Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 107 Offense

However, Zhuo Qingtan actually guessed wrong.

At this time, Xie Yuci, who had hidden his divine power and figure, was not in the mood to see a joke.

Not only was there no trace of a smile on his stern face, but instead he stared at her with deep eyes and brows.

Zhuo Qingtan raised his head, watched the two Wuwanghai disciples quietly, and suddenly said softly:

"Two immortal friends of Wuwanghai, I will discuss the Tao with my heart, not talking about status, but just talking about reason. I don't understand, since they have never done evil, and have never harmed the common people. Tonight is the mortal world's moon worship. The festive season is a joyous day for the whole family, why can't you be forgiving and forgiving."

Zhao Qi was silent for a moment, but after a while, he still said slowly: "Zhuo Zhang Palace, get rid of evil and do everything."

Zhuo Qingtan's clean and dusty face was solemn at this time, and she said seriously:

"It is true that we should do our best to eliminate evil, but since they are not evil spirits, how does Xianyou Zhao plan to get rid of them? We are disciples of the immortal sect, who have practiced for many years and traveled around the world. Are we really just helping mortals? No, we are also here save yourself.

Cultivation is to cultivate one's own heart and help the right way in the heart.It is not a decent act to take life so carelessly. "

The scene fell silent.

All the disciples of the Immortal Sect who were present had looked up to Zhuo Qingtan's character and demeanor.

At this time, everyone was intimidated by her aura, and they were speechless—even Zhao Qi was stunned, unable to speak for a while.

However, although Zhao Qi didn't speak again, the Wu Wanghai disciple named Lian Weiming blurted out:
"Zhuo Zhang Gong, you have given us such righteous teachings, but I don't know if the 'Tao' in your heart is for the safety of the people in the city? Or for the safety of those two monsters?"

Hearing what Lian Weiming said, everyone in the venue had different expressions on their faces.

Zhuo Qingtan sighed lightly when he heard the words.

She was suddenly a little tired, and she didn't even want to explain or argue with him anymore, so she just shook her head slightly and smiled.

But An Luofu was unwilling to let Zhuo Qingtan suffer such injustice.

He sneered, and said in a deep voice: "It's really ridiculous! Lian Xianyou, do you really think those two big demons are good friends? If it weren't for my disciple of Jiusheng Mountain who just happened to be wearing the magic weapon 'Monster Distinguishing Talisman' in the mountain , even with An Mou's morality, it is still impossible to see that they are demons.

——Then, what about you if it were you, Lian Xianyou?Can fairy friends recognize their real bodies? "

Lian Weiming was speechless for a moment.

An Luofu looked at his expression, nodded slowly, and then continued: "It seems that even the immortal friends are invincible. In this case, it can be seen that the depth of these two demons' demon skills is far higher than mine. It is by no means that we can match.

They don't want to hurt others at this time, but if you keep pressing each other hard and really annoy them, I think everyone here will know at a glance who will win!
My senior sister had good intentions at first, but fortunately those two big monsters were willing to give her a little face, and didn't bother with you about the formation of siege by you before, why even the immortal friends asked her! "

At this moment, Ling Rong, who was also hiding in the dark, couldn't help giving a soft "tsk" when she heard the words.She dishonestly pulled Wan Qing beside her, and whispered in surprise:
"Grandma! Zhuo Qingtan's junior is very good! I didn't expect that besides Zhuo Qingtan, there is such a person who is not blind in heart and eyes in today's mortal sect."

After she finished speaking, she let out an "ah", and quickly added another sentence:
"—No, I'm not being rigorous enough. Although Zhuo Qingtan is not blind, she is blind!"

Wan Qing gave her a white look, and motioned her to keep her voice down, so as not to be discovered by those immortal disciples.

It turned out that when they concealed their figures and auras and pretended to leave, they actually turned their heads and used a more clever trick to conceal their eyes, and turned back again.

Since Zhuo Qingtan is here, Xie Yuci must also be nearby.

Since Xie Yuci is still here, how could Wan Qing and Ling Rong leave after causing such a big mess?They must have watched Xie Yuci and the two of them escape safely.

Therefore, Wan Qing and Ling Rong hit it off immediately, and immediately turned around to Temple Fair South Street, hiding in the dark to observe the situation secretly.

——If the situation is not right, they don't care about the many inconveniences, and rush down to save people immediately.

If it really comes to that critical moment, they don't care whether they will hurt others or implicate innocent people.

It's just that Ling Rong didn't expect that Zhuo Qingtan, who was ill and had no temper at all when facing her difficulties and ridicules in Poyue Xiaozhu, would not only have an aura when facing so many disciples of the immortal sect shouting for beating and killing. Never weak in the second half, and even firmly suppressed the audience!

——After such a long time, none of the immortal disciples dared to take a step to chase them.

Wan Qing sighed lightly, but she didn't find it strange.

She already knew Zhuo Qingtan's past life identity, so she would not be surprised at all.

The reincarnation of the dignified ancient gods, even if they are in harmony with the light and the wind and the moon, it is impossible for them to be so temperless that they are suppressed and bullied by these few mortals.

Wan Qing thought and thought, even though she knew it was not appropriate to say this at this time, she still couldn't help frowning and said:
"Ling Rong, I can see that you don't really hate Immortal Zhuo in your heart. If that's the case, why do you always have to be so rude to her?

You know, although Immortal Zhuo may not sue you, we can't hide anything from the Lord.If he knows that you are targeting his guests like this, he will definitely be very displeased. "

Lingrong hummed softly, and said impatiently: "Okay, okay, okay! I know that you, one or two, are all facing her. Ever since she came, Grandma, you and Xie Yuci's hearts have been creaking. Go to the nest!"

Wan Qing was taken aback.

Does she have it?

How can it be?

She hated her more or less in her heart.

So, Wan Qing shook her head and frowned, saying: "Don't talk nonsense, I think I'm an immortal. He's just an insignificant person, at best he's just the Lord's guest. If it wasn't for the Lord's explanation, I wouldn't—" —”

"—Forget it, grandma!"

Ling Rong shrugged her shoulders, and said without giving her any face, "Xie Yuci did ask you to take care of her, but it wasn't so clear about every detail.

Don't talk about anything else, just talk about which dish in which meal, but if the surname Zhuo used one or two extra chopsticks, you will know it immediately!I will definitely go back to prepare the same dishes in the next day or two, don't pretend I don't know!That surnamed Zhuo is blind, but I, Ling Rong, am not blind. "

Wan Qing paused, subconsciously wanting to explain.

Ling Rong had already waved her hand, blocking her from speaking.

"Okay, grandma! Don't explain! I'm not such a stingy person. For the sake of her righteousness today, I will treat her better in the future—at worst, I won't quarrel with her!"

Wan Qing remained silent for a moment.

After a few inhalations, he suddenly turned his head away in silence, and once again turned his attention to the many immortal disciples standing on the roof.

In fact, many immortal disciples in the field knew that they were not opponents when they fought against Wan Qing and Ling Rong. Now that they heard An Luofu's explanation, they knew that they had actually let those two great demons go away. , is also a kind of protection for them.

Only Wu Wang Hai's disciple named Lian Weiming still looked very disdainful.

He suddenly laughed a few times mockingly, and said mockingly: "Oh? So, Zhuo Zhanggong has good intentions?"

His eyes flashed, and there was a hint of playfulness on his face.

"Just looking at it this way, I'm even more puzzled."

An Luofu frowned, dissatisfied with his eccentric tone and demeanor.

Zhuo Qingtan raised his hand slightly, signaling that it's okay.

There was neither sadness nor joy on her face, she turned her face and watched quietly that Lian Weiming didn't speak, just waiting silently to see what he had to say.

Zhao Qi frowned slightly, and he scolded in a low voice: "Okay Weiming, don't talk about it, count the time, Elder Peng should be here soon, so don't make any more troubles."

Unexpectedly, it was fine if he didn't say this, but once he said this, he reminded Lian Weiming.

Lian Weiming remembered that the elders in his immortal sect would arrive later, so he had no scruples at the moment.He looked up and down the woman who was standing silently a few steps away with a very presumptuous gaze, and said with a half-smile:
"Zhuozhang Palace, I heard that the senior brothers of Pingjinge have searched for you missing in Wanzhou for half a month but failed. At this time, we are exterminating demons in Yanzhou Mansion thousands of miles away, but you suddenly appeared, and then you made a mess to stop it. us.

What's even more coincidental is that those two big monsters whose identities are unknown but with high demon powers are also willing to listen to your words and leave.

——Could it be that Zhuo Zhang Palace is really as rumored, and has long been associated with evil spirits? "

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