Chapter 414 Both men and women are obsessed with you

Wen Bin kept shaking his head without saying a word.

Song Jing said indifferently: "Huang San has been imprisoned in Yuyuan for a long time, and I have clearly learned the details of the bomb from Huang San's mouth. Wen Bin could dismantle such a bomb within ten seconds. How long did it take?"

When Song Xiao heard this, he said angrily: "Wen Bin! Are you crazy? It's in vain that I trust you so much, you dare to do such a thing, dragging the young lady into danger, okay, You are so kind!"

Wen Bin didn't dare to admit this matter, and kept shaking his head: "I didn't, I didn't, maybe I was nervous, I really couldn't tear it down at the time, I didn't harm anyone!"

Song Xiao was at the scene at the time, and he clearly remembered all the situation. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he said, "You ungrateful guy! How did you come to Yuyuan back then, and how did you learn this skill? Have you forgotten? How dare you harm me?" Young Madam and Eldest Young Master, you are really damned!"

When Wen Bin heard this, she who had been crying all the time, suddenly screamed: "I didn't! I'm all for the young master, I won't harm the young master, I will never harm the young master!"

No matter how Wen Bin yells, the evidence is conclusive, and no amount of sophistry is useless.

For traitors, Song Jing has never been soft-hearted, and said coldly: "From today on, Wen Bin will expel Yuyuan, and all the fame, fortune and money you got in Yuyuan will be taken back. Drag her down and lock her up first."

Two bodyguards stepped forward and grabbed Wen Bin, about to take him away.

How sympathetic they were before, how angry everyone was when Song Jing said that Wen Bin deliberately did not dismantle the bomb.

That almost killed the young master and the young lady.

"No! I won't leave the young master!" Wen Bin resisted, struggling and shouting: "I was brought back by the young master, you have no right to expel me, no right!"

At this moment, An Ning suddenly got up.

She thought of Shen Yutang's back that didn't have good flesh back then, thought of them almost dying in the water, this Wen Bin almost killed Shen Yutang.

An Ning, if he wants to take revenge, always knows how to catch other people's pain points.

She got up and sat on Shen Yuzhi's lap, lazily approached Shen Yuzhi's ear and said, "Why are you so charming, men and women are all fascinated by you, look, you are still shouting not to leave you ?”

An Ning's actions really stimulated Wen Bin, and the jealousy in Wen Bin's eyes could no longer be hidden.

Of course, those words seemed to have stimulated Shen Yuzhi.

Shen Yuzhi grabbed An Ning's hand, and asked in a low voice, "What about you? You won't leave me either?"

An Ning got up from Shen Yuzhi's body, unnaturally trying to break free.

At this time, Wen Bin almost lost his mind, and suddenly shouted at An Ning.

"It's all you! It's you vixen! Originally, the young and old had a good life in the past five years, but it was you who broke it all when you came back. Human spirit! I will not let you go, I will never let you go!"

Shen Yuzhi stood up suddenly, walked towards Wen Bin, and kicked Wen Bin hard in the abdomen.

Wen Bin still wanted to talk, but Shen Yuzhi stepped on Wen Bin's hand again. He crushed it hard, and said in a dangerous and tyrannical voice: "Don't you want to leave? I think it's good for you to stay, because you want to hurt Aning People, how can they leave so easily."


Wen Bin screamed again and again, the phalanx of his finger was probably broken, and the blood was rubbed on the ground, which looked a bit tragic.

People in Yuyuan who were familiar with Wen Bin looked at him coldly.

If Wen Bin did such insane things, he would no longer be one of them. Such a traitor would not regret dying!
I just wondered if it would be bad for the young lady to see such a scene.

Turning around to look, they found that their young lady was looking at the bloody scene in front of her lazily.

An Ning didn't have so much sympathy for those who tried to harm her and Shen Yutang.

At this moment, a bodyguard announced from outside: "Master Li Hongjun is here again!"

Before Li Hongjun said that he wanted to live in Yuyuan, everyone didn't take it seriously, thinking he was just being angry.

At this time, Li Hongjun really packed his suitcase and was going to live in Yuyuan.

Lu Ling had been watching the show, and when he saw this, he hurriedly said: "Uncle Li can't see this bloody scene, please stop Shen Yuzhi and clean up the blood, I'll go out and stop for a while."

How could the Second Young Master, who was furious and out of control, be able to persuade him?

Everyone subconsciously looked at An Ning.

An Ning also knew that she couldn't let the teacher see it. The teacher was already worried about her, and if she saw Shen Yuzhi being so violent, he might drag her away immediately.

An Ning called out to Shen Yuzhi delicately: "Stop beating me, I'm afraid."

Shen Yuzhi's movements stopped as expected, and he turned to look at An Ning.

An Ning stretched out her hand towards Shen Yuzhi.

Shen Yuzhi naturally let go of Wen Bin who was covered in blood in front of him, turned towards An Ning, hugged An Ning with his arms, held her in his arms, blocked her sight, and prevented her from seeing the blood.

Everyone in Yuyuan stared blankly.

How could their young lady, who can stab someone with a knife without changing her face, be afraid?
An Ning managed to poke her head out of Shen Yuzhi's chest, looked at Song Xiao and said, "What are you doing in a daze, I think it's time to tidy up."

Song Xiao reacted very quickly, and quickly asked someone to cover Wen Bin's mouth and drag him down to clean up the blood on the ground.

There was no stopping the outside, so Li Hongjun dragged Lu Ling in together.

When he entered the villa and saw so many people there, Li Hongjun snorted: "Why, you are still preventing me from entering, right? This Royal Garden Temple is huge, so I can't live there."

Li Hongjun has a strange temper.

If you provoke him, no matter who you are, he will be rude.

An Ning came down from Shen Yuzhi's arms, went to hold Li Hongjun's arm, and said affectionately: "It's okay, I'm very happy that Teacher lives here."

Li Hongjun's anger was extinguished just like that.

Song Xiao looked at it, and couldn't help but whispered to his brother: "Young Madam is a fire extinguisher, no matter who's fire, it can be easily put out."

Song Jing was speechless about his brother.

Lu Ling who was at the side heard it, and replied: "Just acting like a baby with that delicate and soft appearance, who can get angry, even I don't lose my temper."

Song Jing's speechless brother and wife.

At this time, can the two of them think of something more reliable?

Wen Bin was dragged down and locked up at the place where the two ladies from the capital were staying.

Wen Bin yelled: "Let me out! Who told you to lock me up here? If I break the law, send me to the police station. Locking me up here is illegal imprisonment. Let me out!"

The bodyguard guarding the gate only said coldly: "If you keep making noise, I'll shut your mouth up!"

The things Wen Bin did, whether it was posting intentionally provoking An Ning, or delaying the bomb disposal at a time of crisis, are not illegal. If they are sent to the police station, at most they will investigate and warn, nothing will happen. punishment.

But this kind of betrayal is unforgivable in the eyes of Yuyuan people.

At the beginning, the young lady and the young lady almost died in the explosion and fell into the water.

Wen Bin is not just a simple betrayal, but also a kind of murder. How can he let it go so easily?

And the other two ladies from the capital were also severely beaten.

They all couldn't help but think that when they escaped because of jealousy and injustice, when they followed An Ning and wanted to take revenge, An Ning retaliated and killed her. Liquidated.

Now it seems that they still can't go fast enough!
From now on, they will never dare again, don't be jealous of those who shouldn't be jealous in this world, and don't touch those who shouldn't be touched.


At the same time, Li Hongjun moved into Yuyuan vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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