Chapter 434 The Same Blood Type

After An Ning finished speaking, she opened the door of the study and limped out.

After Shen Yuzhi outside saw An Ning, he hurried forward, obviously relieved, as if he was afraid that An Ning would disappear.

In the following days, An Ning and Shen Yuzhi didn't go out.

One was wounded all over the body, and the other had a sprained foot.

It's just that Shen Yuzhi may have suffered too many injuries, his body is used to it, and his recovery ability is very strong. When An Ning's ankle was still hurting, he was already alive and kicking.

Everyone in Yuyuan felt that their Second Young Master and Young Madam seemed to have changed again.

They didn't know exactly how it changed. Anyway, the atmosphere in the whole Royal Garden seemed to be relaxed.

At this moment, An Ning greeted Shen Yuzhi in the hall, "Shen Yuzhi, hurry up, you don't need to bring me a coat anymore, Mr. Bi is coming over to check on me today, I made an appointment with Kong Xiaorou in the conservatory, and I will check with her too."

Shen Yuzhi came out with a coat, and everyone in the imperial garden stared at Shen Yuzhi in a daze.

Shen Yuzhi was wearing a gray casual sweater, casual trousers, and a pair of sneakers. His overly long hair was tied up casually. Coupled with that handsome face, he was so handsome that little girls could cover their mouths and scream.

An Ning glanced back and was stunned. A sentence flashed in her mind, this is what a beauty in the world is all about.

Shen Yuzhi was completely unaware of the gazes of these people, walked towards An Ning, put his coat on An Ning, and said to An Ning: "Okay, let's go, what is An Ning looking at me for?"

An Ning returned to her senses: "It's nothing, you look good like this."

Shen Yu's hands tightened, and he couldn't help but feel joy in his heart.

He is not an elder brother now, he is just Shen Yuzhi.

Aning doesn't need to lie to him in a perfunctory manner, so he is really praising him.

Shen Yuzhi wanted to hold back his happiness and acted calmly, but the joy in his eyes couldn't be controlled at all.

Xia Yu, who was following behind, couldn't help laughing, covering her mouth in fear of being discovered.

Is this still the terrible second young master who his six relatives don't recognize?

Everyone in Yuyuan felt magical and happy.

I feel that if this continues, the Second Young Master and Young Madam will surely be able to live a smooth life.

Only Song Jing didn't have a smile on his face.

Thinking of what the young lady said, Song Jing couldn't be happy.

Knowing the situation, the second young master agreed to let the young master come back.

What the hell were they talking about?
What will happen in the future?
Song Jing thought he was smart, but he couldn't guess the next development at this time.

An Ning and Shen Yuzhi set off to the greenhouse.

At this time, Kong Xiaorou and Kong Li are all in the greenhouse.

The greenhouse was cleaned cleanly, the hanging basket chairs were all wiped, the blankets inside were neatly folded, and Kong Xiaorou sat on the small stool next to the hanging basket chairs.

Kong Li told Kong Xiaorou to pay attention to her body.

Seeing An Ning approaching, Kong Xiaorou was overjoyed, she smiled and wanted to go forward, but when she saw Shen Yuzhi beside An Ning, Kong Xiaorou didn't dare to go forward, and retreated to Kong Li's side.

Kong Li led Kong Xiaorou to An Ning, and said gratefully, "Madam, thank you, thank you very much."

Seeing Shen Yuzhi at the side after speaking, Kong Li hurriedly said: "Mr. Shen, I have asked for leave today, Madam said Mr. Bi agreed to help Xiaorou take a look, I...I want to watch from the side, I will later Good job."

"En." Shen Yuzhi responded in a rare way.

An Ning walked over and saw that there was another fever-reducing patch on Kong Xiaorou's forehead, she frowned and asked, "Have you got a fever again?"

Kong Xiaorou said weakly: "I'm fine."

While speaking, Kong Xiaorou stood on the right side of An Ning, away from Shen Yuzhi.

This person is terrible. He doesn't like others to approach Sister An, and he can make his brother lose his job with a casual sentence.

An Xiaorou was a little scared before, but she felt a little different today, not because she was dressed differently, but because Young Master Shen didn't have that strong aggressiveness towards the people and things around Sister An today.

An Ning asked Kong Xiaorou a few words, and Bi Qinghua came over.

As soon as Mr. Bi came over, he couldn't help complaining: "Tell me about you, other people make an appointment first to see a doctor, and then go to the Sangu Thatched Cottage in Kyoto to visit in person. A retired old man like me, running back and forth in Jianglin City, Kyoto, young people have no conscience."

Shen Yuzhi suddenly said: "Thanks for your hard work."

Bi Qinghua's complaints were frightened back, and he looked at Shen Yuzhi like a monster, and couldn't help saying: "Are you bewitched?"

Shen Yuzhi was not angry at all.

Bi Qinghua felt that he might not have woken up today and had hallucinations.

An Ning actually sighed in her heart, ever since she called him Shen Yuzhi, Shen Yuzhi seemed to be a different person.

Just like a little devil, he knows that if he behaves well, he will be rewarded with sweets, and if he is obedient, he will stay by An Ning's side. If there is a devil's tail, he may curl his tail around An Ning's waist.

Bi Qinghua didn't talk nonsense, he checked the pulse and asked about the situation.

Kong Li brought all of Kong Xiaorou's inspection reports.

Usually it is not easy for them to register as an expert, but today, with Taishan Beidou in the medical field, they must take it seriously.

While watching, Bi Qinghua said, "Aplastic anemia, hematopoietic failure, the condition is quite serious."

Kong Li quickly asked: "Mr., is there hope for my sister to be cured?"

"What should I say about this disease? She is about to reach a severe level, and can be controlled and relieved, but it is not guaranteed to be completely cured. Now the main thing is to prevent infection and bleeding. Long-term fever is caused by infection in the body."

Kong Li said with a pale face: "Yes, I know, we have been taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor on time and according to the amount, but my sister still has a fever. I usually dare not let her go to school or let her stay too far away from me. , have been paying attention not to let her bump and get hurt, to avoid bleeding."

Bi Qinghua nodded: "I will try my best to help. The combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine should be of some help."

Kong Li directly knelt down with a thud, and said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you, thank you madam, I... I don't know how to thank you, how much is your consultation fee, I'm... going to raise money now, no matter what I will give you any amount of money, and I will work hard to earn money.”

Kong Xiaorou saw Kong Li kneeling down, and quickly followed suit.

Bi Qinghua couldn't pull himself up.

Shen Yuzhi frowned and said, "Get up."

Kong Li and Kong Xiaorou stood up quickly, not daring to delay for a moment, as if they were very afraid of Shen Yuzhi.

An Ning looked amused.

Bi Qinghua said angrily: "What consultation fee do I want? I'm not here to treat your sister, but just by the way, so I don't charge a consultation fee. As for traditional Chinese medicine, I'll give you a prescription and you go to the pharmacy to get the medicine yourself. It won't cost much." .”

Kong Li is grateful to Dade.

Bi Qinghua suddenly looked at An Ning and said, "By the way, this girl has the same blood type as you. This blood type is so special that the entire Jianglin City couldn't find a spare. Did you know it and then specially helped her?"

(End of this chapter)

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