In the past no matter what happened, it was impossible for Shen Yutang to beat someone. He was indifferent by nature, and even if he wanted to do something, he would only deal with it calmly.

But Shen Yutang, who was enraged now, took action on the spot.

The strength of the attack was so heavy that people were pinched until their faces turned blue.

"Young master, let go quickly, someone will die."

"Mr. Shen, calm down, and speak up if you have something to say."

Song Xiao led someone to open the door and came in. He was so courageous that he didn't dare to scold the young lady. This person dared to call the young lady a vixen. He was looking for death!
Song Xiao respectfully said to Shen Yutang: "Young Master, don't get your hands dirty, I'll take care of this trivial matter."

Shen Yutang let go of the hand that was pinching him.

The frightened man managed to catch his breath, and said with a terrified expression, "Express..."

Before he finished speaking, Song Xiao covered the man's mouth, and said to everyone with a bright smile: "Excuse me, I'll take the troublemaker away, everyone continue."

Song Xiao dragged people out, and the location of the conference room was just right.

The conference room fell silent.


Shen Yutang glanced at everyone with deep eyes, and said coldly: "Have you all finished? Continue without finishing."

The meeting room was silent.

Yunhui is different from other companies. The general meeting of shareholders cannot influence Shen Yutang's decision-making. In Yunhui, Shen Yutang's words are almost equivalent to orders. It is precisely because of this that Shen Yutang disappeared for so long, which caused Yunhui's dissatisfaction with Song Jing .

This kind of dissatisfaction, over time, gradually turned into dissatisfaction with Shen Yutang.

It's not that they want to resist Shen Yutang, it's just that most of them hope that Shen Yutang can devote more attention to business instead of focusing on a woman all day long.

Shen Yutang, who was born to be in power, how could he give up his career for a woman? In the eyes of these old people who accompanied Shen Yutang to fight the world, An Ning was comparable to Daji, who brought disaster to the country and the people.

An old man in the company couldn't help asking: "Mr. Shen, we respect any decision you make, but are you sure you want Song Jing to manage the company?"

Another executive also sighed and said, "Do you trust Song Jing that much? He doesn't even own the company's shares, and he can do things that infringe the company's interests at any time."

Shen Yutang leaned on the back of the chair, and said calmly: "Song Jing will not betray."

Song Jing sat calmly in his seat, his gaze under the lens showed no emotion.

The high-level officials know that they have no way to refute. The decisions made by Shen Yutang have always been consistent.

A high-level person sighed: "Since the young master has made a decision, we will cooperate and do our job well."

"The rumors can't be completely believed, but they won't be groundless, so be careful."

"I hope you don't regret it, Young Master."

These words were all about Song Jing's disloyalty, and that Song Jing might hold Shen Yutang in the air because of his power.

After all, human nature can't stand the test. If a piece of fat like Yunhui is placed in front of anyone, he can't help but take a bite.

Shen Yutang was not worried about Song Jing.

When Song Jing got married, Shen Yutang had a great gift. He wanted to transfer part of Yunhui's shares to Song Jing, but Song Jing refused.

Why do you need to cheat secretly when you can get something openly and aboveboard.

Shen Yutang put the words on the table "Are you finished now? After I finish, it's time for me to talk."

Everyone's hearts tightened, and they always felt that Shen Yutang would make some big moves when he opened his mouth.

I saw Shen Yutang standing up from the main seat, walking like a leisurely walk to the person behind the conference table, patted the person on the shoulder generously, and dropped the document in his hand.

Continue to walk, one after another document falls.

Shen Yutang's deep and magnetic voice came as cool as if it was covered with ice: "Those who take bribes, those who take kickbacks, and those who use company resources to start small companies, these things are usually too lazy to talk about, but if you want to talk about it, then Just talk about it."

The meeting room was quiet again.

Sure enough, Shen Yutang made a big move when he opened his mouth.

The main reason is that now that An Ning is ill, Shen Yutang doesn't have more time to deal with these matters, so he cuts through the mess quickly and leaves Song Jing a clear company.

An almost turbulent meeting of Yunhui's top management ended.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Everyone in the conference room left, only Shen Yutang and Song Jing were left.

Song Jing poured hot water and put it in front of Shen Yutang. He was silent for a while and said, "Master, in fact, what the senior officials said is correct. There are still some problems with my ability to manage the entire Yunhui."

Shen Yutang took a sip of water: "What I need is not someone who can lead the company to develop so well, what I need is someone who is completely trustworthy."

Song Jing didn't ask any more questions, he didn't dare to say anything in terms of ability, but everything he did was worthy of the trust of the elder and younger.

At this time Song Xiao was in a hurry, ran in with his mobile phone without even knocking on the door, and said, "Young Madam has woken up, her complexion doesn't look good, she seems a little unwell."

Shen Yutang quickly looked at the surveillance screen on Song Xiao's mobile phone, and found that An Ning woke up on the hanging basket chair, her face was a little pale, she retched twice with her back turned towards the store manager, and then massaged her stomach , Lie down like nothing happened.

Shen Yutang turned around and was about to leave, and said to Song Jing, "You can deal with the company's affairs."

Song Jing headed.

Shen Yutang quickly left the conference room, and when he walked downstairs to the lobby, he didn't even forget that An Ning told him to find the contact information of the security guard sister.

Seeing that the security guard had changed at the door, Shen Yutang directly asked the front desk: "Where is the security guard Kong Li?"

The newly replaced front desk, after being reminded, already knew that the previous front desk was fired because he bullied the security guard. The security guard seemed to have some relationship with the upper management, but he never expected that the president would come to ask in person!
She said nervously and quickly: "Kong Li resigned some time ago."

Shen Yutang frowned.

The front desk lady was terrified, and quickly explained: "No one bullied him, it was he who suddenly wanted to resign."

Shen Yutang didn't feel too embarrassed, he was anxious to go back to see An Ning, and just ordered: "Give me Kong Li's contact information and address."

After getting Kong Li's contact information and address, Shen Yutang quickly walked towards the greenhouse in the back street.

When he arrived at the greenhouse, An Ning had already got off the hanging basket chair, holding a water glass and taking small sips of water.

Seeing Shen Yutang approaching, An Ning put down the water glass and raised a bright smile: "Shen Yutang, why did you come back so soon?"

Shen Yutang walked over, picked up An Ning's water glass to test the water, and made sure that the water was warm, and then said: "Come over after the company's affairs are settled, by the way, Kong Li resigned, I asked you for his contact manner and address."

An Ning frowned upon hearing this.Why did Kong Li resign?Kong Li didn't even think about resigning after the humiliation and persecution at the front desk.

In order to treat my sister, I have been working hard to ensure my job, so why did I suddenly choose to resign?

An Ning got Kong Li's phone and dialed it directly. The phone rang many times, but no one answered.

An Ning looked up at Shen Yutang in front of her and said, "Shen Yutang, I want to go to Kong Xiaorou's house."

Shen Yutang asked a little puzzled: "Why is Ah Ning taking care of those brothers and sisters so much?"

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