Chapter 417
An Ning naturally trusted Shan Liang more than Wang Qing.

Many times, you can actually tell what kind of person that person is by looking at their eyes.

In order to save his mother, Shan Liang tried his best to sell the house to raise money. He felt that he had helped him. No matter how she refused, she would often come to the store to help.

And this Wang Qing, An Ning also helped her, but took the money and didn't even do her job well.

Wang Qing looked at Shan Liang angrily, and scolded: "Did you say something nonsense? My family is very poor, and I need this job very much, but I made a small mistake. Did you talk nonsense with the shopkeeper to get rid of him?" I'm leaving, why are you so bad!"

Shan Liang's face turned green and pale after being told, he didn't scold anyone, but said: "You have a problem with your attitude, you can't do your job well, and you still blame others."

Wang Qing said in a loud voice: "What didn't I do well, where did I not do it well? Isn't this flower room neat and tidy? Don't tell me that you cleaned these up. I was just delayed for 10 minutes. Shopkeeper, this People hang around in the greenhouse when they have nothing to do, and they have bad intentions for you at a glance, so don't listen to his nonsense."

Shan Liang was so angry that his face turned red, and it took him a long time to hold back a sentence: "I was the one who took care of this, so don't talk nonsense."

"Why am I talking nonsense, the shopkeeper is beautiful, look at your eyes, have you ever left the shopkeeper for half a minute? Do you dare to say that you have no idea about the shopkeeper?"

"I... I'm just grateful to Miss An Ning!"

"Look, one mouthful of Miss An Ning, one looks like a pretty boy."

Wang Qing hangs around in the market and sees a lot of shrews swearing at the street, so Shan Liang is no match.

Hearing these harsh words, An Ning frowned slightly.

Xia Yu has been paying attention to An Ning, and when she noticed that her young wife was frowning, she stepped forward to block Wang Qing, and said seriously: "Stay back, don't make a scene in front of my wife."

Wang Qing said with an ugly face: "Then why don't you stop him."

Xia Yu looked at Shan Liang, then at Wang Qing, and felt that Shan Liang was more credible.

Of course, her intuition is not important, the important thing is that the young lady believes in this Shan Liang.

Xia Yu said bluntly: "Because your poor-quality perfume has poisoned my wife!"

Xia Yu was outspoken, feeling that this person was not a good person, she would say whatever she thought in her heart.

Wang Qing was so angry that his eyes turned red, and he stopped pretending: "What madam, she looks like a vixen, she seduces men everywhere, it's amazing to be rich! If you don't do this job, you won't do it. Sooner or later, I will richer than you."

An Ning frowned, a little impatient: "Wang Qing, I remember that I have never treated you badly."

Wang Qing's expression froze, and a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

Before she could speak, Xia Yu stepped forward and punched Wang Qing in the stomach.

It's not a slap in the face, Xia Yu doesn't like to slap people, and when you hit someone, you have to punch to the flesh, slapping is so ugly.

Their boss said that no one can bully the young lady, including the second young lady.

The madam that even the second young master can't bully, this woman who ran out of nowhere, how dare she scold young madam face to face.

At the beginning, she hid in the group of reporters and said those ugly things to the young lady, and she beat them up afterwards.

Wang Qing couldn't believe it: " dare you hit someone."

Xia Yu snorted coldly and said: "Dogs know how to repay their kindness. Our wife has helped you, but you don't know that I hit you for the things that are not as good as pigs and dogs. Get out immediately and let me hear what you are doing to me." Our wife is rude, I make you regret opening your mouth."

Wang Qing's face turned pale with fright.

Xia Yu saw that her young lady was a little impatient, obviously she didn't like to deal with these matters.

Go straight forward and throw Wang Qing out of the greenhouse.

Returning from the loss, Xia Yu looked at the Young Madam and this Shan Liang both looked at her, and said in a low voice with some embarrassment: "Young Madam, um, I'm not usually so violent."

People are indeed different.

Wang Qing is free to speak ill of those who have helped her.

And Xia Yu was 17 years old, younger than Wang Qing, but because Song Xiao had helped her, she was extremely protective of Song Xiao, and she did her best regardless of the dangers arranged by Song Xiao.

Some things are not based on age, but on nature.

For An Ning, what happened in the green house was just a trivial matter, just a different shop assistant.

She rubbed Xia Yu's head and said softly, "You did a good job."

Xia Yu's eyes suddenly sparkled, and she wanted to tell the boss when she turned around, the young lady said she did a good job!
An Ning did not recruit any more, but planned to contact Lu Ling back and ask Lu Ling to find someone for her to visit the shop.

Shan Liang lowered his head and said, "Sister An Ning, I'm really just grateful to you, I never thought about it."

An Ning patted Shan Liang on the shoulder and said, "I know, I don't know people well, and I didn't see Wang Qing's intentions were wrong. Let's go, it's so cold, I'll treat you to hot pot."

Shan Liang didn't speak yet.

Xia Yu quickly said: "Young Madam, the hot pot is too oily and spicy, you can't eat hot pot."

An Ning said again: "Then eat seafood hairy crabs."

Xia Yu said very responsibly: "The big crab is cold, it's not good for your health, so you can't eat it."

An Ning looked at Xia Yu resentfully.

Shan Liang couldn't help laughing: "Sister An Ning, you have to pay attention to your health, don't eat anything you can't eat."

An Ning said helplessly, "Then please have some snacks."

Before Xia Yu objected, An Ning quickly said, "I don't want to eat, can I watch it?"

Xia Yu said solemnly: "Okay."

This street was originally a student street, and there were many snack shops. An Ning took them around the streets to eat skewers, fried potatoes, stinky tofu, candied haws and so on.

Of course, An Ning just watched them eat.


The stall selling fish in the vegetable market.

The fat man in the apron said angrily: "When you draw a picture, you will know that you have ghosts on your face. I told you that you must be pragmatic and down-to-earth. I will let you repeat the study. If you don't agree, one day If you want to marry a rich man wishful thinking, and see that the owner of the flower shop is good-looking, so you go over and try to meet a man by chance, and I will completely embarrass you."

An Ning didn't know that Wang Qing lied to her at first, not because her family didn't allow her to repeat her studies, but because her family allowed her to repeat her studies. She was arrogant and unwilling to repeat her studies, and wanted to marry a rich man.

When I came to the flower room to look at the store, I also saw that An Ning was not like a poor person, and wanted to use An Ning to meet rich people.

Deliberately pretending to be simple and pitiful, to deceive An Ning.

Wang Qing looked at the fishy man in front of him with disdain, and said perfunctorily, "I know, anyway, I didn't spend your money, what do you care about me? Just wait and see, when I marry a rich man .”

" can I have such an unfilial daughter like you!"

Wang Qing ignored his father who was killing fish, took out his mobile phone and started chatting with others.

"Are you there? Why haven't you been here for the past two days? Let me tell you, our shopkeeper is back and flirting with that college student boy. Unlike me, I never get too close to other men except the one I like. .”

Song Ziqian was a little impatient when he received the news.

But seeing that it was the woman watching the store in Anning Greenhouse, she opened it to take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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