fox lure

Chapter 209

Chapter 209
Eat dirt every day?

Forgive my ignorance, I've never heard of it.

I am amazed.

After talking, everyone in the room had different expressions, Lao Wang's face was red, and he was very ashamed.

The person who looked like a secretary beside him bowed his head, as if expressing condolences...

Lao Huang was indifferent, Xue Chen was thoughtful, and Tian Dawei, that idiot, burst out laughing suddenly.

This idiot didn't even look at the situation, and sneered: "Eat dirt? Damn it, I'm dying of laughter, soil mixed with spicy food? Big mud mixed with rice? Another bowl of big snot soup? Wow, hahahaha~ Why doesn't she eat it? What about shit?"

Shock is shock, but we can't say that in front of people, can we?

Anyway, with this stupidity, Xue Chenhu can't be seen anymore.

Therefore, sometimes some people are not really good, and it is completely set off by a bastard around them.

I glared at him vigorously, and he happily said, "I'm dying of laughter ~ please bring that evil pen in, let me have a look?"

"To shut up!"

"He's a tiger, uncle, don't mind." I saw Lao Wang blushing and almost fainted from embarrassment, so I hurriedly comforted him.

"Hey, you can't say that." Lao Wang has a good personality and sighed extremely depressed. "I don't blame people for making jokes. It's really embarrassing, but my daughter was not like this when she was a child."

While talking, the aunt volunteered, twisted her waist and went out to pick up Lao Wang's daughter.

During this gap, Xue Chen and I began to analyze the reason why Lao Wang’s daughter ate dirt.
"Could it be ghost possession?" Xue Chen calmly analyzed, "I read in the book that after some ghosts are possessed, they will control the body of the possessed person, do weird things, eat strange things, and have no hunger or fullness." .”

I thought about what he said, but I couldn't think of any other possibility.

The room was full of people waiting for more than half an hour, Lao Wang was a little embarrassed.

Let Huangyan 'old man' wait so long.

Lao Wang just stood up, intending to go outside the Taoist temple to find his daughter.

I heard a burst of footsteps, scattered and broken, and a series of small, weak and annoying voices: "Let go of me! Leave me alone! What are you doing?"

"Wang Nan, what you said..."

The aunt procrastinated and brought in a girl in her 20s.

No matter what you are doing, seeing a doctor or seeing things, you must observe carefully. This is my own experience of awakening.

I saw that Wang Nan's face was sallow and dull, with spots, very thin, and his head was full of sweat.

Her limbs were weak, her back was bent, and she looked so weak that a gust of wind could blow her down, or that a fart could knock her out two meters.

She was wearing a foreign famous brand, her figure was weak, her eyes were dark, and her eyes were full of violence and cynical emotions.

But I have to say that her facial features are very beautiful, and she should be a big beauty when she is not sick.

Originally Tian Dawei wanted to laugh at him, but when he saw Wang Nan, he opened his mouth wide and nearly sneezed out.


I squinted and stared at her, a little surprised.

She is not possessed by a ghost, she has nothing on her.

I looked at Xue Chen again, Xue Chen's eyes met mine, and he shook his head.

What he meant was that he didn't see anything either.

But this... eats dirt...

I'll look at Lao Huang, it's not an evil disease, can Lao Huang see it?
"I'm not sick, so I don't need to see a doctor." Wang Nan's expression was angry, and his voice was very small, as if he couldn't catch his breath.

The voice was so small, it wasn't that she was afraid to speak, but that she seemed to be able to speak so loudly.

Wang Nan was sweating as he spoke, and it must have taken all his strength to roll his eyes angrily: "Don't torture me, I'll be blessed!"

Look at it, there is a big conflict with the family.

When Aunt Liu heard this, she turned her lips around, and she didn't get used to Wang Nan at all: "Who tortured you? Huh? Letting you eat dirt and wall tiles is to make you enjoy yourself?"

"I didn't eat dirt!" Wang Nan's matter was opened by the aunt, and he was immediately ashamed.

"Ah! Awwhhh~" Within three seconds, the elder sister opened her mouth to cry, but not very loudly.

"What's so embarrassing about eating dirt?" Just when everyone was anxious, that idiot Tian Dawei suddenly spoke, like a young man.

"I have eaten shit, am I ashamed?"

"Let me tell you, I have really eaten shit. My grandfather knows that shit is astringent!"

What?Does he have such a good appetite?
Tian Dawei made a vow.

I'll go... I looked at him sideways, this heartless person, didn't he just make fun of him for eating dirt?

What's going on now?

In order to comfort others, I almost said: "The shit is delicious~"

really fragrant~
Try it too~
The whole room burst into laughter suddenly.

Wang Nan was crying at first, but when he heard what he said, he was stunned for a few seconds, and then he suddenly smiled, a smile with stretched eyebrows and eyes.

That smile, like a hundred flowers blooming, revives everything.

But there was only a few seconds of smiling, and then the resentful expression when he entered the room was restored.

The difference is that this time she didn't want to leave the room anymore, as if she was in a fight with the whole room, she said very little, with a sarcasm on her expression.

Especially when looking at Lao Huang, seeing Lao Huang wearing Taoist robes, he seemed to be deliberately provocative, and sneered: "呵... what kind of money..."

I suddenly became unhappy.

As a senior brother, I want to say: Why are you bullying my boss?

With her attitude, Pharaoh immediately became anxious, couldn't hold back his face, and didn't dare to reprimand her.

Turning around, I apologized to Lao Huang: "Master Huang, don't be angry with the child, the child doesn't understand."

"It's okay," Lao Huang asked Wang Nan with a blank face, "You have a bad appetite, right? You hardly eat anything."

"Heh..." Wang Nan sneered mockingly.

"Yes!" Lao Wang helped Wang Nan answer.

"There are a lot of menstrual periods, and the time is long." Lao Huang said lightly.

"Yes!" Aunt Liu helped answer this time, and Aunt Liu interjected, "Is this child eating dirt because of metrorrhagia?"

Lao Huang waved his hand to signal them not to interrupt.

"She had difficulty defecating and she couldn't come out, but the stool was not dry, it was wet and sticky."

"It's not the so-called constipation."

"Sometimes vomiting, will spit out bile."

"Abdominal distension, nausea, taste loss, all lost."

"Starting in the afternoon, the lower limbs will swell."

"Sleepless day and night. I sleep about two hours a day."

"I often cry in my sleep, but I don't talk in my dreams."

"Guilty heart, shortness of breath, frequent temper tantrums, internal fights, and few words."

When Lao Huang said this, my mouth twitched, Wang Nan didn't say much?I forgot how I scolded him just now.

I admit, I don't like her.

"I'm weak all over, my nose and gums bleed from time to time, and my blood clotting ability is poor."

After Lao Huang finished talking about these symptoms, Lao Wang's eyes lit up, "Old Immortal, can you cure Wang Nan's disease? You are right, I didn't tell you about Wang Nan's symptoms before I came here."

Even the cynical Wang Nan was surprised, the anger in his eyes faded, and he looked at Lao Huang with a little shock.

"Jiang Long, what's wrong with her?" Lao Huang didn't answer them, but turned to ask me.

I thought about it: "I think she is sick everywhere. Judging from her face, her face is sallow and bloody, irritable, and it is liver disease."

"Insomnia and frequent dreams are due to poor kidney spirit."

"Poor appetite, loose and sticky stools, heavy watery stools, blood descending, bleeding gums, metrorrhagia, epistaxis, distending pain in the abdomen, loss of taste, poor coagulation, bleeding, it's a bad spleen."

"Heart-yang deficiency causes weakness of limbs, lung-yang deficiency causes shortness of breath and spontaneous sweating."

I'm done analyzing.

My judgment is: this person is hopeless!

"Well, there is some truth to it." My old Huang nodded in agreement, and raised his eyelids, "So, what is the disease?"

(End of this chapter)

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