fox lure

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

Suddenly, Tian Dawei's mung bean eyes suddenly started to burst into tears, and the tears were gushing.

I was so scared that the chopsticks in my hand shook.

"Why are you crying?"

"Little rascal, you lied to me!" Tian Dawei sat at the dining table, gritted his teeth and wept.

When boys cry, they grit their teeth and don't whimper like girls cry.

He cried a lot, gritted his teeth so as not to cry, but said tremblingly, "You lied to me, but my grandfather is actually dead, right? You've been hiding it from me!"

It's quiet now.

"Isn't that right? The one you said died in the villa that day was my grandfather, right?" Tian Dawei gritted his teeth, tears streaming down his face.

I thought about it, since he has already cried, then don't cry for nothing.

So I nodded: "Yes."

"Go to hell!!!" Tian Dawei stood up, tears splashing, and shouted at me: "My grandfather can't die! You lied to me."

what happened.

I said his grandfather was not dead, but he didn't believe it.

I said his grandfather was dead, but he didn't believe it either.

Should I say that his master has become a fairy?
"Woo~" He finally cried out, turned his head and ran out of the kitchen, and ran outside the Taoist temple alone.

I was injured all over, but I still supported my body and chased out.

To say a thousand words and ten thousand, he became an 'orphan' and has a lot to do with me.

Momojiu: If it wasn't because Dai Yuemian took a fancy to my Yanghun, my Yanghun wouldn't have been lost, and he wouldn't have hated Feng Wei.

The old man Tian Luo would not be in a dilemma, he chose to die.

But what is the use of these?
I caught up with Tian Dawei, he cried miserably, turned his head and pointed at me, and yelled at me: "You unlucky ghost, my grandfather told me that your soul is on that Jiang Rou!"

He cried to me over there, "My grandfather also said that you are an unlucky ghost to have such a thing happen to you."

I leaned on a tree, my face was pale and weak, and I gasped for breath.

Listening to him crying, accusing: "My grandfather said that you will be unlucky all your life, but he said that you are actually a good person, and he can help you."

"You pay me back!"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Where is my grandfather's body? Did someone bury him?"

Yes, if my grandfather died without a place to bury him, I would be so excited, sad and overwhelmed.

Tian Dawei's words seemed to blow towards me with a gust of wind.

In the woods, the wild birds that didn't freeze to death in winter were frightened and fluttered.

"Why is my grandfather dead?"

"Why don't you die? My grandfather doesn't owe you anything!"

"Unlucky ghost! Go to hell! Why did you kill others?"

"I have no meaning to live, I have no father, I have no home!"

I feel dizzy, my mouth is dry, and the wind in the forest whimpers.

"Actually not." I was facing the wind and couldn't breathe, "Your father is living for both you and Feng Wei."

"Maybe I'm wrong?"

"What does it have to do with Feng Wei? Feng's father and son are nothing? They're not warlocks! Why does my grandfather keep him?"

Tian Dawei didn't believe it at all.

I want to tell him that Feng Guangde is his father, the son of his grandfather.

I don't know that Feng Wei, who is selfish and ignorant, who only cares about eating and drinking, is his own younger brother.

I'm going to tell him!
I was weak, and before I finished speaking, Tian Dawei cried to me: "You coward who shirks responsibility! My grandfather is really not worth it. He died for helping you! You actually fabricated lies."

"My grandfather is not worth it!"

I was scolded and cried by him.


"Why are you crying? Haha?" Tian Dawei's face was full of tears and snot, and he smiled sadly while crying.

"I've been in your Niubi Taoist temple for more than a week!" His two little mung bean eyes filled with tears showed resentment towards me, "I heard from your master and your senior brother."

"You are possessed this time, what kind of demon in Pingyin Peak!"

I have come to Fengyuguan for so long, and I have always known that there is something sealed in Pingyin Peak.

But no one told me that there is a 'demon' sealed in Pingyin Peak!
In the Northeast, animals are called immortals if they cultivate spirituality. How can they be called demons?

Could it be, which one of the five immortals is sealed in Pingyin Peak?
impossible! !

Just as I was thinking about it, Tian Dawei yelled at me crazily: "That Pingyin Peak, your brother took me to see it, there is a pit in the mountain! Big black pit, big pit!!!"

Anyway, I didn't go to Pingyin Peak to see it officially, because Lao Huang said that I don't have a Yang Soul, and it is very dangerous to go to Pingyin Peak.

I'm so desperate, I never seek death!
Passing by Pingyin Peak, I subconsciously avoided it.

"Little rascal, are you going to die? You're a villain, you deserve to die." As he spoke, Tian Dawei dragged me through the mountains and forests towards Pingyin Peak.

Tian Dawei's brain was tense, and his anger reached the limit.

"Your father is here to keep you and Feng Wei, and Uncle Feng is your father!" I was sick and weak, and he dragged me towards Pingyin Peak.

But this didn't stop me from speaking: "Feng Wei is fed up with being subordinated, someone threatened him to kill me!"

"Stop making excuses!" Tian Dawei didn't believe my words at all.

"Then Feng Guangde is so mediocre, how could he be my father?"

He has completely lost his mind.

Just trust your own judgment.

"I used to trust you so much, but you just wanted to survive. My grandfather died and no one collected the body, so you didn't tell me!"

I'm afraid of being ripped off by him. "Let me tell you, so what? Can you go into the Haicheng villa to collect the corpse? Are you going to die?"

Tian Dawei couldn't listen to my words at all, "If your grandfather died, wouldn't you be sad to save a coward who is not worth saving?"

I'm sad.

As I said, I quite like elders like Mr. Tianluo.

He dragged me to Pingyin Peak, and then I stopped struggling, and after more than half an hour, we arrived at Pingyin Peak.

After coming to Baishan for so long, I was tricked by Xue Chen to detour to Pingyin Peak only once that night.

It was dark at that time, and I was still afraid, so I didn't look carefully at all.

Pingyin Peak is cooler than other places in Baishan. There is really a big pit on the top of the mountain, which is very deep and pitch black.

The pit is surrounded by black soil, not a blade of grass grows.

The pit mouth is at least 10 meters in diameter.

A few hundred meters outside the mouth of the pit, there are only mountains and trees.

"Go and accompany the monster!" Shi Tian Dawei dragged me, as if he really wanted to throw me into that big pit.

And when I got near the mouth of Pingyin Peak, my brain reflexively hurt and my heart beat faster.

Jade Avalokitesvara felt hot in his heart.

Zhang Yun's perception of Yin Qi and Yin ghosts is much stronger than mine.

I know there are ghosts only when I see ghosts. She is different. If there is a strong hostility and yin around her, even if the ghost does not appear directly, she can still perceive it.

When she sensed it, Jade Guanyin would become hot.

"Why don't you struggle? Don't you run away?" Tian Dawei cried so hard that his face was blood red.

It's all here, what's the use of me struggling?I'm afraid he has a biased understanding of struggle?

Along the way, in order to prevent him from coming to Pingyin Peak, I almost knocked him out.

In fact, if it wasn't for my weakness, he would have fainted now.

"How many people treat you well, how about me?" He cried, "I have nothing!"

(End of this chapter)

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