fox lure

Chapter 181 My Struggle

"Oh, it's almost dawn," Jin Manshan looked out of the window with solemn eyes, serious, "Little nun, time flies by like a fleeting horse."

Turning his head, he stared at me: "Do we have to do some research? The snail old man sent a letter. How should we deal with it?"

"You're not asleep." I squinted at him.

Why are the marks on his face so realistic?
"Little Taoist, I still don't understand Manshan. I feel light," Jin Manshan scratched his head and sighed, "Oh, I wanted to wake up at that time, but I just couldn't. Little Taoist Emma, ​​I That struggle..."

Before dawn, Jin Manshan took me around to the back door of Daqing Terrace to take a bath, and the security guard at the back door was sleepless.

Glancing at both of us, he turned his head and leaned on the chair and continued to sleep.

"Long eyes." Jin Manshan snorted and smiled.

He was walking in front, and I was walking behind. It was still dark and the street lights were on, and the smell of sea water in the air became stronger.

Jin Manshan's GOD has everything in his pocket.

Needless to say, it is estimated that when the boy and I were fighting, he secretly met Ellie, right?

Received the 'final payment'.

After dawn, the two of us took the bus and headed for Datuo Mountain.

Jin Manshan plans to join me in eating and drinking for free in the Datuoshan Temple, waiting for news from Mr. Tianluo.

Jin Manshan means that it is not safe to live anywhere now, and Daduoshan Temple is a good choice.

Living in other places, it is hard to guarantee that Dai Yuemian and Ai Li will play a black hand, and Ai Li can invite corpse exorcisers, so he has to guard against it.

I think he's right!
On the way to Datuo Mountain, Lao Huang called me and asked calmly, "When will you be back?"

Lao Huang always knew that I was coming to Haicheng, but he didn't stop him. In fact, he was still worried about me.

"My God, Lao Huang, this Haicheng is so luxurious." In order not to worry him, I blew on the phone, "This Haicheng building is so tall, oh my god, the public toilets have two floors, which is bigger than that of our Baizhen Bank. They are all rich."

Old Huang burst out laughing, and said lightly: "Come back early, if there is trouble, you go to Bihai Temple and find Zhang Tiande."

It can be heard from Lao Huang's words that Bihaiguan has a very good relationship with him.

"Is there enough money?" he asked again.


I didn't tell Lao Huang about the old man Tianluo.

After hanging up the phone, Jin Manshan and I got off at the Datuoshan bus stop.

"Little nun, let me tell you that Datuo Mountain used to be called Dazu Mountain. Take a look." Jin Manshan said with his neck held high, pointing at the mountain with me at the foot of the mountain.

"Does it look like a thigh?"

Indeed, the mountain is not high, like the thighs of a concubine lying down.

Therefore, the natural scenery is infinitely mysterious.

"Guess, why was it changed to Datuo Mountain?" Jin Manshan said with a smile.

"Why?" What's the secret?
"Back then," Jin Manshan said, "the Japanese devils attacked Haicheng, so they chose Datuo Mountain as their base, so they asked the locals, what is the name of this mountain? The villagers told them it was called Dazu Mountain. "

"This is a devil, and it sounds like a big Tuoshan."

So that's the case, so to speak, Yiben devil's ears are a little hard.

I chatted with Jin Manshan all the way, and when we arrived at Daduoshan Temple, it happened that the monks in the temple had just finished reading early and were preparing to eat.

There are more than 20 monks in the Zhaitang, some wearing gray robes and some wearing yellow robes.

The abbot is an old man, and the cassock over his cassock is similar to that of Jin Manshan.

I also don't understand the rules of their Buddhism, how to dress, what class to wear and what cassock?
Anyway, I, Jin Manshan, and his two apprentices met for dinner in other people's dining halls, so I was a little embarrassed.

"Little nun, come, let me introduce you. This is..." Jin Manshan smiled and pulled me to greet the old abbot: "This is the old abbot of Datuoshan Temple, Master Yuantong."

This one, is the old bully who can let people get a conversion certificate and just eat and drink whatever they want?

"Amitabha," the old abbot said, looking at me.

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, I have met Master Yuantong." I bowed.

The old abbot nodded, but Jin Shanman gave me a slap on the waist, meaning, didn’t we write on the conversion certificate before: Dharma name Wukong?
The key point is that I am embarrassed to claim that I have defeated the Buddha, and I have no place to put my face on it. I said that the monks in the whole temple should not laugh to death?
Nonsense is nonsense, when I see someone in such a high position as the old abbot, I must behave decently.

Don't say anything else, don't embarrass Lao Huang.

The old abbot nodded and asked me calmly, "Where does the Taoist master come from? Maoshan? Quanzhen? Zhengyi? Or, Lingbao Jingming?"

"Zhengyi." I replied politely with a smile.

"Oh, is there anyone else in Zhengyi?" The old abbot didn't ask, and said in a calm tone, "Let's have some vegetarian food."

While speaking, the old abbot looked around my neck.

I didn't pay attention to his eyes, and went to cook with Jin Manshan.

This is different from the concept of plumpness, in which we are like a family.

There are no rules, the whole family has a table of meals, and they can eat whatever they want.

And in this Datuoshan Temple, everyone holds a bowl and eats as much as they can, just like a buffet.

And people here are all vegetarian, unlike us, the Yangtze River often stews chicken, braises pork ribs and so on.

Temple breakfast is steamed buns, pickled vegetables, spinach salad, and millet porridge.

Emma, ​​this millet porridge is sticky and delicious.

As soon as I sat down with the bowl in hand, the old abbot said lightly: "After eating the fast meal, the little Taoist priest can do it on his own."

What do you mean?Meaning, let me eat and leave?
"Young Taoist priests can't bring into our temple." The old abbot took a sip of porridge.

I was taken aback by what I was carrying, and then I remembered that I was wearing a Guanyin figure, and there was Zhang Yun in the Guanyin picture.

Knowing the reason why the old abbot drove me away, I also understood that Zhang Yun is a ghost.

"Little Taoist nun, don't you hurry up and take out your conversion certificate?" Jin Manshan smacked my waist secretly.

This is not a question of whether or not to get a refuge certificate, assuming that there is no refuge certificate, people in distress can seek shelter in temples.

But I have a ghost on me, what does this belong to?It is a matter of principle.

Seeing that I seemed to understand, the old abbot drank the porridge, "I advise the little Taoist to be kind, all living beings have spirits, Amitabha."

I understood what the old abbot meant, and smiled, "Master Yuantong, this one on me is my sister, and the underworld doesn't accept her, so I can only keep it with me. It's not that I imprisoned her and threatened to make a contract with her."

The monks next to him were eating, and they panicked after hearing this.

"All sentient beings should have a place to go, why wouldn't the underworld accept them?" The old abbot was also very surprised.

I shook my head, I don't know the reason, I don't know the reason why Auntie Ghost General doesn't accept Zhang Yun.

I sent Zhang Yun to Zhang Yun several times before, without success. In the past two months, I have never sent a ghost, and I have never seen Aunt Ghost General again.

"I advise the little Taoist priest, you put the ghost on your heart, sucking your blood and energy, it is not good for your health." The old abbot looked at my heart again.

Suck my heart and soul?

Avalokitesvara is in my clothes, how can he see it clearly, it is on my heart?

It's really in my heart.

At this moment, I am a little sighing, the old abbot Yuantong has the right way.

"Little nun, you are begging the old abbot. The old abbot is famous for his benevolence. We will leave later, so we can't spend money to stay in the hotel?" Jin Manshan kept urging me to beg the old abbot.

"Your master is asking the Taoist Huang Yan?" the old abbot asked again.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Master Yuantong, for the sake of Daoist Huang, why don't you stay with the little Taoist nun for a few days?" Jin Manshan persuaded, "It's not safe for a little girl to come to Haicheng to work outside."

"Haha," the old abbot Yuantong laughed, "She raises ghosts, it should be where she lives, and it's not safe anywhere."

"Uh..." Jin Manshan was speechless, unable to continue persuading.

It seems that raising ghosts is not tolerated in the world. At least I didn't go to Bihaiguan, otherwise, I would probably be turned away.

The old abbot Yuantong stared at me for a while, and added: "Before the little Taoist girl leaves, please return the image of the great master Guanyin, and leave the little female ghost benefactor too."

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