fox lure

Chapter 220 All things have spirit

Chapter 220 All things have spirit
I don't want to argue with him because I need this ginseng to save my life today.

Another one, I just finished playing, and I haven't adjusted it yet.

Huang Jiu continued to look at me with a blank face, but finally 'shifted'.

He moved away, and I hurried to dig that ginseng plant, because it was buried a week ago, so the soil was loose.

After digging for a while, I dug out the whole ginseng plant with all its beards.

Without looking at Huang Jiu again, I ran back to the Taoist temple with ginseng in my hand.

Xue Sanbiao has been following me without saying a word, watching me cut off the ginseng from the middle, and cut the upper half into thin slices.

Put the thin slices into Wang Nan's mouth for three slices, and cut off 10 grams of the rest, and put them in boiling water.

The boiling water is too slow, so put three tablets in your mouth first, and hurry up with the medicine in it.

When the medicinal soup was finished, Wang Nan was already lifted by the three slices of ginseng. His eyes could be opened, but he was still speechless.

This is the ability of old wild ginseng, so it is right not to let Cen Chunhong dig it.

After Wang Nan finished drinking the ginseng soup for more than half an hour, his blood color returned to normal, and he was still weak, but it seemed that he would not die.

Lao Wang and Aunt Liu were crying there, thank you in every way.

Lao Huang curled his lips into a smile, and looked at me: "I can only save lives."

"That's ~necessary~" I was happy with the white gauze on my head.

"But~" Lao Huang pursed his lips, looked at me with those red and phoenix eyes, and said lightly, "In this case, taking some quick-acting Jiuxin pills will do it~"

"Chuanqiong, it's almost as effective as ginseng~"

My face turned black, why didn't he say it earlier.

This made me run wild, tossing to death!

Lao Huang hurriedly said again: "But it is absolutely impossible to have the effect of old mountain ginseng. I only do it well, and I do it well~"

I was a little speechless, with a heavy heart, Lao Huang said: "One more thing, there is no quick-acting heart-rescuing pill in our Taoist temple."

What else do you say?Nothing else to say?

Because of that ginseng, Huang Jiu and I had a fight all over the place, Lao Wang and the others all knew about it.

Lao Wang was very grateful to me and Lao Huang, and hurriedly said that he would pay for the ginseng.

Lao Wang speaks and acts a bit like my father, but his conversation is more refined than my father.

Moved, he squatted in front of me, held my hand, and said emotionally, "My child, if it weren't for you today, your sister would have died after she got sick. There must be not enough time to go from Baishan to the hospital for rescue."

"You cherish that ginseng so much, you can even take it out to save Wang Nan. Uncle will remember this love."

"Son, you can be promising when you grow up, and you can be a good doctor."

"If you don't mind, consider Uncle as a godfather."

"Uncle really likes you. I think you are sincerely good to your male sister Wang. Uncle thinks that in the future, you and your sister will have a companion and can talk to each other."

This... I'm a little embarrassed, my face is a little red, and I'm so bald.

However, he said that I will be a good doctor in the future, and I am very happy.

I looked up at Lao Huang, do you recognize this godfather?

Lao Huang curled his lips into a smile, his eyes full of kindness, which meant, let me make up my own mind.

That's it, confused and multiple 'godfathers'.

After tossing all night, the sky was bright, and I looked at the remaining half of ginseng, with fibrous roots, which was quite fresh.

After thinking about it, taking advantage of the dawn, it is Maoshi, when less sunlight is most likely to be absorbed by the body.

I took the remaining half of ginseng and ran back to its 'home', the crevice in the stone next to the cliff.

It was slightly bright, and the sky was still dark blue. Huang Jiu was still standing there, still wearing a black robe, like a young uncle.

Not handsome at all, very flat.

I ignored him, went to the crevice of the stone, and buried the remaining half of ginseng in it.

After thinking about it, all things have spirits, so I kowtowed to the old mountain ginseng again: "Ginseng boss, you saved a girl, and your merits are immeasurable. You should cultivate your body~ I have to cut you today, you must do it!" Live on, I'm sorry..."

Ginseng is a very good thing. Baishan winter is minus [-] to [-] degrees, but it can't freeze to death, which shows that it has strong vitality.

I think it can't die.

Ginseng and I were chattering, while Huang Jiu looked on and didn't make a sound.

I squinted at him quietly, and it happened to meet his pair of glass bead eyes.

"Hmph!" I got up from the ground, turned around and ignored Huang Jiu, and went back to the Taoist temple.

Anyway, from the beginning to the end, neither of us spoke.

What else do you say when you fight like that?
I just entered the Taoist temple with my front foot, and I was stunned for a few seconds. I had just left the Taoist temple for half an hour. Before I left, the Taoist temple was quite quiet.

Now, there are twenty or thirty old Taoist priests standing in the Taoist temple, all kinds of people!
What's funny is that one of them wears glasses and is in his 40s. He looks like a man of science and technology.

He probably came here on a hurry, panting and sweating, and was in a hurry to put on the Taoist robe in the Taoist temple.

He was originally wearing a suit, but now he is putting on a Taoist robe. After the Taoist robe is put on, half of his trousers and sneakers are still exposed underneath.

I can't help but want to laugh.

There is also a cross-eyed man with one hand behind his back, proudly pointing to the roof of Fengyu Guanfang, and plausibly saying: "Back then, I led someone to build the roof of the mountain house of my uncle~ Look, how good the quality is, how much it is!" Neat~"

He is sure, eyes can see clearly?

Let me just say that before, I always had a vague feeling that the roof of the house was not neat, and it turned out that he ordered it to be built.

Another one was leaning against the wall to take off his shoes and rubbing the soles of his feet: "This mountain road is rough! Master has a lot of money, and he is so rich, can't we pave some concrete roads?"

"Eh? Who is this child?" The one who rubbed his feet bent over and looked up at me.

Immediately afterwards, the group of veterans all turned to look at me, "This kid is Jiang Long?"

"Hello, seniors," I didn't know what to call, I hurriedly bowed, and remembered that there were several layers of gauze tied on my face, and hurriedly wanted to take off the gauze.

"Don't talk about it," Xue Chen stopped me, "Tear off the gauze, and I can't see what you look like, it's swollen like a monkey's butt."


"It's okay, it's okay~" A few of them greeted me with a smile, "How did you fix your face? How did you get hurt?"

"Yes," was to protect ginseng and was beaten by Huang Jiu.

Before I finished speaking, Xue Chen yelled at me from the side, "Ah, she is allergic, isn't this spring? I love allergies."

"Oh, your master is so capable, can you still be allergic?" an old Taoist in a purple Taoist robe said with a curled lip.

What is he questioning?What did you say?My master is very capable, so I can't be allergic?
The body is individual, and everyone's body is different.

My master is very capable, so can I just eat and not shit?

It's so troublesome to poop, I don't want to poop anymore.

Xue Chen whispered to me: "Don't let them know, we fought with Huang Jiuxian, they didn't have any good intentions,"

"Junior Sister Jiang Long, congratulations." There were so many people, I didn't see Li Zhenggang among them.

This time, Li Qixing was not brought along, he came alone.

long time no see!

"Brother Zhenggang!" My eyes lit up, he taught me my physique.

We have been together for half a year, and I have a deep relationship with him.

"Where is Qixing? I really miss Qixing." I hurriedly asked Li Zhenggang enthusiastically.

Li Zhenggang smiled: "Seven Stars are nourishing their bodies, you have brought back your Yang Soul, congratulations."

This Li Zhenggang was different from before, and he became much more cautious when speaking.

When we first met, he was so awesome, I'm afraid someone would underestimate him.

Later, after getting along with each other, I felt that we had feelings for getting along. He was very easy-going and cared about us.

What about this time?He seemed to be very cautious, and his words seemed to be kind, but at the same time, he seemed to keep a distance on purpose, and all he spoke was official Chinese.

"Thank you, brother Zhenggang." Since he spoke official words, I will only speak polite words.

In the past, he taught me to work hard on my body, did he forget?We were fine, and he forgot.

"Cao's mother~ I'm exhausted! Big grudge, little bastard, get over here and move the table!" Changjiang shouted violently in the backyard.

Those twenty or thirty people were crowded in the Taoist temple in a mess.

There was simply no room for so many people in the room, so Changjiang moved tables and stools out of the warehouse in the backyard, and a large group of people sat down in the yard.

"This February 2th, the Sanqing Festival, this and that..."

The group of veterans chattered and chatted, talking about everything, with all accents and dialects, like a big market.

Then they felt bored, and they even told each other fortune-telling and felt each other's pulse.

There is also the most boring one. I went to the kitchen and took a large grain of salt the size of a fingernail, and put it in my mouth.

This taste is really unusual.

I think they are like that, when they are free, they almost pluck each other's hairs, catch lice, pick boogers and eat them.

(End of this chapter)

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