fox lure

144 Raising Ghosts

144 Raising Ghosts
He inquired in Baizhen for a day, is this the result of his inquiring?

So what does he want to tell me?
I was walking towards Baishan Mountain, and he followed behind me, asking me in a gentle tone.

"Stop and talk to Uncle, okay? What's wrong with you?"

He chased me and said all kinds of things along the way, asking me how old I was, when was my birthday, and what were my parents' names.

"Uncle is not malicious, can you have a word with uncle?"

"Uncle, what about you? Why are you looking for someone surnamed Jiang everywhere?" When I was halfway up the mountain, I suddenly looked back at him.

It was so cold that hoarfrost formed on his eyelashes and eyebrows.

Hearing what I asked, he seemed to have no idea why I would ask such a question.

In his eyes, I was just a child with only eating, drinking and having fun in my mind.

Did he not expect me to ask this question?That's why that surprised look.

Half a year ago, I really only thought about eating and playing every day, what to eat and what to play.

But in the past six months, I have changed, because I escaped from death in the past six months.

Having experienced a lot, crawling out of those insidious and cunning pits of Dai Yuemian, my thinking has completely changed.

At least I know that no one will do things for no reason, things that others seem unreasonable.

The two of us stood on the mountainside, and the cold wind was strong at night. He didn't answer my question, but stared at me.

"Can't you answer me?" I was almost frozen, my lips were trembling when I spoke, "Then why should I tell you what disease I have?"

"How long have you been looking for someone surnamed Jiang?" I murmured to him.

He frowned when he heard my words.

"What can I do to find someone surnamed Jiang?" I continued to ask.

After a pause, I asked again, "Do you know Dai Yuemian?"

In short, when I asked, he didn't answer a word.

Only when I asked about Dai Yuemian, he shook his head.

I didn't continue to ask, but turned around and continued up the mountain. This time he didn't continue to follow me.

Returning to Fengyuguan, in my room, I took a breath, and the little milk dog barked in the yard.

When I got to my own room, I immediately charged my phone and called Uncle Jiang Yuansheng: "Uncle, Jiang Xiao is in Baizhen today, and he asked around for someone with the surname Jiang, and he found me."

It is estimated that the Forestry Bureau was also working overnight. Uncle Jiang Yuansheng was still up in the middle of the night, full of energy: "Xiao Jianglong, after you finished calling in the morning, I will start investigating Luxing's Jiang Xiao."

He continued: "I also found out that he was in Baizhen looking around for someone surnamed Jiang."

"His behavior is very suspicious."

I quietly listened to Uncle Jiang Yuansheng say: "And we also investigated..."

Jiang Yuansheng said that Luxing Biotechnology is a well-known enterprise in Dongzhu City, which is thousands of kilometers away from the northeast region.

In the past six months, Jiang Xiao has been active in the Northeast region, without assistants or secretaries, and has traveled almost all over the Northeast. Every time he goes to a town, he will ask if there is anyone with the surname Jiang.

Like a wanderer, he 'wandered' in the Northeast for half a year.

Moreover, he asked around for someone surnamed Jiang, but he didn't know who he was looking for, but he didn't find his target through the police.

"If you don't pass the police, it can only show that what he wants to do must be concealed."

Uncle Jiang Yuansheng talked with me in detail at night, "The most important point is that Jiang Xiao was in Mubin half a month before and after the Mubin extermination case."

"However," Uncle Jiang Yuansheng was suddenly a little puzzled, "Even if these things are very suspicious, it doesn't mean that he is the murderer in Mubin's extermination case, because what is his motive for committing the crime?"

"He and Mu Binjiangxiao have nothing to do with each other at all. One of them is a farmer and the other is a famous entrepreneur and scientist. There can be no feud."

In the middle of the night, I listened to this quietly, and after a while, "Uncle, he is following me today."

"Why is he following you?" Jiang Yuansheng asked puzzled.

"I don't know either." I really don't know.

"Okay, don't be afraid, I'll send a few people there now."

We didn't talk anymore and hung up the phone.


After hanging up the phone, I narrowed my eyes and stared at Zhang Yun. This aunt, grandma, and ancestor seemed to follow me all the time, and she still couldn't send her away. What should I do?
I stared at her in the dark, and she followed my example, staring at me with her eyes without black eyeballs.

"How to do?"

"Sister Zhang Yun, what can you do?" I sat on the kang and looked at Zhang Yun sadly.

What can she do?If you can't send it away, is it possible that you still want to follow me?
Zhang Yun is like a baby, especially a baby, learning all kinds of movements from me.

When I was talking on the phone, she stared blankly at me, her mouth imitated mine, but she couldn't make a sound.

At this moment, I picked up an apple from the Kang table and gnawed it.

Zhang Yun watched me eat the apple, he seemed very curious, and he came over to eat it too, but when his mouth touched the apple, the spirit body passed through.

After all, it is a ghost, can it eat things in the yang world?
In the middle of the night, I thought about it, searched a lot of books, and found a copy of "Wanfa Guizong" given to me by Lao Huang. I found the "Curse of Raising Ghosts" from it, illuminated the book under the candle, dipped the cinnabar with a brush , according to the gourd painting scoop to write symbols.

Finally, he cut his finger with the knife he used when raising Xiaolu, and made a bloody fingerprint on the talisman paper.

I found a incense roll with a spell on it, lit it and stuck it on the apple.

I thought it would not be easy to use, but after a while, Zhang Yun actually lay down on the apple and began to chew it.

"Okay!" My eyes lit up, "Tomorrow, Xue Sanbiao and I will ask for some money to buy you some clothes and burn them!"

"Burn." She imitated me and made a weak voice.


In the next few days, I continued to go to school during the day, and raised Zhang Yun at night, or studied Taoism.

From time to time, I pay attention to Jiang Xiao's developments and analyze the case.

A week passed, and on Friday night, after school was over early, Ma Nan dragged me to her father's office with great interest and turned on the computer.

"Jiang Long, Uncle Jiang Xiao, the green boss we met last time, has news."

After speaking, Ma Nan and I watched web news together.

The news talked about the new technology press conference released by Luxing, what is about reorganizing human cells and repairing them.

It means that it can delay aging, keep young, and treat many intractable diseases, such as leukemia.

However, these are all assumptions, and Luxing did not say that the technology has been perfected.

I stared at the news video, Jiang Xiao was wearing a suit and leather shoes, he still looked gentle, he was in a good mood, and he was speaking in a high style.

His appearance in the news is very different from when he met me. In the news, he is a tall and elite talent.

If it weren't for the plaster cast on his left arm, I wouldn't even be able to recognize the person I met a few days ago as the same person.

It's been a week since he last followed me in the middle of the night.

He went back to Dongzhu City?

He didn't continue to look for someone surnamed Jiang in the Northeast anymore?
(End of this chapter)

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