Shen Yutang replied gently to An Ning: "Go today."

An Ning immediately put down the bowl and chopsticks and said, her sleepy eyes became more refreshed: "Then let's go now."

"eat first."

"I... have no appetite today, and I don't really want to eat. Can I eat later when I'm hungry?"

An Ning used to suffer from anorexia, and after several months of recuperation, her appetite was much smaller than that of ordinary people.

Now it is just a little bit better, and because of the nausea from chemotherapy, I feel uncomfortable when I see greasy food, and I can't eat at all.

It's just that An Ning refrained from saying that in her previous life she had undergone more chemotherapy treatments, which made her a hundred times more uncomfortable than the current situation.

Li Hongjun just wanted to say no, how could he not eat well, Lu Ling gently pulled Li Hongjun's clothes under the table, and shook his head at Li Hongjun insignificantly, Li Hongjun's eyes hurt and he didn't make a sound.

Shen Yutang said to An Ning gently: "Okay, then you go to the sofa to rest for a while, after we finish breakfast, we all go together."

Seeing An Ning's exhaustion, Shen Yutang naturally asked An Ning to rest.

An Ning nodded happily, put down the bowls and chopsticks, and went to the chaise longue to lie down and wait for everyone.

As soon as she lay down, An Ning closed her eyes sleepily.

It may be that she didn't sleep well last night, or it may be that the side effects of chemotherapy came on quickly, making her listless and lethargic the next day.

At the dining table, everyone was eating food quietly, and there was an unspeakable sadness spreading.

Everyone ate slowly on purpose, wanting An Ning to rest for a while.

No one woke An Ning, and An Ning just woke up after a while, and asked in a daze, "Shen Yutang, have you finished your breakfast?"

"Eat well, let's go, let's go buy fireworks."

Fireworks are allowed in Jianglin City.

Every few days during the Chinese New Year, the entire Jianglin City will be lively, and there are temporary small shops selling fireworks and salutes everywhere on the roadside.

As far as Shen Yutang and the others are capable, they can send any fireworks they want directly, but they promised An Ning, of course they have to buy them in person.

A mighty group of people drove three cars.

There are two cars for people, and an empty car for loading fireworks. Shen Yutang promised An Ning that he would buy a lot.

The car drove out of Yuyuan Villa and headed towards the urban area. Before going far, An Ning pointed to a small fireworks stand by the roadside and said, "There are fireworks here, just buy them here."

There wasn't much stock in such a temporary store, but An Ning said she wanted to buy it, and the car stopped.

Two cars of people got out of the car in a mighty manner. A group of people with extraordinary looks and temperament walked to the temporary small shop and surrounded the small shop, followed by several black-clothed bodyguards.

The fireworks sellers were all frightened, and said anxiously: "Masters and ladies, am I blocking the way here? This is a temporary selling point, and it will be demolished in a few days. If it affects people, I... I can Change places."

Seeing that people were scared, Song Xiao hurriedly ran forward and said with a bright smile: "Boss, don't panic, we are here to buy fireworks. Let me tell you, you have met a big customer. Our wife wants to buy fireworks, so hurry up and send us here." Bring out the best."

Song Xiao is a sunny person with a pleasant temperament. With him on the scene, the merchant also reacted, and immediately said with a smile on his face: "Okay, I'll take out all the best-looking ones, and I will make it cheaper for you."

Even though he knew that his family was not short of money, Song Xiao still replied in a timely manner: "The boss is real!"

An Ning pointed to the most beautiful color: "I want this, this, and this."

An Xin also stepped on her feet, and said in a childlike voice: "Brother, help me get the one with the little rabbit, and the one with the little tiger..."

An Yu was at the side to help An Xin take it.

Lu Ling and Song Jing are also choosing, one chooses the serious one, and the other chooses the strange and rare one.

Song Xiao went directly to the most expensive one, anyway, he paid the most.

An Weiguo is behind everyone, always emphasizing the safety of those types, and safety first.

The three elderly people, An's father, An's mother and Li Hongjun stood behind, and couldn't help sighing that this really seemed to be celebrating the New Year.

These people are either in high positions, famous, or wealthy.In the past, the Chinese New Year was just going through the motions, and various relatives and friends gave gifts and parties. It seemed lively, but it lost the flavor of the New Year.

Nowadays, buying fireworks around a small stall, I can feel the happy New Year atmosphere of a family.

Shen Yutang waved his big hand very domineeringly: "All types are included in three packages."

"Okay!" Seeing that it was indeed a big customer, the vendor asked with bright eyes, "Do you want to buy some Spring Festival couplets and window grilles?"

Everyone looked at Li Hongjun for a moment.

It is said that calligraphy and painting belong to the same family. As a master of traditional Chinese painting, Li Hongjun has profound attainments in calligraphy. His calligraphy is much better than these uniformly printed Spring Festival couplets.

Under the attention of everyone, Li Hongjun raised his head slightly and said, "Of course I won't buy it. I'll buy red paper later, and I'll write it."

Everyone nodded quickly.

Ended up buying some more New Years decorations.

The small selling point is too small, and the Royal Garden is so big, it is definitely not enough.

So everyone was full of enthusiasm and swept away all the nearby selling points.

Song Xiao actually wanted to say that he could go directly to the large fireworks store, but seeing that everyone was so happy, let's forget it and continue to sweep.

An Ning didn't stop until one empty car was filled and the trunks of both cars were full.

An Ning seemed very happy. After returning to the Imperial Garden, she kept greeting everyone: "Girls, come, let's decorate the Imperial Garden!"

An Xin was the first to run over: "Mom, I'm a girl, I'll come, I'll come."

At this time, Lu Ling also thought that she was a girl, so she ran to An Ning, took those red decorations, and said to An Ning with a smile on her face: "Where are these decorations hanging? An Xiaoning, tell me, I am tall, and I am tall." Come hang up."

Xia Yu called the little sisters to decorate the cold royal garden together.

The maids also changed into red aprons in advance.

For a moment, Yuyuan was full of laughter.

An Ning, who was being happy, suddenly felt sick. She didn't want to spoil everyone's fun, so she endured the discomfort and said with a smile, "I'm a little tired. Let's take a rest first. You can decorate first."

Everyone's smiles froze, and then they quickly laughed brighter.

Lu Ling smiled and said, "Shen Yutang, take her to rest, we have so many people here, we must arrange the imperial garden beautifully."

Shen Yutang led An Ning upstairs and heard the upstairs door close.

The laughter and laughter of everyone downstairs disappeared.

Lu Ling picked up those festive decorations and silently hung them all over the imperial garden.

Xia Yu silently decorated the vibrant young trees.

Li Hongjun was silent, writing the Spring Festival couplets for the New Year.

In such a silent atmosphere, everyone's eyes gradually turned red.

Fortunately, An Xin was so exhausted that she fell asleep after running for a long time, otherwise even a small child would be able to see that something was wrong after seeing this scene.

On the second day of chemotherapy, An Ning was only more lethargic than before and anorexia.

On the third day, she started vomiting.

On the fourth day, he had a fever and was listless.

The side effects of chemotherapy were more severe than the medical team expected.

The drugs used for An Ning chemotherapy are relatively lighter than those used by ordinary patients, and the appropriate dosage has been carefully calculated by the medical team. However, her body is too poor. Even though the drugs are already lightly administered, the side effects are still beyond expectations.

And this isn't the end, it's just the beginning.

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