fox lure

Chapter 201 I Just Hold You Like This Every Day

He is so ruthless, I can see that he is inherited from Mr. Snail.

Back then, the snail old man stole his grandson regardless of his son's life or death.

That man is really ruthless.In the end, he went to die with a smile. If he is not ruthless, who is ruthless?

Looking at Feng Guangde's back, his shoulders trembled, as if he was crying. .

In fact, why bother to be angry?
"Jiang Long is back!" I blinked, and suddenly the voice of Lao Huang's that day came in my mind.

His voice was faint, but it could be heard that he was a little anxious.

I was taken aback, the last time this happened, I was the one who got angry and ran out of the Taoist temple with Lao Huang, and met Aunt Cen and Cen Chunhong.

So this time, I learned a lot from a pit, and in this situation, Dai Yuemian probably caught me everywhere.

I hurriedly turned around and ran towards the Taoist temple.

But as soon as I turned around, I suddenly felt a huge force rushing into my body!

My mind went blank for an instant, and my pupils dilated.

My mind was dizzy, and when I was groggy, I remembered that I suddenly knelt on the ground with my knees plopping.

Hands on the ground, tears crackling down.

It's not that I want to cry, I don't know why.

After that, he raised his hand leaning on the ground, covered with mud, and slapped his face with left and right hands!
There is still some remaining wisdom in my mind, knowing that I am possessed by something.

Is it Huang Jiu?Or sneaky?

I'm not sure.

After that, a series of footsteps came, it was old Huang Xuechen and Changjiang.

Lao Huang raised his hand and slapped me in the middle of the junction of the back of my neck and my back.

"Huh~" In an instant, I fainted.

"You're mad at me! You're mad at me!" Fainted, I seemed to feel these words coming out of my mouth, with a crying voice, "You're mad at me! Woo~"

It seems to be the voice of the Yangtze River, with anxiety: "The great resentment species is easy to be possessed if it does not return to its body. What kind of thing is this possessed by?"

It seemed to be Xue Chen's voice, "Who is mad at Jiang Long? Is she dreaming?"

"Go away!"

A mess of sounds.

Afterwards, I lost consciousness completely.

I don't know how long I slept this time, but I still had a dream.

Some terrible dreams. I dreamed that my parents were hanged on the beams, and my throat was bleeding from crying.

Then there is Lao Huang, he also died, turned into a mummy, his half-white hair was scattered, and turned into all-white hair.

The mummy was bound to a cross.

Yes, it is a cross.

My eyes were bleeding from crying, the Taoist temple was covered with blood, and Jiang Jiang and Xue Chen died in the kitchen.

The other was disemboweled and died at the entrance of the Taoist temple with his eyes open.

I rushed forward, hugged Xue Chen and cried, "Xue Chen, Xue Chen! Xue Chen..."

The Taoist temple was full of bloody smell. Finally, I was wearing a Taoist robe, my hair was disheveled, my eyes were dazed, and I walked towards the Sanqing Hall in the backyard of the Taoist temple.

The statue of the Sanqing Temple fell down and broke.

The nameplate of the master on the wall fell all over the floor.

Everything in the dream is too realistic, just like the real thing.

I cried and murmured, "Is even Sanqing dead?"

"Who did it?"


"Not at your hands, but because of you!"

"I don't want it!" I yelled, and suddenly opened my eyes.

In the eyes are the three of Lao Huang, Xue Chen, and Changjiang, and Lao Huang's eyes are red and bloodshot.

Changjiang's old face was haggard, his skin lost its luster and was extremely dry.

Xue Chen didn't feel any better, and stared at me blankly.

The dream was so realistic that when I woke up and saw the three of them, I felt like I was alive after a catastrophe.

Strong feeling, great!It turned out to be a dream, a nightmare.

After waking up from the dream, the three of them are still alive, not dead.

Lao Huang touched my forehead with his severed palm missing three fingers, and felt my pulse with his left hand.

"Woo~" I hugged Lao Huang and cried loudly: "Old Huang, I dreamed that you were all dead."

No one can understand my feelings, the dream is too realistic, the feeling of loss makes me almost go crazy in the dream.

"It's okay." Old Huang's eyes were loving and distressed, "Don't cry."

"Ah woo woo~" I cried and hugged Chang Jiang, Xue Chen, and even Lao Huang.

Although my arms are too short to hold three people, I try to hug them as much as possible.

Let the four of us hug each other and not separate.

Xue Chen also cried in response to the occasion, hugging me and sobbing: "Jiang Erhu, why are you so unlucky? You almost died again!"

Almost gone?

I cried for a while before I felt pain in breathing and opening my eyes. The mucous membranes in my nose, mouth, and eyelids seemed to be broken. It was very painful and had a burning sensation.

Just like when my dad took me on the way to Baishan.

"What is possessing me this time?" I murmured to Lao Huang.

What is it this time?I don't feel like I'm possessed by something small.

The strength at that time was even worse than Huang Jiu possessing me.

Lao Huang didn't speak, but Changjiang said: "I don't know what it is until now, it's been 7 days, and that thing left last night."

seven days?

I was taken aback, endured the pain all over my body, and hurriedly asked again: "7 days, what have I been doing?"

Don't do anything embarrassing~ I'm sorry.

"I didn't do anything, just fell into a coma and talked nonsense." Changjiang told me, "I also had a fever, nosebleeds, bleeding from the mouth, eyelids, and ears."

Damn, there are seven orifices bleeding out of the nine orifices?

Lao Huang sat beside me, frowning.

He didn't speak, but I could see his expression was very sad.

I know that I am not seriously ill this time, the bleeding from the seven orifices hurt the five viscera.

The left hand feels the pulse for the right hand, and it turns out that the heart meridian is fire evil, the liver fire stimulates the spleen, and the spleen and stomach are weak.

The pulse of the five internal organs is in harmony with yin, essence and body fluid.

This pulse seems to be close to death?
"Old Huang, where is my Yang Soul?" I asked Lao Huang, is the Yang Soul still in the paper mantra?
Lao Huang nodded and reassured me: "No problem."

"Then who possessed me?" The recoil was so strong that it almost killed me.

Huang Jiu possessed me before, and the sequelae were also very strong. It took several days to fully recover from dizziness and vomiting.

But not as serious as this time.

"Is the porridge ready?" Lao Huang turned his head and asked Changjiang.

Changjiang hurried to the kitchen and filled a bowl of rice soup for me to drink.

The Yangtze River fed me a decoction again, and the decoction was very bitter.

This time the illness was so strange that it seemed that Lao Huang didn't know what was possessing me, and it took me 7 days before the thing left.

After taking the decoction, the three of them still stayed with me in the room. Xue Chen was so sleepy that he fell asleep after lying beside me for a while.

"Damn boy!" Seeing his displeasure, Changjiang wanted to slap Xue Chen on the head, "Get out!"

"Let him sleep here." Lao Huang sighed.

I fell asleep again in a daze. I didn't sleep well, and I couldn't remember my dreams clearly.

At night, when I woke up, only Xue Chen and I were left in the room.

Xue Chen also just woke up, and when he just woke up, he stared at me with big eyes and was a little confused.

It was night, and I felt a lot better all over, so I opened my eyes and looked at him.

We looked at each other.

"Are you still sleepy?" I murmured to Xue Sanbiao.

"I'm not sleepy anymore," he said with eye dropsy in the corners of his eyes, the pillows we slept on were next to each other, and he hugged me through the quilt.

"Jiang Erhu, can you stop dying all the time?"

"Scared me to death, this time I thought you were going to die."

His eyes are clear, with a sad expression on his face: "Or, I'll just hug you like this every day, wherever you go, I will go, I will always be with you, if someone stares at you, I will beat him .”

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