Chapter 1
The Duanxu Palace, the head of the Four Immortal Gates, is located on the peaks of Chong'a Mountain in Yunzhou. Various anecdotes and legends have been circulating for thousands of years.

Ordinary people in the villages and towns at the foot of the mountain look at the mountains from a distance, and they seem to see a vast and pure green, which is really beautiful like a fairyland.

But the green hills are stacked, the mist and clouds are falling, and it is difficult for ordinary people to enter the wonderland in their whole life.

Even if you stray into the deep mountains, you will only find that there are clouds and mist, greenery and smoke, and then you will lose your way and be sent down the mountain by the fairy gate guarding formation.

But at this time, on the winding path from Chong'a Mountain to Duanjie Peak, the highest peak in the mountains, three young Duanxu Palace disciples were chattering, as if there was some dispute.

"Junior Sister Ran! A few days ago, I begged you for a long time because of palace regulations, so it's fine if you don't want to take me here with you. But Luo Fu came back from Xishu on purpose just to take a look at Duanjie Peak , you can do us a favor!"

A girl dressed in cloud-white Duanxu palace disciple's womb clothes hurriedly pulled another girl who was also wearing cloud-white clothes, and said anxiously.

The girl who was pulled back had a beautiful face, but at this moment her face was frosty, serious and unsmiling.

She glanced at the sleeves tightly held by the girl, then glanced at the food box that was shaking slightly due to the girl's pull, and frowned slightly calmly.

At this time, another young man who looked very similar to that girl took the hand of the girl before him and said, "Yu Nong, don't mess around, if you spill the food box, don't you have to bother Junior Sister Ran?" Run again?"

The girl named "Yu Nong" was startled when she heard this.

Subconsciously, she hurriedly pushed away the sleeve of the cold-faced girl named "Ran Zhi" she was holding on to before, but unexpectedly, it caused the food box to sway again.

With a cold face, Ran Zhi supported the food box, and said casually, "That won't be troublesome."


Yu Nong was stunned for a moment.

Ran Zhi said indifferently: "Senior Sister Yu Nong, Senior Brother Luo Fu, I think you should know that the Seal of Sealing the Mountain of Duan Jie Peak is controlled by my master, Elder Chang Mo.

But this time the matter is serious, Master has sealed the entire Duan Jie Peak seven days ago, and it will only open for an hour at noon every day, and let me enter the Duan Jie Peak with the token of the Zhangjie Hall. One person enters the peak.

If you delay any longer, after today's time is over, even I will not be able to enter the Duan Jie Peak. I don't care and save some troubles, but the people on the Duan Jie Peak will probably have to be deprived of water, food and medicine for a day and a night up. "

Yu Nong Liu eyebrows stood upside down, she was so angry, a blush instantly rose on one cheek, and she scolded angrily, "How dare you!"

"As a little disciple of the Zhangjie Hall, I naturally dare not offend the Palace Master's disciples, but—"

Ran Zhi smiled with disdain: "But under the guidance of Duan Xu's palace rules, I have nothing to dare!

Even if the first disciple of the palace lord violated the precept, wouldn't he still be locked up at the peak of Duanjie Peak to receive the precept? "

She stroked the creased sleeves of her skirt, lowered her head and whispered contemptuously:
"The head disciple of the dignified Duanxu Palace's lord actually colluded with monsters—it really embarrasses our Duanxu Palace."

"What nonsense are you talking about?!"

Yu Nong's almond-shaped eyes widened, she was completely enraged, and immediately formed seals with her hands, a celestial light flashed, and she was about to hit that female disciple named "Ran Zhi".


Her senior brother and fellow brother Luo Fu made a sudden move, and his seal blocked her.

"Brother! Why are you stopping me? Didn't you hear how she talked about Senior Sister Zhang Gong? The matter has not yet been settled, and she dared to slander Senior Sister with the accusation of 'colluding with monsters'!"


Ran Zhi did not give in, but let out a cold snort, and said in a manly voice:
"Then tell me, if she didn't collude with monsters, how could mortals survive under the flames of the earth's center?"

Yu Nong was at a loss for words for a moment, she stammered, "Then that is naturally because Senior Sister Zhuo is the leader of my generation of disciples in Duanxu Palace!
Since she was a child, she was gifted with outstanding talents, and was highly praised by the headmasters of all the immortal sects!Why can't they survive? "

"Hey, thanks to the fact that you are still the direct disciple of the Palace Master, I don't need to say what the Earth's Core Flame is?
Even if the palace lord and the old man came in person, he might not be able to escape unscathed at that time, just relying on a young disciple of Zhuo Qingtan? "

Yu Nong was about to say something, but Ran Zhi continued speaking very quickly:

"Don't talk about 'Senior Sister Zhanggong', is she still worthy to be the Palace Master of our Duanxu Palace?

Duanxu Palace is the head of the four great immortal sects, because she was revealed to be colluding with monsters a few days ago, our Duanxu Palace has been ridiculed and criticized by all the immortal sects!

If it weren't for the fact that the Palace Master has always been partial to her, even though he refused to kill her relatives and insisted on saving her life, she, Zhuo Qingtan, would have died forever!

Now, on Duan Jie Peak, she is being tortured by this bone-suppressing nail every day, which is considered cheap for her! "

The anger on the faces of the two disciples of the Palace Master rushed straight to the top of their heads.

"What are you farting!"

Yu Nong couldn't help but swear, and shouted.

Although Luo Fu suppressed his anger all the time and did not open his mouth, he couldn't help it now.

"Senior Sister Zhanggong was obviously saving people at the time! She was injured like this by Dixin Yanhuo in order to kill her colleagues from several great immortal sects. She didn't expect to be wronged after doing a good deed. Was she colluding with a monster? I really don't know So-called!"

While trying to suppress the anger of his compatriot sister Yu Nong, he explained with restraint:

"Junior Sister Ran, why the Yao Yuan suddenly exploded in the place where Senior Sister Zhang Gong was at that time, the truth is still unknown.

We are disciples of the immortal sect. You don't know that there are all kinds of wonders in this vast world and hundreds of sects of immortals.

Even if there is that strange omen, it may not be that the senior sister colluded with a monster to cause it.

Besides, my celestial sect has always done its best to eliminate demons, and Senior Sister Ruo Zhanggong really colluded with evil demons to harm her fellow sects. How could the several masters of the four major sects who were present at that time not kill her to rectify Tiangang?Instead, agree to Master temporarily imprisoning her?

And Yu Nong, private fighting is forbidden in Duanxu Palace, not to mention attacking fellow disciples of Zhangjie Hall at the bottom of Duanjie Peak, are you crazy?Even if you are not afraid, Senior Sister Qingtan still needs the care of Senior Sister Ran. "


Seeing that she used to be aloof, but now she wants to humbly beg her palace lord's inner disciple, Ran Zhi felt relieved in his heart.

She said coldly: "Wronged her? Forget it! Who is she, Zhuo Qingtan? Ever since she entered the palace of Duanxu Palace, the palace lord has no other disciples in his eyes.

I heard that on the day she entered Duanxu Palace, she made an exception and was given a double-character name by the palace lord, and was even taught by the palace lord as if the next palace lord, the highest heart law of Duanxu Palace, the "No Love in the Sea" formula!

With such trust, if she is really innocent and wronged, is the palace lord willing to seal this first disciple in the most bitter and cold place in Duanxu Palace, on Duanjie Peak, to suffer the punishment of bone-suppressing nails?

I heard that the palace master and his old man are now even more angry because of her, so that the old injury relapsed and went to retreat.

So you Qingyue Peak disciples are now unattended, so you come out and do nothing to trouble us Zhangjietang disciples? "

Under the door of the lord of Duanxu Palace, all generations have given names with "gold, wood, water, fire and earth" as the radicals, and the reincarnation has changed from generation to generation.

But only the next palace lord who is valued by the palace lord will be given a name. Both characters are named after "gold, wood, water, fire and earth".

Just like the Mistress of Duanxu Palace, Chu Qiao, was the only one among the inner disciples of the previous generation of Duanxu Palace who had a double name next to the word "wood", and was also the next Mistress personally selected by the previous Mistress.

And this generation of disciples of Duanxu Palace's palace master had their turn next to the word "Shui", such as Luo Fu and Yu Nong, they were all disciples of the Palace Master with the word "Shui" in their names.

Only Zhuo Qingtan's name is named after the word Shuangshui.

Yu Nong was extremely angry: "Brother! What are you begging her for? Look at her, does she seem to take care of senior sister?"

She pushed her brother away, and scolded: "Lin Ranzhi! Don't think I don't know your little thoughts! You little white-eyed wolf has mediocre aptitude, and you are narrow-minded and can't listen to others telling the truth, right?
Isn't it because Senior Sister Qingtan assigned you to the Zhangjie Hall when she said that your aptitude is not suitable for practicing Canghaiwuqingjue when she was taking the examination of foreign disciples' exercises on behalf of Master and his elders?
I heard that Uncle Chang Mo of Zhangjietang also treated you very well, do you still hold grudges to this day?
Presumably you took the initiative to ask Uncle Changmo for this errand to deliver food and medicine to Senior Sister Qingtan, and you deliberately took the opportunity to take revenge, right? "

Ran Zhi sneered: "So what if I deliberately asked for this job? I was also unlucky back then, when I entered the palace, I happened to catch up with the palace lord for retreat.

Isn't Senior Sister Zhuo just looking at my talent and fearing that I'm better than her and take away her edge?You actually assigned me to this palm precept hall, and cut off my way of cultivating the superior mental method, the sea of ​​no love formula!

If I had entered Qingyue Peak that day, I would definitely win glory for the Palace Master and Duanxu Palace, and I wouldn't cause Duanxu Palace to be criticized like her! "

Yu Nong was so angry that he laughed instead: "Senior Sister Qingtan is afraid that you will overtake her and take her edge? Are you afraid that you haven't woken up yet?

You don't have that talent in the first place, even if you sharpen your head, my master and other old people will not accept you as a disciple!

The senior sister must be afraid that you will go astray, so she asked you to come to the Zhangjie Hall to cultivate your mind first.

My Duanxu Palace has seven peaks and seven halls of disciples, and there are so many disciples, do we need everyone to worship under the master's sect?
Can other elders teach you?Do you really think you are a genius in the world? "

Luo Fu also explained seriously: "Junior Sister Ran, you must have misunderstood this. Although Canghai Wuqingjue is the highest mental method of Duanxu Palace, it can only be practiced by a calm, cool and noble person. Even if it is not the master If my disciples have this luck talent, the master will teach them all. My second senior brother Yanchi is an example.

And like Yu Nong and I, even though we entered the master's school since we were young, we have not been taught the formula of no love in the sea.

As for Senior Sister Qingtan, when she was 16 years old, she had already practiced Canghai Wuqing to the eighth level, which shows her high talent, pure heart and kindness, even the old master often told us that he practiced in Canghai Wuqing Talent is unmatched by Senior Sister Qingtan.

What's more, Senior Sister Qingtan is born with a quiet temperament, a cool temperament, and a noble character, so how could she target other disciples out of jealousy?

How many juniors and juniors in the palace were raised by the seniors? "

Lin Ranzhi paused for a moment, frowned for a moment, and then glanced at their brothers and sisters with a smile that was not a smile, and said lightly:
"This is the end of the matter, of course you can say whatever you want, if I entered Qingyue Peak back then, who would dare to say that I would never have had the opportunity to practice Cang Hai Wu Qing Jue?

And our high-ranking senior sister in charge of the palace, no matter how talented she is, so what?

Unexpectedly, his identity became a mystery, and he colluded with monsters. You don't want to be at the mercy of me, a low-level disciple in the Zhangjie Hall, don't you? "

"Lin Ranzhi! How dare you?!"

Yu Nong bristled with anger.

Even Luo Fu, who was always good-tempered and explained in a good voice for a long time, could not hold back his anger at this time.

"Junior Sister Ran! Please be careful! Who do you want to manipulate? Senior Sister has not been expelled from Duanxu Palace by Master, but has only been punished and precepted at Duanjie Peak. Duanxu Palace has its own punishment law for Duanxu Palace. That’s all, if you dare to abuse any other lynching—”

"Senior Brother Luo Fu is too worried."

Ran Zhi raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "As a disciple of the Precept Hall, I am naturally familiar with the precepts, and I will definitely not and dare not abuse the disciples in the palace by lynching, let alone the person receiving the precepts is the palace lord's 'love disciple'.

Hehe, even my master didn't dare to be sloppy, and even left a mark on her lifeblood to prevent her life from being seriously endangered by any accident. "

Brothers and sisters Luo Fu and Yu Nong let out a sigh of relief just now, when Lin Ranzhi continued leisurely, "It's not that bad."

"But what?" Yu Nong asked anxiously.

Ran Zhi smiled and continued: "However, you also know that before she was sent to Duanjie Peak, her spiritual veins were seriously injured by the flames of the earth's center at the bottom of Wuwang.

It is said that she inadvertently revealed that there was a monster around her to save her life in the burning flames of the center of the earth?

Later, in order to suppress the collision with the remaining Yaoyuan in her body, the palace lord had to seal her nine veins, and barely saved her life.

Therefore, before she was sent to Duanjie Peak, all the nine spirit veins had been sealed, just like ordinary people. "

Luo Fu's heart skipped a beat, his face turned pale in an instant: "Isn't that so?"

Yu Nong's eyes were also full of panic, and he couldn't care less about Ran Zhi's sarcasm: "What did you say?"

"I said—the burns she suffered from the Earth's Flame Flame before, her spirit veins were sealed to save her life, and her luck could not recover on her own, so she had to endure the burning pain of the Earth's Core Flame burning her spirit veins all the time.

And when she was sent to the Duanjie Peak to be tortured by the bone-suppressing nail, her body like a mortal could not resist it with spiritual power, so she could only bear the bone-suppressing nail forcefully. "

Looking at the shock and pain on the faces of the two always proud sons of heaven in front of him, Ran Zhi was overwhelmed with joy.

She smiled slightly, and added: "By the way, the cave on the Duanjie Peak is extremely bitter and cold, and it is really unbearable for a mortal.

When I went to deliver food yesterday, I found that the food and water delivered the day before yesterday were left intact on the ground and no one had touched them, and the wound medicine had become sick and had never been used.

Going forward to check, it turned out that Senior Sister Zhuo was seriously injured after being sealed with a spiritual vein, so she couldn't stand the cold and developed a fever.

Originally, I was afraid that if she couldn't bear it to death, it would affect the mark my master left on her lifeline, so I brought a bowl of wind-cold decoction today, but—"

She opened the lid of the food box on her arm: "It seems that I was knocked over by senior sister Yu Nong just now, tsk, the noon is fleeting, it is my kindness as a junior sister who wants to cook another bowl of medicine When I come back, I’m afraid it’s too late, so it’s my fault.”

There was a porcelain bowl lying alone in the food box, but only half of the bowl was left with the dark brown soup in it.

She smiled softly: "So, do I still need to abuse lynching?"

(End of this chapter)

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