Chapter 447 The Last Birthday
Seeing this scene, An Ning felt a little broken.

She walked over slowly, sat next to Shen Yuzhi and said, "Shen Yuzhi, are you waiting for me? I went back to the ink painting pavilion to look at An Xin, I brought you some snacks, do you want to eat?"

"To eat."

An Ning handed Shen Yuzhi one of the packed snacks, and she took one to eat herself.

The afterglow of the setting sun was as sad as the day when Shen Yutang disappeared.

An Ning is quietly preparing.

Shen Yuzhi was looking forward to it earnestly.

Even though he was disappointed once, he still looked forward to it.

Even after his birthday was the death he was preparing for, he still looked forward to it.

What gift will An Ning give him?Will he get birthday wishes?Will he have his cake and eat it?

Thinking about these, Shen Yuzhi felt that he was truly alive.

January 28.

Shen Yuzhi's birthday.

Shen Yuzhi specially changed into new clothes.

Early in the morning, Shen Yuzhi began to look forward to it, but An Ning never mentioned it. Thinking about it, no one celebrates their birthday early in the morning.

During lunch, An Ning still didn't mention it, Shen Yuzhi thought, it might be a little later, so he had to be patient.

After dinner, An Ning said that he had something to go out for a while. In the empty imperial garden, one of Shen Yu was alone in the hall. He felt a little lost, did Aning forget?

Is it true that you shouldn't be extravagant to ask for things that don't belong to you? His evil personality, born by accident, doesn't deserve to celebrate his birthday...

At this moment, all the lights in the imperial garden were suddenly turned off, and there was singing.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

An Ning pushed the big cake, followed by a group of people, they sang simple but sincere birthday songs, and walked towards Shen Yuzhi.

Shen Yuzhi froze in place.

Song Xiao and Xia Yu held the salute and blew it with a bang, and colorful colored papers fell under the candlelight.

An Ning pushed the cake and came to Shen Yuzhi.

Everyone clapped their hands, laughed and sang.

"Uncle Shen, make a wish and blow out the candles!"

"Second Young Master, blow out the candles quickly."

"Shen Yuzhi, close your eyes and make a birthday wish."

Shen Yuzhi looked at the candles on the cake, in those eyes that were always filled with darkness and gloom, now the birthday candlelight was printed backwards.

The candlelight flickered lightly, making it hard for him to tell whether it was reality or a dream.

No, this is reality, because he never dared to dream such a beautiful dream.

Shen Yuzhi closed his eyes obediently, and wanted to make a wish after hearing everyone's words.

However, he found that he had no wish, and he couldn't get what he asked for, and he couldn't bear to force it.

He wants nothing but peace.

He said silently in his heart: "Then wish for peace, and all wishes come true."

An Ning once wished Shen Yutang well, and Shen Yuzhi returned it to An Ning.

Shen Yuzhi opened his eyes after making a good wish, and blew out the candles under everyone's gaze.

Everyone clapped their hands happily, and Song Jing controlled the lights to turn on.

"Cut the cake, birthday boy, cut the cake quickly."

Shen Yuzhi took a serrated knife and cut the cake under the watchful eyes of everyone.

This is the first time in his life to cut a cake, and it will also be the last time.

As soon as the cake was cut, An Ning picked up An Xin, dipped some cream on An Xin, and dabbed it on Shen Yuzhi's face.

Shen Yuzhi looked at An Xin with that habitual indifference, but An Xin smiled at him.

Without knowing it, Shen Yuzhi gradually had a smile in his eyes.

This is like a signal, a signal that everyone can play.

An Ning also dipped the cream on Shen Yuzhi's nose.

Lu Ling ran over and spread An Ning with cream, no matter whose birthday it was, she liked An Ning and wanted to wipe An Ning.

Song Xiao was bold, first wiped his brother's face, and then wiped Shen Yu's body.

Xia Yu saw that her boss was moving, and joined in.

Shen Yuzhi, who has always been abandoned by the world, finally joined the cream battle.

He smiled, looking so happy.

An Ning also smiled, smiling so much that she hid the sadness in her heart.

In the end, Song Xiao, who was in debt, was besieged, and seeing that he could not escape, he shouted: "Okay, everyone, stop, the cake is not for wasting, save a layer to eat, now give a gift, you have to give it It's a gift, I'll give it first, my gift is going to melt."

Everyone was covered in cream and stopped, wondering what gifts would still melt.

Song Xiao successfully escaped from the siege, feeling that he was really a clever ghost, so he hurried to get the gift.

Shen Yuzhi opened it and saw that it was a small tree carved from ice.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Song Jing said angrily: "Have you been tossing about this thing for a few days?"

Lu Ling laughed unceremoniously: "There are no ice sculptures given away."

Song Xiao raised his head triumphantly: "What do you know? This is a popsicle made of sugar. When did you see the second young master eating a popsicle? You have to try a lot of things in your life! Courtesy is less important than affection ,Significance."

Song Xiao's temperament was always jumping off, so it's normal to be able to give this kind of gift.

Everyone was speechless, but Shen Yuzhi gently broke off a branch and put it in his mouth. Song Xiao was right, he actually wanted to try many things in life, but he had no chance before.

Song Xiao asked eagerly, "Is it delicious?"

Shen Yuzhi nodded: "It's delicious."

At this time, he seems to have escaped from the abyss of malice, like a normal and ordinary person, with innocence that has not been deeply involved in the world, and even a little youthful air.

Shen Yuzhi asked people to take the popsicle gift and put it in the refrigerator.

An Xin commanded two bodyguards, walked over with a big box in her arms, and said with a smile on her face: "Uncle Shen, this is a gift from me, open it and have a look."

Shen Yuzhi had a very good temper today, so he opened it as he said.

A LEGO castle that is astonishingly ornate and intricate.

An Xin said happily: "Uncle Shen, do you like it? This is my favorite Lego. It is unique and out of print in the world. I gave it to you. Happy birthday."

Anyone familiar with An Xin knows how precious her Lego is.

What's more, there is only one Lego in the world.

She sincerely gave Shen Yuzhi her most precious thing.

Shen Yuzhi looked at the Lego castle and said in a low voice, "Anxin, do you know who I am?"

An Xin nodded: "I know, Uncle Shen's younger brother is also Uncle Shen."

Shen Yuzhi stared blankly, knowing who he was.

Even though he had treated the child with great malice, the child still had goodwill towards him.

These gifts, these congratulations, are all for him.

"Thank you, An Xin." Shen Yuzhi lowered his head slowly, and whispered again: "I'm sorry, too."

Shen Yuzhi apologized for what he did to An Xin.

At the beginning, he didn't think there was anything wrong with using An Xin to endanger An Ning, it was just instinctive malice, and he didn't really hurt An Xin.

Now he understands, he shouldn't have done that.

An Xin didn't know why Shen Yuzhi apologized, but she still said politely: "It's okay."

Li Hongjun snorted softly, he didn't forgive Shen Yuzhi for hurting An Xin An Ning, but with this apology, he finally felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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