Chapter 426 He calls himself Shen Yutang
An Ning played with An Xin for a while, and then talked to An Yu again.

I didn't stay in the ink painting pavilion for too long, so I went back to Yuyuan with Song Xiao.

The main reason was that she was away for too long, and something would happen to Shen Yuzhi.

When returning to Yuyuan, An Ning saw Shen Yuzhi reading in the study.

She worriedly checked Shen Yuzhi's wrist and leg, and she was relieved that there were no injuries.

Shen Yuzhi suddenly stretched out his arms to hug An Ning, and said sullenly, "I also want a portrait."

Shen Yuzhi never cared about face.

He wanted flowers, he wanted portraits, and he would say anything he wanted.

Unlike Shen Yutang, no matter what he wanted, he just forbeared and restrained, he would be happy if he gave it to him, and never forced him if he didn't give it to him.

An Ning whispered in his arms: "Okay, it will be your birthday in a few days, I will draw a portrait for you as a birthday present."

Shen Yuzhi hugged An Ning's hand tightly.

A few days later, it's my brother's birthday.

And his birthday is the day when he first saw An Ning when he was young.

Shen Yuzhi said with a kind of depression: "Okay."

An Ning smiled and said, "It's still early today, the strawberries in the orchard are ripe, let's go pick some."

Shen Yuzhi trembled, for some reason, he was very afraid to pick fruit in the orchard now.

An Ning felt Shen Yuzhi's stiffness, but she didn't seem to notice, she was as gentle as a heart of stone.

Shen Yuzhi replied: "Okay.

Sometimes, he almost felt like an older brother.


Shen Yutang didn't have his birthday in the past five years.

This time, he took the initiative to find Song Jing.

I don't know what the two talked about.

The next day, Song Jing began to organize the birthday party.

The royal garden became lively.

For the first five years, Shen Yutang didn't have a birthday.

Suddenly this year, we must pay attention to it.

Even the whole Jianglin City was bustling, everyone was thinking about what gifts to give.

An Ning seemed to be cut off from all the bustle, these two days she was locked in the studio by herself.

She has never painted a picture about Shen Yuzhi, nor has she ever thought about painting a picture about Shen Yuzhi.

When An Ning picked up the pen, Shen Yutang's smile was all in her mind, and Shen Yutang's gentleness was all about Shen Yutang.

But now the person who wants this painting is Shen Yuzhi.

Shen Yutang was so different from Shen Yuzhi that she couldn't write for a long time.

It was closed for two days, and I couldn't write a pen. I couldn't open it until my birthday.

An Ning gritted her teeth and started writing.

As the pen and ink fell on the paper, she tried her best not to think about Shen Yutang, but let herself think about the current Shen Yuzhi.

A handsome figure gradually landed on the paper.

When An Ning paints, she is immersed in it.

The picture is gradually completed, and An Ning's expression is gradually gentle, like the finishing touch, to draw the eyes of the people in the painting.

With one stroke, peace is like waking up from a dream.

The person in the painting looks at her tenderly and yearningly, and there seems to be restrained and forbearing love hidden in those eyes.

This is Shen Yutang's eyes.

An Ning was flustered for a moment.

At this time, there was a knock on the door: "Young Madam, are you in the studio? It's time for the birthday party, and we're leaving."

Only then did An Ning realize that it was already evening and the birthday party was about to begin. She quickly put away the painting and replied, "I'll be out soon."

An Ning left the studio and saw everyone waiting in the hall.

Shen Yuzhi changed into formal clothes.

Song Jing, Song Xiao and the others were also dressed in high spirits.

Lu Ling and Song Jing and Song Xiao mixed together... like three brothers.

An Ning said apologetically: "I was delayed for a while, please wait for me, I quickly changed clothes and came down."

Song Jing arranged: "Young Madam, don't worry, the stylist has already arrived, and the dress has also been brought over. It doesn't matter if we arrive later, no one dares to have any objections."

An Ning shook her head: "Don't bother, there are dresses in the cloakroom upstairs, I can change the dress myself."

Lu Ling answered from the side: "How can this be done, you are the protagonist today, you must make a grand appearance."

An Ning was puzzled: "What protagonist?"

Lu Ling immediately shut up.

Song Jing explained: "Master's birthday, you stand by the master's side, of course you are the protagonist."

Lu Ling nodded quickly.

An Ning looked at Shen Yuzhi, and found that Shen Yuzhi also had an expression of approval.

Seeing that everyone insisted, she did not refuse.

She has a lot of gowns in her cloakroom, mostly minimalist.

But the stylist brought a very gorgeous dress, and An Ning let them dress it up.

When everything was packed, An Ning almost fell asleep.

She yawned, her eyes were filled with mist, and she went downstairs with a big skirt.

The people waiting downstairs all looked straight at once.

Gorgeous dress, layered skirts, long hair coiled up, flowers dotted from the hair to the skirt, a few strands of hair dangling lazily around the cheeks.

She is like a princess in a castle, stepping on the steps of flowers, walking towards everyone step by step.

An Ning has also attended some event banquets, but most of her dresses are simple, and she has never been dressed so gorgeously.

No one expected that she would have such an effect under such a gorgeous dress.

Her gorgeous body did not suppress her original temperament.

All the brilliance seems to have become the embellishment of accumulating her beauty.

An Ning yawned again, and said softly, "What's the matter, why don't you leave?"

Everyone recovered.

Shen Yuzhi's face was not very good-looking, but thinking that he would receive An Ning's painting today, he suppressed the desire for exclusiveness in his heart.

Such tranquility made him want to hide her from anyone to see, he wanted to imprison his princess in the castle forever, but he didn't dare...

Everyone set off.

An Ning and Shen Yuzhi sat side by side in the back seat of the car.

An Ning was indeed sleepy. After getting in the car, she dozed off bit by bit.

She was already lethargic, she woke up early this morning, and concentrated on painting in the studio in the afternoon, so she was already sleepy.

Shen Yuzhi gently leaned An Ning on his shoulder, and just looked at her like this.

If An Ning was awake at this moment, she would find that Shen Yuzhi's eyes were pure tenderness, as gentle as Shen Yutang's.

Arrived at the hotel soon.

The car stopped, Song Xiao ran over and opened the door.

An Ning, who was in a drowsy sleep, frowned, but didn't wake up.

Shen Yuzhi put his index finger on his mouth, signaling Song Xiao to be quiet.

Then he picked up An Ning and got out of the car.

Song Xiao opened his mouth slightly, he really wanted to be like a loyal minister in a film and television drama, persuading the second young master that this is not good, with so many guests watching, he should wake up the young lady.

But Song Xiao thought again, loyal ministers usually die early, so he chose to keep his mouth shut, and the young lady should rest more if she is sleepy.

Shen Yuzhi entered the banquet with An Ning in his arms as if no one was around.

As the protagonist of the banquet, he came later than everyone else, but no one dared to object.

At this moment, seeing the master come in with a woman in his arms, the venue was suddenly quiet, but everyone looked over there in surprise.

what's going on.

An Ning was buried in Shen Yuzhi's arms, unable to see her face clearly.

The venue was completely silent at this time, but An Ning still woke up because there were too many strange breaths.

An Ning is a very sensitive person, she stays far away from most people and things, and is not very willing to get close to them. These strange smells woke her up.

An Ning opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was Shen Yutang's face.

Her eyes were hazy, as if in a dream.

In the dream, she was looking forward to the future with Shen Yutang.

In the dream, Shen Yutang gently called her Aning.

An Ning approached this face, and rubbed his cheek affectionately.

All the guests gasped.

The sounds around him brought An Ning back to his senses.

Realizing where she was, An Ning was completely awake.

She pushed Shen Yuzhi, and Shen Yuzhi put her down.

Like a delicate princess whose feet don't touch the ground, her precious feet are on the ground, with a gorgeous dress and exquisite makeup, because she just woke up, with a kind of noble laziness.

Shockingly beautiful.

At this moment, Shen Yuzhi stretched out his hand to hold An Ning, and announced in front of everyone: "Today, I would like to take this opportunity to announce one thing, An Ning, she is my Shen Yutang's wife and the only mistress of Yuyuan!"

An Ning suddenly turned her head to look at Shen Yuzhi.

He called himself Shen Yutang!

(End of this chapter)

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