Rebirth wedding night!The paranoid boss got red-faced by me

Chapter 445 Promise to return my brother to you, I will not break my promise

Chapter 445 Promise to return my brother to you, I will not break my promise
Seeing that An Ning was not moving, Shen Yuzhi lowered his head and looked down.

He said softly: "A'Ning, don't look down, don't be afraid, go up quickly."

An Ning felt a little uneasy, looking at Shen Yuzhi from a height, it seemed that Shen Yuzhi was stepping on the abyss, trying to push her into the light, as if she climbed up without looking back, Shen Yuzhi would fall into the abyss.

The car was still sinking slowly, and Shen Yuzhi was still in the car.

But An Ning couldn't refuse Shen Yuzhi to push her to safety, because refusing would only cause a bigger crisis.

Shen Yuzhi tried his best to lift An Ning higher, letting her cling to the ground outside.

An Ning stopped thinking about it, gritted her teeth, stepped on Shen Yuzhi's palm, and crawled out from the crack in the ground.

An Ning, who crawled out, lay down directly on the ground, stretched out his hand towards the cracks in the ground and shouted: "Shen Yuzhi, come up quickly and hold my hand."

An Ning's voice was already trembling a little. Looking at the crumbling car, she couldn't control the panic in her heart.

Seeing that An Ning was safe, Shen Yuzhi didn't lift his foot to come out immediately, because his position happened to be a balance point that kept the car from falling, and as soon as he left, the car would fall.

Shen Yuzhi, who was in the crack of the ground, was very calm, observing the surrounding situation and where he was staying.

An Ning didn't know the situation, but said nervously: "Shen Yuzhi, what's wrong with you? Come up quickly, the vehicle is sinking! It's about to fall!"

The light is not good enough, and many seemingly solid places in the cracks in the ground may not be strong, but Shen Yuzhi has no time, so he roughly observes the point of force, instead of lifting An Ning cautiously and slowly before, he just jumped out in twos and threes roof.

As soon as he jumped out, there was a bang, and the unbalanced vehicle fell straight down, and Shen Yuzhi seemed to have fallen too.

"Ah!" Anning screamed.

She didn't dare to close her eyes, but under this extreme panic, she became blind for a moment, her eyes were so dark that she couldn't see what was going on in the cracks in the ground.

The next moment, Shen Yuzhi's slightly short-breathing voice sounded from a deeper place, and he said in a comforting tone: "Ah Ning is not afraid, I will return my brother to you in three months as promised, I will not break my promise, I have already got out of the car It came out, but there is no way to climb up, even if it falls now, it will only be injured, and the firefighters can easily rescue it."

He is not afraid of death, but he wants to return his brother to him.

An Ning was lying on the edge of the ground, and when she heard this, her whole body was overwhelmed by sadness.

She wanted to say that Shen Yutang wasn't the only one she cared about, and she didn't want Shen Yuzhi to be injured, but...she couldn't say it, she didn't have any qualifications to say such a thing.

She just said in a trembling voice: "Then you don't move, hold on and don't fall, the firefighters should be here soon, we'll wait for the firefighters to come and rescue us."

Shen Yuzhi's back was pressed against the wall, and his hands were placed on the bumps that could bear the force. Blood was flowing down his arms.

He stayed still, let his breathing gradually stabilize, and then replied: "Okay, I won't move."

In this way, one of the two is in the dark and the other is in the light.

Just like the first time I saw you.

He in the small dark room looked at her handing candy from the door.

Shen Yuzhi looked up at An Ning, suddenly smiled and said, "A Ning, I want to celebrate my birthday once."

An Ning thought of her last birthday almost instantly.

I thought of that painting.

Thinking of the madness of tearing face apart with Shen Yuzhi.

All of that made An Ning subconsciously want to escape, but at this time, she would not refuse any request made by Shen Yuzhi, and said softly: "Okay, when you come up, let's celebrate our birthday again."

"My birthday is the 28th at the end of this month."

"Well, I remember."

An Ning didn't know what this birthday meant to Shen Yuzhi. At this time, she was just afraid that Shen Yuzhi would not be able to hold on and fell, so she wanted to talk to him and give him some motivation.

But while speaking, Shen Yuzhi slid down a little more.

An Ning said in a panic: "Don't talk and get distracted, don't move, don't move!"

Shen Yuzhi was obedient and stopped talking.

An Ning just lay on the ground like this, stretching out her hand in the direction of Shen Yuzhi, as if she might catch him by stretching out her hand.

She clearly knew that the person who pushed her to safety first was Shen Yuzhi.

No matter how different Shen Yutang and Shen Yuzhi are, they are both willing to risk their lives to protect her.

For a moment, An Ning thought to herself that it would be good if she didn't know anything, just like in her previous life, she didn't know that there were two personalities of Shen Yutang and Shen Yuzhi after five years of mutual protection, and she just regarded it as Shen Yutang's changeable Emotions, you don't have to choose.

But after this kind of escape consciousness was born, An Ning became more and more sad, which seemed to be a kind of betrayal of Shen Yutang.

Shen Yuzhi's soothing voice came from the cracks in the ground: "A-Ning, don't cry."

An Ning quickly raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, only to realize that she didn't know when she was crying.

The two waited in silence for a long time. At least in An Ning's view, it seemed like a long time, and the fire rescue finally rushed over.

As soon as the firefighters arrived, with the most professional tools and the most professional rescue methods, they quickly rescued Shen Yuzhi from the cracks in the ground. Only then did An Ning see a large wound on Shen Yuzhi's arm, which tore through his clothes and was bloody.

An Ning's eyes gradually lost their focus, and she felt like a catastrophe, when she was with her, no matter whether it was Shen Yutang or Shen Yuzhi, they would always get hurt.

The firefighters said to Shen Yuzhi with concern: "Your wound is too deep and needs to be stitched up. We will send you to the hospital."

Shen Yuzhi refused indifferently: "No need."

"Then let's make a temporary bandage for you first, and you go to the hospital by yourself."

"No need."

"Why are you so disobedient? This section of the road has collapsed, and the entrance is blocked. You insist on going in. If you are injured, why don't you go to the hospital quickly? You young people are so reckless. If something happens, you will regret it. of."

Seeing Shen Yuzhi who was surrounded by the crowd, his breath became more irritable.

Shen Yuzhi is not a person who doesn't know good and bad, he knows that the firefighters have good intentions, but his viciousness seems to be innate, and he can't control it at all.

An Ning recovered from those sorrows, stepped forward and said to everyone: "Sorry, he has a weird temper, I will take him to the hospital right away, we didn't break into this road on purpose, and we didn't see him when we came in." Road sign."

A fireman wondered: "Why didn't you see it? It was clearly blocked at the entrance."

An Ning and Shen Yuzhi looked at each other. Having experienced too many schemes, they immediately thought, someone wants to harm them?
After the firefighters finished speaking, they hurriedly said: "We'll talk about this later, he's still bleeding, so hurry up and send him to the hospital now."

At this time, Song Jing and the others arrived.

When notifying the fire department before, Shen Yuzhi notified Song Jing.

He never likes to entrust his life on others, he doesn't trust anyone, Song Jing is at least more trustworthy than others.

As soon as Song Jing came, he asked his subordinates to negotiate with the fire department.

Sitting in the cab by himself, he said to Shen Yuzhi and An Ning: "Second Young Master, Young Madam, get in the car, Second Young Master's wound needs to be treated as soon as possible."

An Ning and Shen Yuzhi got into the car quickly.

Song Jing asked: "Go to the nearest hospital, or go back to Yuyuan?"

Shen Yuzhi said calmly: "Go back to Yuyuan."

Because of An Ning's stress response to the hospital, Shen Yuzhi chose to go back to Yuyuan even though it was relatively close to the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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