Chapter 467 Take me away
During the second chemotherapy, An Ning could no longer bear the side effects.

The intense nausea and vomiting made it almost impossible for her to eat.

In a few days, her body lost weight at an extremely fast rate.

An Ning was not in very good health and was always very thin, but now she looks even more fragile like Lin Daiyu, making one feel that even a gust of wind can blow her away.

Everyone became a little worried, An Ning let them work and live normally, but they were really worried, so they found various reasons to go back to Yuyuan from time to time.

After a few days of the most severe reaction passed, An Ning felt that she had barely escaped from that discomfort.

She knew that her situation would only get worse, and she didn't want everyone to fall into that kind of hopeless pain, An Ning, who was relieved, tried to make herself look normal.

She washed herself neatly and changed herself into spiritual clothes.

Looking at the thin face covered by long hair in the mirror, An Ning was silent for a while, picked up the comb, and planned to tie up her hair, so that people would look more energetic.

The wooden comb was combed slowly, An Ning saw the hair falling from the wooden comb, this time she was silent for a longer time.

An Ning put down the wooden comb, curled up in a ball on the bed, and covered herself and her head under the quilt.

An Ning is a person who is cruel enough to herself. She can accept death calmly, but she really cannot accept the desperate pain of struggling on the verge of death.

Abdominal pain, nausea, hair loss, and the side effects of these treatments reminded An Ning of her hopelessness in the future.

At this moment, Shen Yutang opened the door and came in.

When he came in, he saw a figure curled up on the bed.

Shen Yutang walked over, did not lift the quilt, just sat on the edge of the bed, and asked gently: "A Ning, are you asleep?"

An Ning's body curled up under the quilt froze slightly, presumably because she was covered in the quilt and didn't hear Shen Yutang knocking on the door, so Shen Yutang pushed the door open and walked in.

An Ning actually didn't want anyone to see her in a mess, so she went to be seen by Shen Yutang at this time.

She adjusted her mood, lifted the quilt and emerged.

The moment she saw Shen Yutang, the mood she had just adjusted collapsed again, An Ning looked at Shen Yutang with reddish eyes and said, "Shen Yutang, can you take me away?"

Shen Yutang was completely obedient to An Ning, without any temper. Hearing what An Ning said, he immediately said softly: "Okay, where does Aning want to go?"

"I can go anywhere, go to a place where there is no one, I don't want everyone to see my mess, if this treatment continues, I will be as thin as skin and bones, I will lose all my hair, I will be messy and ugly, I don't want to let You see it, and you don't want to see the pity you can't hide in your eyes."

She promised to treat well, but really didn't want to be watched by everyone.

Shen Yutang helped An Ning get up from the bed, put on her coat, and promised: "Okay, get up and tidy up, and I will take you away to a place where no one will disturb you. Of course, you still need to cooperate with the treatment." .”

An Ning nodded: "Well, I will treat you obediently."


Shen Yutang just disappeared with An Ning.

No one expected that Shen Yutang would leave Yuyuan directly with An Ning
Taking the medicine An Ning needed, the two disappeared without telling anyone.

Everyone in Yuyuan was in a hurry, and Song Jing, Luling and the others rushed back immediately.

Li Hongjun cursed angrily? "Where is that kid, I don't even look at what's going on now, how can An Ning walk around like this!"

Father An also blushed with anger: "My daughter was originally weak, so she was taken away so suddenly, if something happened, would Shen Yutang be able to bear the responsibility! Song Jing, you are his assistant, you know him best Hurry up and mobilize everyone to find Shen Yutang for me."

The originally quiet Yuyuan suddenly became busy, and the whole Yuyuan was extremely anxious.

At this moment, Lu Ling's surprised and slightly angry voice came: "An Ning, where are you now? It's this time, your health is so bad, and Shen Yutang secretly took you out, is he crazy?"

As soon as Lu Ling finished speaking, everyone turned to look at Lu Ling. Seeing that Lu Ling was on the phone, they naturally knew that An Ning was on the other side of the phone.

Seeing that everyone was looking over nervously, Lu Ling immediately turned on the speakerphone.

Everyone heard An Ning's soft and calm voice from the other side of the phone: "It's not Shen Yutang who wants to take me away, but I who want to leave. Don't worry, everyone. I won't lose contact and hide by myself. I just want to Go out to relax, and I will cooperate with the treatment of the disease."

Lu Ling was still worried, and couldn't help but said, "You can stay nearby if you want to relax, or I can accompany you. There is no need to not tell us where we are going."

An Ning remained silent.

Seeing that An Ning fell silent, Lu Ling hurriedly said again: "Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't want everyone to go with you, if you want to relax, just go for a walk around, and call home if you need anything. We can send them to you, remember to cooperate with the treatment."

"Okay, I will, then I hang up."

After An Ning hung up the phone, Lu Ling looked at everyone and said sadly, "An Ning wanted to leave. I think she didn't want to make everyone sad, and she didn't want us to see her sad."

Everyone heard it with their own ears and understood that leaving alone is the meaning of An Ning.

Mother An sat back on her chair in a daze, and sighed tremblingly: "What can I do about this! What will my Ningning do in the future!"

No one can answer An's mother's words. No one knows what to do with An Ning's appearance. Her body that cannot withstand surgery, and her desperately special blood type make people feel that there is no hope if this continues.

But even if there was no hope, none of the people present thought of giving up.

Even if the fate is so miserable, I still want to fight.

At this time, An Ning and Shen Yutang were in a seaside city.

They booked a sea view room.

Shen Yutang took An Ning for a walk by the seaside.

No one knew they were here, even they themselves made a temporary decision.

Stepping on the cool beach with bare feet, the peaceful mood seems to be a little easier with the washing of the sea.

She walked slowly, picked up some beautiful shells with great interest, and suddenly said to Shen Yutang: "Before you lose all your hair, take a picture of me."

An Ning ran slowly in the sea, facing the sun, and facing Shen Yutang's camera, showing a bright smile.

She is like a water elf, so beautiful that she is incompatible with this world, like a fairy who has descended to the world to escape the catastrophe, but she just came to this world once, with a sense of emptiness and unreality.

Shen Yutang panicked when he saw it, and the camera paused one by one, making time stop at this second, and the picture gradually became real.

Someone couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, can I take a photo with An Ning, An Ning agreed with a smile, and even Shen Yutang, who had a strong desire to monopolize An Ning, didn't refuse.

Shen Yutang seemed to be calm in his heart, but he didn't know what to do. He hoped that these shots could retain the beauty of peace.

(End of this chapter)

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