

Those female ghosts were full of admiration, like worshiping a god.

Soon, black hair appeared on Aunt Wang's neck and hands.

I suspect that something is wrong with my eyes, is it just like before, I was fascinated by ghosts again?Holding Xue Chen's hand tightly.

Before she had time to analyze, the black hair on Aunt Wang's body grew longer and longer, and she saw her eyeballs being pushed out of the eye sockets by the black hair.


She trembled all over, opened her mouth, and black hair spewed out of her mouth.

"Heck~" The black hairs fluttered more and more, and the outline of Aunt Wang could no longer be seen.

The bloody woman's panties fell to the ground.

It's three sins!

Seeing the black hair gradually thicken and become black.

Heiteng crawled meanderingly on the ground, attacking me and Xue Chen.

"Gang!" Xue Chen bit his middle finger, smeared blood on his eyelids, and cursed, "Cao's mother, you've been tricked! Master can't go down Baishan for too long. This is to lure us here on purpose."

I couldn't understand what he meant, but I also understood that I knew Dai Yuemian wanted to kill me a long time ago.

In the next second, a black vine came to my feet, and the tip pierced straight through the calf.

I couldn't stand on one leg, and my body was covered in cold sweat.

Heiteng passed through the calf and wrapped me in curls. A human head full of hair was suddenly very close to my face.

She is the female ghost I saw when I was fascinated by ghosts just now.

"So what can Huangyan do? Who can stand in the way of Mister?"

As it spoke, I saw clearly that there was a pale face under her hair.

Unlike the female ghosts I've seen before, she...

To put it bluntly, it looks good.

"Forgive Fang Nine Ghosts, Evil Gold Essence!" Xue Chen yelled, the talisman in his hand was stained with his blood, and slapped me hard on the face.

Unfortunately, it's useless...

"Hehe..." The female ghost's head rested on Heiteng, "The techniques of the Daoist sect are useless to me."

"Excuse me!" The female ghost's lips moved.

The blood talisman exploded suddenly on my face.

Xue Chen was shocked, and blood spurted out of his nose instantly.

The blood fell on Hei Teng. Unlike before, Hei Teng has not changed at all, and he is not afraid of Xue Chen's blood at all.

The black covering on his body became tighter and tighter, as if a thorn was about to penetrate into his flesh.

Where is Lao Huang?In an emergency, I only thought of Lao Huang.

But in consciousness, Lao Huang is not there at all.

"When the sun sets and the west mountain sets, every household locks the door, the gentleman rushes to the inn on the way, the bird climbs the mountain forest, and the tiger returns to the mountain,"

"The bird has a safe place to go to the mountains and forests, and the tiger will return to the mountains safely. The seven-star glazed tiles are on the head, and the eight-edged purple gold bricks are on the feet."

At this time, a voice came from nowhere. From far away, a great monk in his 40s, with his bald head illuminated by the moonlight at night, came towards the graveyard.

Let's say it's a monk, he is carrying Fushen on his shoulders.Said to be a Taoist priest?He is wearing cassock,

"Invite the gods, please the great immortals, protect the family immortals from all directions, the immortals from above, the immortals from the earth..."

The big monk was muttering words.

Immediately afterwards, I felt the majestic waves in front of me, a shadow with yellow light, like a running animal, with extremely fast speed, rushing straight to the graveyard from a distance.

"I'm here~" was Huang Jiu's voice, light and fluttering.

As soon as the voice fell, the bloody lady's underwear on the ground was suddenly rolled up by Heiteng, and hit my head straight.

"Hey!" I didn't know what happened, I looked up my neck in a daze, and the animal shadow with yellow light in the middle bounced out of my body.

Bouncing in mid-air.

I haven't seen it clearly yet, but the shadow has returned to my body.

"Break!" There was a loud shout, still Huang Jiu's voice.

The black vines around him exploded and were sprayed everywhere.

"The Huang family is also here to meddle in their own business?" Hei Teng receded a little, and the female ghost hung on Hei Teng's head and retreated, full of hostility.

"You and I are old acquaintances anyway," Huang Jiu's voice came out of my mouth, a somewhat unfamiliar, very mature voice, "You and Dai Yuemian came from the Taoist sect, Fengyuguan has a deep connection with the Huang family, your abilities are all Daoist professor, why bother to make things difficult for your younger generation?"

When Huang Jiu's words came out of my mouth, the female ghost smiled coldly, "giggle~"

As soon as the female ghost finished speaking, the soil under the graveyard suddenly exploded, and the air in the explosion was full of dust and dirt.

In the earth pit, Hei Teng spewed out, wrapped in a jujube-colored coffin, and rushed into the air together.

(End of this chapter)

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