fox lure

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

I believe him ass?
If you don't know anything about a question, Qi doesn't even understand it, so can I trust him?

I shook my head, "I don't know what kind of thing I was reincarnated from."

All I know is that I was supposed to be reincarnated in a fleshy body, but then I was reincarnated in my current body.

As a result, Rourou was born without a soul and was a vegetable.

The book says: "Yin and Yang intersect, the human fetus first forms the blood meridian, the qi and blood of the camp and the defense are connected, the five internal organs are formed, the three gods give up the heart, and the soul is complete, and then it becomes a human being."

That is to say, father's tadpole and mother's 'egg white' meet and fuse.

The human fetus will first develop some meridians and blood vessels, the qi and blood will flow through, and the five internal organs will grow out on the meridians like fruit.

'Fruit' is formed, and other criss-cross meridians develop from the fruit.

The twelve main meridians, and the eight branch meridians of the extra meridians.

Then grow limbs, bones and flesh, and when everything is grown, finally the three souls and seven souls enter the carcass.

This carcass can be born and become a human being.

The soul is the last to enter the carcass.

"So, it was your parents who found a warlock and moved the fetal spirit into your body?" Amaderon was startled.

Shocked lips trembled a few times, "Your parents are not like that!"

"certainly not!"

Who knows what happened in the first place?Dai Yuemian probably knew.

As poor as my parents were back then, the underpants were almost torn, so I had to mend them and continue to wear them.

How can there be money to find a magician to move the fetal spirit?
At that time, my mother just wanted a son, as long as it was a son, no matter what fate or reincarnation?

"That's weird." Amaderon said thoughtfully, "What's going on?"

How do I know what's going on?I know it's okay.

Thinking of this, I subconsciously touched the vertical bone seam on my forehead, but I couldn't feel it clearly through the gauze and skin.

It is estimated that the length of the bone suture is closed.

When I'm strong enough, I'm going to find Dai Yuemian, before I punch out his brains, I have to ask about this matter.

"Third Master, what about you~" Amaderon clicked his lips, "It's not simple, there is something in it, there is cause and effect."

I was chatting with him, and two more people came outside the door.

It was Jin Manshan and the old abbot Yuantong.

Why are they both here?
Both of them were wearing cassocks of the same style.

"Hey, hello everyone~" Jin Manshan smiled and greeted all the people in the courtyard when he entered the courtyard.

"Amitabha." The old abbot was calm, and also recited the Buddha's name.

Jin Manshan glanced at me and was startled: "Emma, ​​little nun, what's wrong with your head? The bag has three layers inside and three layers outside."

The courtyard was noisy just now, and the group of Taoist priests were chatting, but after Jin Manshan and the old abbot entered the courtyard, they immediately became quiet.

After being quiet for half a minute, a Taoist gave a 'tss', dismissively: "It's from the Buddhist sect. It's the Sanqing Festival on February 2th. What are the bald heads of the Buddhist sect doing here?"

Immediately afterwards, those Taoist priests started chatting in unison again, dismissing the two monks and not paying attention at all.

I heard earlier that Buddhism and Taoism look down on each other and hate each other.

Buddhists say that they are the authentic ones.

But the Taoists said that the Buddhas were all created after being enlightened by the Taoists.The ancestor of Buddhism is Taoism.

Just like that, Buddhism and Taoism interacted with each other, and each wanted to beat the other's brains out.

No one will let anyone.

But it has to be said that Buddhism and Taoism have some ideas of goodness that are consistent.

It's just that Taoism pays attention to: everything goes with the flow and develops naturally.

For example, in the matter of love, Taoism believes that free development, love when you fall in love, everything in the world will change, people are born, they will grow old, and they will die.

Flowers, plants and trees will sprout, and after four seasons, they will bloom and bear fruit, and they will wither and die.

Everything is a process.

Therefore, love also has a germination period, a growth period, a death period, and a withering period.Let it develop naturally, and troubles will be troubles, because that is what you chose in the first place.

Accept it, enjoy it, and let it take its course.

Another one, if you don’t love each other, how can you have children?

If you don't have children, there will be no one in the world. How can the yin and yang world and people coordinate and reunify?

How does society develop?

How do humans progress?

Daomen: Let's love each other boldly, let's have children!give birth~
Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, three produces all things, Tao follows nature~
Buddhism is different.

Regarding love, what does Buddhism say: All love will come, impermanence is hard to come by for a long time, life is full of fear, life is at stake in the morning dew, and fear is born of love.

If you are separated from the lover, you will have no worries and no fear.

The words of Buddhism are very beautiful.

Buddhism means that all love is difficult to last, so you will be afraid, afraid that he will die?Scared of him leaving, scared a lot.

So love creates fear, if you don't choose to love someone in advance, then you have nothing to fear, no worries.

Can't say which is more correct.

Can't say which is better.

Whether you like Buddhism or Taoism, it's up to you to choose.

Which one you choose means that you are closer to that state of mind in life.

Having said that, no matter what you say, those old Taoists are too rude to the two monks.

I hurried over to be polite, "Old Abbot Yuantong, you are here, you have come all the way, come in and sit down."

"Amitabha~" The old abbot looked at me, sighed, and shook his head again.

It seems like it's impossible for me to say anything.

This person is like this, as I said earlier, he just doesn't say it directly when he has something to say.

But now, I can also guess what he is thinking, he is thinking: You are just obsessed with your obsession, so why can't you give up that Yang Soul?
I smiled, Jin Manshan was scratching his bald head and said with a smile: "Little Taoist nun, Master Yuantong was invited by your master to protect the Dharma for your soul to return to the body, how about me?"

"I'm here to join in the fun. If anything happens, I can also invite Master Jiu to protect you."

He smiled and said, "I came here uninvited, to have some free time."

"Haha, how can I be idle, Manshan, thank you." I burst out laughing, I was very touched, he also came here by himself because he was worried that my soul would make a mistake in returning to my body.

When Jin Manshan heard me say thank you, he hurriedly said, "Thank you for what? Our friendship is here. If anyone doesn't come, I have to come."

"Hey, didn't I come? Who are you referring to Sang and Huai?" Master Yuantong sighed.

The two of them started arguing again, Jin Manshan: "Aren't you reluctant to come? You are an idiot, you can't learn Taoism? What do you want to do? The most important thing is you!"

I invited Master Yuantong to Lao Huang's house, and dozens of Taoist priests came, but Lao Huang didn't go out to say hello.

Now, seeing Master Yuantong coming, he got up from the chair with a rare smile on his face.

"Master Yuantong, Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable."

"Ask Heavenly Taoist, Amitabha~"

These two bosses both read their own sect's way of greeting.

Lao Huang called to ask Taoist Heaven, and I thought in my heart that in the future I will call: Taoist nonsense~
"Jiang Long, go make tea and serve tea~" Lao Huang assigned me a task.

This also shows that he respects Master Yuantong very much.

The Taoist temple is so lively today, even more lively than usual during Chinese New Year.

February 2 is a Daoist event.

I was busy for a while offering tea to Master Yuantong. Master Yuantong was quite hypocritical. He opened his mouth and said, "You don't need to offer tea to me, little Taoist priest. I won't be rewarded for doing nothing. I can't afford it."

He insisted on taking back his Yang Soul because of me, but he didn't agree.

The old abbot spoke slowly, and began to draw words:
"I still want to persuade you, the wind~starts at the end of Qingping,"

(End of this chapter)

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